Trump tells Prince Harry, Meghan Markle 'they must pay' for Security amid reported move to US

Harry is being led around by the nose by an extremely self absorbed social climber.

She must have have some awesome stuff.

The president said what he did in order for the American people to fully understood that the taxpayers would not be paying for their security.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

Meghan Markle, 38, and Prince Harry, 35, have left Canada and moved to Los Angeles, where they are thought to be planning a permanent home after stepping back from their royal duties. The couple are said to have taken a private flight to LA but did not say when. But, talkRADIO host Mike Graham noted the Duchess of Sussex previously said she will never live in the US while Donald Trump is President.

Speaking on talkRADIO, Mr Graham said: "She also said at one point she would never live in America as long as Donald Trump was President which is fantastic news for him because he's been able to get his revenge by putting that tweet out about not paying for it."

Royal expert Charles Ray added: "Again, she said I'm never going back to America to live there while he's President.


"Let's not forget when he came over here she used some very lame excuse not to turn up to his state banquet.

"Look, if you are a working member of the Royal Family, unfortunately, you've got to entertain some people you may not like.

"She decided no I'm stopping at home, I'm still looking after the baby, I'm still on maternity leave."

Mr Graham added: "That was ok until Wimbledon started and then she went out again."

Meghan, who has previously labelled President Trump divisive is said to not want to move back to the US while he's still in power, according to the Daily Mail.

Ahead of the 2016 election, she also told Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore she was considering remaining in Toronto, where she filmed the USA Network’s “Suits,” if Trump won.

It comes as President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the United States would not pay for security protection for Britain's Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, who, according to media reports, have settled in Los Angeles.

Last month, Canada said it would no longer provide security once the couple were no longer working members of the British Royal Family.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'
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Harry is being led around by the nose by an extremely self absorbed social climber.

She must have have some awesome stuff.

The president said what he did in order for the American people to fully understood that the taxpayers would not be paying for their security.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

Meghan Markle, 38, and Prince Harry, 35, have left Canada and moved to Los Angeles, where they are thought to be planning a permanent home after stepping back from their royal duties. The couple are said to have taken a private flight to LA but did not say when. But, talkRADIO host Mike Graham noted the Duchess of Sussex previously said she will never live in the US while Donald Trump is President.

Speaking on talkRADIO, Mr Graham said: "She also said at one point she would never live in America as long as Donald Trump was President which is fantastic news for him because he's been able to get his revenge by putting that tweet out about not paying for it."

Royal expert Charles Ray added: "Again, she said I'm never going back to America to live there while he's President.


"Let's not forget when he came over here she used some very lame excuse not to turn up to his state banquet.

"Look, if you are a working member of the Royal Family, unfortunately, you've got to entertain some people you may not like.

"She decided no I'm stopping at home, I'm still looking after the baby, I'm still on maternity leave."

Mr Graham added: "That was ok until Wimbledon started and then she went out again."

Meghan, who has previously labelled President Trump divisive is said to not want to move back to the US while he's still in power, according to the Daily Mail.

Ahead of the 2016 election, she also told Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore she was considering remaining in Toronto, where she filmed the USA Network’s “Suits,” if Trump won.

It comes as President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the United States would not pay for security protection for Britain's Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, who, according to media reports, have settled in Los Angeles.

Last month, Canada said it would no longer provide security once the couple were no longer working members of the British Royal Family.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'
Trump never fires the first shot. He counter punches.
Harry is being led around by the nose by an extremely self absorbed social climber.

She must have have some awesome stuff.

The president said what he did in order for the American people to fully understood that the taxpayers would not be paying for their security.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

Meghan Markle, 38, and Prince Harry, 35, have left Canada and moved to Los Angeles, where they are thought to be planning a permanent home after stepping back from their royal duties. The couple are said to have taken a private flight to LA but did not say when. But, talkRADIO host Mike Graham noted the Duchess of Sussex previously said she will never live in the US while Donald Trump is President.

Speaking on talkRADIO, Mr Graham said: "She also said at one point she would never live in America as long as Donald Trump was President which is fantastic news for him because he's been able to get his revenge by putting that tweet out about not paying for it."

Royal expert Charles Ray added: "Again, she said I'm never going back to America to live there while he's President.


"Let's not forget when he came over here she used some very lame excuse not to turn up to his state banquet.

"Look, if you are a working member of the Royal Family, unfortunately, you've got to entertain some people you may not like.

"She decided no I'm stopping at home, I'm still looking after the baby, I'm still on maternity leave."

Mr Graham added: "That was ok until Wimbledon started and then she went out again."

Meghan, who has previously labelled President Trump divisive is said to not want to move back to the US while he's still in power, according to the Daily Mail.

Ahead of the 2016 election, she also told Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore she was considering remaining in Toronto, where she filmed the USA Network’s “Suits,” if Trump won.

It comes as President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the United States would not pay for security protection for Britain's Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, who, according to media reports, have settled in Los Angeles.

Last month, Canada said it would no longer provide security once the couple were no longer working members of the British Royal Family.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

How ****ing pathetic and childish.
Harry is being led around by the nose by an extremely self absorbed social climber.

She must have have some awesome stuff.

The president said what he did in order for the American people to fully understood that the taxpayers would not be paying for their security.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

Meghan Markle, 38, and Prince Harry, 35, have left Canada and moved to Los Angeles, where they are thought to be planning a permanent home after stepping back from their royal duties. The couple are said to have taken a private flight to LA but did not say when. But, talkRADIO host Mike Graham noted the Duchess of Sussex previously said she will never live in the US while Donald Trump is President.

Speaking on talkRADIO, Mr Graham said: "She also said at one point she would never live in America as long as Donald Trump was President which is fantastic news for him because he's been able to get his revenge by putting that tweet out about not paying for it."

Royal expert Charles Ray added: "Again, she said I'm never going back to America to live there while he's President.


"Let's not forget when he came over here she used some very lame excuse not to turn up to his state banquet.

"Look, if you are a working member of the Royal Family, unfortunately, you've got to entertain some people you may not like.

"She decided no I'm stopping at home, I'm still looking after the baby, I'm still on maternity leave."

Mr Graham added: "That was ok until Wimbledon started and then she went out again."

Meghan, who has previously labelled President Trump divisive is said to not want to move back to the US while he's still in power, according to the Daily Mail.

Ahead of the 2016 election, she also told Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore she was considering remaining in Toronto, where she filmed the USA Network’s “Suits,” if Trump won.

It comes as President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the United States would not pay for security protection for Britain's Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, who, according to media reports, have settled in Los Angeles.

Last month, Canada said it would no longer provide security once the couple were no longer working members of the British Royal Family.

Meghan Markle U-turn: Duchess refused to live in US with Trump –'He's got his revenge'

Trump plays games with the snarky mouthed, dimwit celebrities. 3D Chess while they can't figure out Checkers.
I certainly see providing security for foreign dignitaries here on official state business. Other than that, they are on their own. I agree with you on no tax funded security for our own ex-politicians, too. Same with extra security for those in line for presidential succession like Pelosi - representatives are a dime a dozen - there are a few hundred others who could take her position - that particularly includes having the AF chauffeur her (or anyone else in her position) around vs flying commercial.

We have an ex democratic mayor that was giving her security extra off the record fringe benefits. Talk about womens liberation as the first female mayor.
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We have an ex democratic mayor that was giving her security extra off the record fringe benefits. Talk about womens liberation as the first female mayor.

I’d like a link on that one please. Wondering if she might be a short drive? Asking for one of the palace eunuch posters on the Board, obviously
but the question is, “why do we care whether they are white or black”? Why are we so interested in trying to determine whether someone belongs in one race or another? Why are the labels so important? What purpose does it serve? I think the first thought people would have is that these are three attractive women rather than “I wonder if they are white or black”? Even the great MLK said he dreamed of the day when we won’t see black or white. Why are we not moving towards that dream? I guess I’m white and have roots from Germany but I sure don’t want to be called a white German-American. I prefer to just be called an American or simply a dude (sorry - I don’t have 50+ pronouns either).

Good question. Who even started this discussion on race in this thread?
if it makes you feel better, donald said it because he is a small petty man. His fragile feelings are still hurt because he was not invited to their wedding. So it was really not out of racism that he tweeted was because his mangina was hurt. His supporters, saw something else. It is amazing how many of his supporters have an inferiority complex.

I saw an international mouthpiece who rubs people the wrong way no matter where she goes. I didn't even know who she was until she married into the royal family. I saw a foreigner with a big mouth. If Obama was badmouthed by fire breathing foreigner I would think it was out of line. A foreigner trying to make a mockery out of the POTUS is unacceptable in my eyes. Worse is the foreigner having a base of US supporters that grin and love it.
if it makes you feel better, donald said it because he is a small petty man. His fragile feelings are still hurt because he was not invited to their wedding. So it was really not out of racism that he tweeted was because his mangina was hurt. His supporters, saw something else. It is amazing how many of his supporters have an inferiority complex.
You understand none of the world leaders, including those in the UK, were invited to the wedding?
Who did he attack first?

At what point in his life? Starting in say 1982 or ‘83 is when I first started following him. Numerous prople

Move forward to the 2016 election campaign. Little Marco. Lyin Ted You really can’t be serious
At what point in his life? Starting in say 1982 or ‘83 is when I first started following him. Numerous prople

Move forward to the 2016 election campaign. Little Marco. Lyin Ted You really can’t be serious
Sorry. Just finished mowing. Give me time and I will find what Cruz said to make Trump give him a nickname. Rubio brought on the "Little Marco" comment after trashing Trump in a debate about running Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka businesses into the ground.

Trump Calls Rubio 'Little Marco' As GOP Debate Goes Off The Rails

Trump called Cruz a liar because Cruz reported that Ben Carson was out of the race in Iowa , so Cruz could garner more votes. Trump said he respected Ben Carson at that time. He must have because he put him in his cabinet.
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Sorry. Just finished mowing. Give me time and I will find what Cruz said to make Trump give him a nickname. Rubio brought on the "Little Marco" comment after trashing Trump in a debate about running Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka businesses into the ground.

Trump Calls Rubio 'Little Marco' As GOP Debate Goes Off The Rails

Trump called Cruz a liar because Cruz reported that Ben Carson was out of the race in Iowa , so Cruz could garner more votes. Trump said he respected Ben Carson at that time. He must have because he put him in his cabinet.

Here, we have one old turd defending an even older turd for namecalling.
Somehow or another Harry (and Meghan) have managed to get their approval numbers lower than Prince Andrew:

Now he'll let you in on one of his therapy sessions if you'll just pay $33.99:

Prince Harry to unpack trauma with expert in livestreamed talk

Can he go any lower? A new all time low for the royal family

Can you just give it a rest? They just want to be left alone and get some privacy.

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