Turkey Has A Decision To Make: F-35 or S-400?



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Yeah...that makes sense to me...because then Russia just sends soviet troops to go steal every bit of tech on the f35..as well as testing it against their missile systems and fine tuning them to shoot down our stealth fighters. We need to cancel that sheet like yesterday
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We need to not sell our 1st gen stuff to anyone except israel and england anyway. Last gen stuff at best, and detuned in the tech department as well...like the f16s to pakistan that we sold. Everyone on earth wants to steal our technology. We need to do a much better job protecting it
I've often wondered if our most sophisticated military equipment is delivered to foreign entities with a kill switch. Or some method of disabling certain functions.
We need to not sell our 1st gen stuff to anyone except israel and england anyway. Last gen stuff at best, and detuned in the tech department as well...like the f16s to pakistan that we sold. Everyone on earth wants to steal our technology. We need to do a much better job protecting it
The best stealth technology we have isn't even in the F-35, but rather the F-22. The stealth technology in the F-22 is so sensitive we won't sell it to even our closest allies.
I've often wondered if our most sophisticated military equipment is delivered to foreign entities with a kill switch. Or some method of disabling certain functions.
I've often wondered if our most sophisticated military equipment is delivered to foreign entities with a kill switch. Or some method of disabling certain functions.
Most cases they are gutted or given last gen stuff. Wife’s cousin works at Lockheed and said even the planes we sell Israel have outdated tech. But the Israelis install their own stuff.
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I read an article Mcd that said rumor was that even the upgrades (slight) we agreed to sell pakistan for their 16s were bugged and they believed the US could track them and even disable them if needed. Some of their modest 16 collection, only about 32? Aircraft, werent bought directly from us but from other allies. They have 3 different varieties also, some are 2 seaters. None of them have the new PnW engines or best weapons...though India claims to have part of an AMRAAM missile made by us that shot down their MiG.

For Matt.. i agree, the F22 is the best air superiority fighter in the world, natural successor to the F15...which was always my favorite growing up. I liked the F15Es with LANTIRN and jammers, they were the upgrade to the old F4G "wild weasels"...used to take out SAM sites. Before stealth existed. I would say that the top pilots in the USAF today all want to get their butts in a 22...what a beautiful bird.
Oh hell... this is rich.

Over the past year Saudi Arabia has routinely leveled the charged that Qatar is a state-sponsor of terror and thus should be prevented by global powers from purchasing advanced weapons, a charge that Qatar denies. In its corner Saudi Arabia also has other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states like the UAE that have long sought to isolate Doha.
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I've often wondered if our most sophisticated military equipment is delivered to foreign entities with a kill switch. Or some method of disabling certain functions.
It is delivered without all of the accouterments if you will. Aircraft have the most basic flight systems installed and almost always none of the advanced avionics that we use. I would surmise that armor is the same way.

S-400 to Guard Not Only Turkey, but NATO & EU – Erdogan Party’s Press-Secretary

Spokesman for Turkey's governing Justice and Development Party, led by the country's president Recep Tayyp Erdogan, Omer Celik has said that by buying Russian S-400 systems, Turkey ensures not only its own security, but also that of NATO and the EU. He noted that although they were primarily ordered to protect the country from strikes, coming from Syrian territory, the S-400 will also serve to protect European and NATO-states' borders.
That sucks for anyone not USAF in an F35..know this, though...you can bet this has been known for a very long time. The ones who make battle plans and coordinate 24/7/365 air superiority on this entire planet know what to do and when. In the modern era, we have never NOT controlled the skies against a military opponent. 9.11 was a sucker punch that was honestly very, very cunning. Nothing like that will ever happen again.
Lira Slides After Turkey Vows It Will Retaliate To US Sanctions Over S-400

The reason is simple: Turkey's now official stance that it would proceed with concluding the Russian S-400 missile deal despite vocal opposition from both the US president and Congress. And now, Turkey, too, is bracing for what now appears inevitable as it refuses to budge on its commitment to the Kremlin.

Overnight, Turkey said it would hold firm in its commitment to honor its purchase of Russian air defense systems, warning the US that it is prepared to take "reciprocal steps" in reply to any sanctions imposed by Washington, effectively admitting that sanctions by the White House are only a matter of time.
That sucks for anyone not USAF in an F35..know this, though...you can bet this has been known for a very long time. The ones who make battle plans and coordinate 24/7/365 air superiority on this entire planet know what to do and when. In the modern era, we have never NOT controlled the skies against a military opponent. 9.11 was a sucker punch that was honestly very, very cunning. Nothing like that will ever happen again.

"9.11 was a sucker punch that was honestly very, very cunning. Nothing like that will ever happen again."
Oh My, good try, but not even close!


What a worthless P**
Why The S-400 Is A More Formidable Threat To US Arms Industry Than You Think

"Air-defense systems capable of bringing down fifth-generation aircraft would have a devastating effect on the marketability and sales of US military hardware, while simultaneously boosting the desirability and sales of Russian military hardware. As I have often pointed out in other analyses, Hollywood’s role in marketing to enemies and allies alike the belief that US military hardware is unbeatable (with allies being obliged to buy said hardware) is central to Washington’s strategies for war and power projection.

As clashes between countries in such global hot spots as the Middle East increase and intensify, Hollywood’s propaganda will increasingly struggle to convince the rest of the world of the continued efficacy and superiority of US weapons systems in the face of their unfolding shortcomings."

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