Having a BB gun on campus and shooting at a dorm is incredibly stupid and reckless. Could have shot someone's eye out, or been mistaken as a real campus shooter and gotten themselves killed.
There deserves to be a real punishment here for this level of stupidity. I would suggest substantial community service (100 hrs.) and a year's worth of unsupervised probation.
As far as football discipline goes, I think the coaches should be able to handle it internally and get the point across sufficiently without there being any type of suspension.
I have a more skeptical feeling about Harris and Callaway. My Gator friends all seem to think it's a sexual assault case that remains open. It looks like he may get the AJ Johnson treatment this year w the team.
"This is not behavior that we expect," coach Jim McElwain said in a statement. "As I often talk about, there will be consequences for their actions. We're following a new 1-for-1, 3-for-3 template. The starters will sit out at least one practice, after fall camp begins. The third string players will miss the first three games."