"Sens. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), the chair and vice chair respectively, have also sent a letter to Flynns attorney challenging whether he can legally claim Fifth Amendment protections to a request for documents."
"The U.S. Attorneys office in Northern Virginia reportedly issued its own subpoenas for records related to Flynns business earlier this month."
But he didn't tell us what other campaigns they've contacted. He's full of s**t.
Gowdy has indeed become the Trump apologist. I like that he has hitched his wagon to Trump. He'll go down with the ship.
More WAPO fake news?
I caught that too during Brennan's testimony. The Washington Post could be wrong for several reasons.
Now, since you posted something from Frank Luntz (who is professional)... please take note of how Luntz has completely and painstakingly debunked the Seth Rich conspiracy theory point by point on his Twitter page. Luntz is a Fox News contributor, for what it's worth.
The fox banner tonight is so misleading.
Brennan: contacts with Russia but unsure if "collusion."
That implies he was in a position to know. But what he actually said was he left before it was investigated and he saw enough to have the FBI investigate.
Standard Fox straw man.
The fox banner tonight is so misleading.
Brennan: contacts with Russia but unsure if "collusion."
That implies he was in a position to know. But what he actually said was he left before it was investigated and he saw enough to have the FBI investigate.
Standard Fox straw man.
He said repeatedly he didn't know of any collusion.
Comey said no evidence
Rogers said no evidence
Feinstein said no evidence
Waters said no evidence
A year of investigations and not one piece of evidence, I understand the motive by you far left unhinged loons but eventually you won't have a choice but to move on.
All of the above have also pointed out that the investigation has not yet concluded. The time to move on will come when Robert Mueller says his investigation has concluded and the Trump campaign did not collude with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 Presidential campaign.