


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2020
Explain it to this site like everyone here is a complete clownshow (which it’s not). I have heard it won’t take away conditions you have had and not much more. It sounds like Obamacare is on its way out so I am interested in knowing.
Explain it to this site like everyone here is a complete clownshow (which it’s not). I have heard it won’t take away conditions you have had and not much more. It sounds like Obamacare is on its way out so I am interested in knowing.
Not a complete clownshow?

Interesting take.

Would you say everyone here is 98% clownshow, or is that too low?
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Don’t take it personally, wasn’t my intention. Let me rephrase, explain trumpcare to me as I have no idea if I should buy into it
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It was a joke.
Be that as it may, I have seen how people have a hair pin trigger around here. I should have caught that though. Ok....still waiting for someone to break down how Trumpcare will be an improvement to what we have. After all, healthcare usually top two alongside economy
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Be that as it may, I have seen how people have a hair pin trigger around here. I should have caught that though. Ok....still waiting for someone to break down how Trumpcare will be an improvement to what we have. After all, healthcare usually top two alongside economy
Obamacare absolutely sucked..... trump can’t come up with a better plan but he will pander to everyone claiming his plan is going to be the greatest..... trump did get rid of the individual mandate which was a godsend to the working poor in America....democrats are pushing Medicare for all which I’m pretty sure will suck as well.... most things with too much government involvement usually does.
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Did you take the bait and buy into OBOZOcare?
No, my employer provides it but it’s still too expensive to get anything in return. Can you tell me how Trumpcare can help people or are you just here to make jokes that would make Gallagher roll his eyes?
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No, my employer provides it but it’s still too expensive to get anything in return. Can you tell me how Trumpcare can help people or are you just here to make jokes that would make Gallagher roll his eyes?
Ever heard of "Google"?
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No, my employer provides it but it’s still too expensive to get anything in return. Can you tell me how Trumpcare can help people or are you just here to make jokes that would make Gallagher roll his eyes?

If I remember correctly premiums skyrocketed around the time Obama was elected.
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No, my employer provides it but it’s still too expensive to get anything in return. Can you tell me how Trumpcare can help people or are you just here to make jokes that would make Gallagher roll his eyes?
Yeah my work insurance tripled due to Obamacare
Don’t take it personally, wasn’t my intention. Let me rephrase, explain trumpcare to me as I have no idea if I should buy into it
If you like your doctor, you can keep him.

Oh, wait, that was the other guy’s plan.

Trumpcare is, if you like your magnificent doctor, you can get the best care because this is America and we do things bigly.
No, my employer provides it but it’s still too expensive to get anything in return. Can you tell me how Trumpcare can help people or are you just here to make jokes that would make Gallagher roll his eyes?

If you can’t afford OBOZOcare then I can almost guarantee that Trumpcare won’t help you. Looks like you’re just going to have to wait on Kamalacare.
But but Obama is all I am reading. Someone has yet to explain Trumps plan to provide his insurance. And premiums weren’t going down prior to Obamacare and they won’t go down if it’s taken away. So...still waiting guys
Haven't looked, haven't looked into......

Saying that, I assume it is more than needs to be written. Government needs to get out of the way with healthcare except in making sure the insurance companies and medical suppliers and medical services aren't gouging the consumer.

In the same breath, private enterprise needs to take the lead and demonstrate a workable and over all decent, static level operation of value and affordability and care.

Then, the actual consumers and citizens using these services and networks need to get their act together.... and that is a list that encompasses waaaaaay to much to even begin to digest mentally.
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