The issue is fixed.
Let me know if anyone cannot see this tweet.
This is what I see when I quote a post with an embedded tweet. I don't see anything related to the tweet unless I quote the post.
I know you're very busy today, so don't sweat it. I just thought you would want the feedback.
EDIT: That's weird. When I quote the post, the
twitter/ id/ twitter
appears in the quote/reply dialog box. But when I submit the reply the
twitter/id/twitter isn't posted!!!!
Hmmm. There has to be something were myssing since it works for me on Firefox.
Do me a favor. Log out. Clear your browser cache and try agin. Just a thought.
Sorry to take so long.
Logged out.
Cleared cache in Firfox
Logged back in.
Still no bueno.
As I said earlier, I turned off my AdBlock and pop-up blocker in Firefox. Maybe worth noting, I still don't see any ads or pop-ups on VN except one for the "VolNation Store".
You've definitely got some blocking going on then. Doesn't explain the phone though. I'm waiting to see if any others are having issues so we might be able to get more information.
You've definitely got some blocking going on then. Doesn't explain the phone though. I'm waiting to see if any others are having issues so we might be able to get more information.
Does this show?
The issue is fixed.
Let me know if anyone cannot see this tweet.
Freak, I found the problem. In Firefox, in the Options/Privacy and Security tab, if you set the Tracking Protection option to anything but Never provide any tracking protection, then the Embedded Tweets are blocked/can't be seen.
Not sure why it is necessary to turn off one's Tracking Protection to view tweets in an online forum, but that seems to be the case. Any chance of changing that?
It must be something on the twitter end. Im just using their embed code.Freak, I found the problem. In Firefox, in the Options/Privacy and Security tab, if you set the Tracking Protection option to anything but Never provide any tracking protection, then the Embedded Tweets are blocked/can't be seen.
Not sure why it is necessary to turn off one's Tracking Protection to view tweets in an online forum, but that seems to be the case. Any chance of changing that?
I will definitely go back and add a clickable hyperlink.Still can't see them here. A lot of the old ones have disappeared, as well. Looks like a find/replace may have been executed on the text that was there.
Tried that, links appear, but tweets are not embedded for me. Not willing to disable that, though.
Seems easy enough to also post a clickable hyperlink, so folks having trouble can see something, click it, to have tweet open in an additional tab.
Can you see the hyperlink now?
Tell me again what device and browser you are using? Still trying to track down the issue that a few of you seem to be having. I know a couple of them seem to be specific to Firefox.