The fact they have hired lawyers should not be used to infer they did anything wrong. I agree there.
The fact that they REPEATEDLY lie about contacts with Russian officials and agents, until confronted, and then lie a bunch more to try to downplay it, is why we should infer they colluded.
@The Trumpsters will stop at nothing now to try to salvage this disaster of a President. Man, when he us ousted, and it's coming soon, there's gonna be loons in the streets insisting it was all made up.
In reality, it was a simple and straightforward plan by the Russians. One day, you will come to accept it. But it will take some time for you to let this go.
Looks to me like the Blue State of Hawaii is more worried about North Korean nukes than the rest of us.
Oh dear, are they at the mercy of that crazy man in Washington?
So, if you had a choice of the following, which will it be.
A: It's proven Trump colluded with the Russians, he gets to remain in office and the Vols gets to win the National Championship the next four years straight and Saban retires in disgust.
B: It's proven Trump colluded with the Russians, he gets impeached and the Vols go 3-9 the next four years and Derek Dooley comes back to "save the Vols."
LG and Mercy, you aren't allowed to vote.