Trump Was Right

Liberals have good intentions but they can never see their mistakes, they believe adding money to it will fix the problem.

Let's say liberals have intentions, some of their intentions aren't evil, but most are poorly conceived - often because libs don't have a clue about how things work.
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Can you provide evidence to back up your assertions?
Well, pretty much every National Republican gets called Hitler on a daily basis. We are all apparently homophobic, racist, white supremitsts who want to take health care away from children and dump poison into the air and water. If we can still find time, we also try and make sure billionaires pay no taxes and club baby seals while making sure every American has the right to own machine guns. Oh, and don’t forget making sure no immigrants ever set foot on American soil. James Bond villains are Boy Scouts compared to Republicans
Sure he did. I was with him when he said it. We were having cigars and brandy while making limericks about Neville Chamberlain. Good times
Sure he did. I was with him when he said it. We were having cigars and brandy while making limericks about Neville Chamberlain. Good times
Did you at least agree that Lady Astor was indeed ugly
Well, pretty much every National Republican gets called Hitler on a daily basis. We are all apparently homophobic, racist, white supremitsts who want to take health care away from children and dump poison into the air and water. If we can still find time, we also try and make sure billionaires pay no taxes and club baby seals while making sure every American has the right to own machine guns. Oh, and don’t forget making sure no immigrants ever set foot on American soil. James Bond villains are Boy Scouts compared to Republicans

A little exaggerative and some nice storytelling, but i understand your frustration.
There is not one iota of exaggeration there. Do you ever watch MSNBC? Colbert? The View? Heaven help us but Republicans are vilified to an unbelievable degree.

Actually, I don't know that. I have neither cable nor broadcast tv and don't watch anything resembling those shows through streaming.

Do you not agree, though, that equal or worse is not dished out by their equivalents? What is shared here makes anyone who doesn't pass some arbitrary conservative purity test out to be vile, godless baby killers who want to throw everyone out of their homes to make room for illegal immigrant abortion doctors from all Qaeda.

It's sad, because there are wise and good people here who should know better than to engender an atmosphere that allows for such negative boundary pushing.
Actually, I don't know that. I have neither cable nor broadcast tv and don't watch anything resembling those shows through streaming.

Do you not agree, though, that equal or worse is not dished out by their equivalents? What is shared here makes anyone who doesn't pass some arbitrary conservative purity test out to be vile, godless baby killers who want to throw everyone out of their homes to make room for illegal immigrant abortion doctors from all Qaeda.

It's sad, because there are wise and good people here who should know better than to engender an atmosphere that allows for such negative boundary pushing.
The difference is that Republicans believe that Democrats want to do these things because they honestly think it is the right thing to do. But the Democrats, seeing everything as bigotry, hatred, or racism, are incapable of attributing pure motives to Republicans. You cannot say a racist bigot is operating on good intentions. You can say a Democrat who wants to provide illegal immigrants a path to citizenship has a good motive but may be misguided. Do you see the difference? The two are fundamentally different views.
The difference is that Republicans believe that Democrats want to do these things because they honestly think it is the right thing to do. But the Democrats, seeing everything as bigotry, hatred, or racism, are incapable of attributing pure motives to Republicans. You cannot say a racist bigot is operating on good intentions. You can say a Democrat who wants to provide illegal immigrants a path to citizenship has a good motive but may be misguided. Do you see the difference? The two are fundamentally different views.

The Democrats I know personally, though, are fit the most part nothing like that. And the ones who are get labeled as extreme.

But I get it; each person sees the evidence of their position as being the one under the most attack. And I'm just naive and believe there's enough common ground for everyone to move forward, taking the best ideas of all sides.

I hope the good Lord calls me home before I'm jaded enough to resent an entire group of people because they think slightly differently than I do.
From GK Chesterton
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected”.
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Again, it's not TDS when the thread is literally about Trump.

Perhaps my short bus comment was out of line. Comparing their passengers to you rubes gives the mentally challenged a bad wrap.

Like I said...Slooo.
Say TDS and it attacts the flies such as yourself

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