
"Mr. Stone's invocation of his Fifth Amendment privilege must be understood by all to be the assertion of a Constitutional right by an innocent citizen who denounces secrecy," Stone's attorney, Grant Smith, said in the statement.

He also called the Senate Judiciary Committee's requests a "fishing expedition" that is "far too overboard, far too overreaching, far too wide-ranging."

It was not immediately clear if the Senate committee would work to provide immunity for Stone, which could legally defeat his Fifth Amendment invocation by rendering his concerns of criminal exposure moot. The Fifth Amendment protects individuals from being compelled by the government to testify or produce testimonial documents that might incriminate them.

Trump associate Roger Stone to plead the Fifth in Senate Russia probe
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A lot here.

Is that what they call redacted?
Funny. You were ok with subpoeanas and people having to talk about servers, emails, and Benghazi. They did.

This guy, which is linked to both Russia and Trump, will not testify because is is GUILTY AF in the Russia collusion scheme with Trump.

The difference is there was a mountain of evidence then. Nobody had a fabricated charge thrown at them in order to prove Killary’s guilt and incompetence. After seeing guys getting raked over the coals to try and get dirt on Tump you are probably safer not saying anything because they will charge you with something for just opening your mouth.
He tweeted an incorrect URL the other day. Somebody bought the domain and wrote “Donald Trump is a traitor” on it. Now he’s blaming twitter which is even more hysterical.
Didn't he have something to do with cybersecurity earlier?

Dude is sure on top of things. How much is Trump paying him?
The communists trying to depose President Trump, and the people cheering them on, remind me of people that are hallusinating in a bad LSD trip.
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Flynn cooperating doesn't mean he was talking about DJT. Some of you seem to forget who he worked for before that as the head of a secret agency. He likely knows things.

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