TX AG Impeached by State House



Displaced Hillbilly
Oct 3, 2014
It’s a Republican majority and it wasn’t even close. Vote was 121-23 or something like that. Probably will face a bit stiffer resistance in the Senate but this was a steam roller.

LIVE: Texas House votes to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. The GOP-held House needs a simple majority to send it to the Senate for a trial.

Ken Paxton impeachment hearings: Updates and how to watch live | wfaa.com
Wasn't the Texas a republican?
All the state executives are GOP. Gov, Lt Gov, and AG. And the House is a GOP majority as is the Senate. So the tea leaves don’t look good for Paxton. He’s a slimeball though so I’m not losing any sleep over it. It’s 2/3 Senate vote to convict however he will be suspended from office during the trial and if cleared reinstated
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What did he do?
Major grift and fraud to get the ball rolling. Then a mix of obstruction to slow the investigation. And recently settled a harassment claim against him from prior staffers that he used state money to settle.

I didn’t vote for him last election. I didn’t vote for the Dem either, just left that vote blank.
What did he do?
I don't know what they wound up moving forward with on the impeachment, but earlier in the week there were a number of allegations including: 1) already under federal indictment, 2) tried to steer an investigation away from a friend who was coincidentally paying for his home renovations, 3) fired whistleblowers and asked the legislature to pay a bunch of money for a settlement. Cherry on top but not impeachable, stole or randomly accidentally pocketed another guy's $1000 Mont Blanc pen from a tray at a security checkpoint (he did return it after being called out).
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Democrat Lawmaker Speaks Out Against Impeachment Of Texas AG Ken Paxton

"At least one Democrat, Rep. Harold Dutton, announced that he would be voting “present,” adding that he opposed the current motion due to lack of due process. “The process by which we’re getting this done, seems to be abbreviated to the point that it just encroaches on due process. And I believe everybody ought to respect the due process rights of everybody here, everybody in their district and every Texan, ought to be afforded their due process rights,” Dutton said on the House floor Saturday.

Dutton then pointed out that there was a time in U.S. history when African Americans were not afforded due process rights in Texas or the United States
It's really quite a list :

Here are the 20 articles of impeachment filed against Ken Paxton

... but because he did this ...

AG Paxton Sues Battleground States for Unconstitutional Changes to 2020 Election Laws

... we get this ...

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

^^^^ From the sub-heading of the article ^^^^

"Trump made clear that he will politically target any Texas House Republican who lets the impeachment move forward."

That appears to be what most of the Texas House Republicans did.
Major grift and fraud to get the ball rolling. Then a mix of obstruction to slow the investigation. And recently settled a harassment claim against him from prior staffers that he used state money to settle.

I didn’t vote for him last election. I didn’t vote for the Dem either, just left that vote blank.
Question :

How did he make it through the Republican Party Primary?

Answer :

With Donald Trump's endorsement.
Question :

How did he make it through the Republican Party Primary?

Answer :

With Donald Trump's endorsement.
LMAO. No. And I guess it was only a matter of time before your TDS crawled into here. He made it thru the primary because he is an incumbent Republican in Texas. All Texas politicians are crooks. Both parties. Paxton is lousy at covering it up that’s all.
Democrat Lawmaker Speaks Out Against Impeachment Of Texas AG Ken Paxton

"At least one Democrat, Rep. Harold Dutton, announced that he would be voting “present,” adding that he opposed the current motion due to lack of due process. “The process by which we’re getting this done, seems to be abbreviated to the point that it just encroaches on due process. And I believe everybody ought to respect the due process rights of everybody here, everybody in their district and every Texan, ought to be afforded their due process rights,” Dutton said on the House floor Saturday.

Dutton then pointed out that there was a time in U.S. history when African Americans were not afforded due process rights in Texas or the United States."
There are around 150 seats in the state house and Republicans hold around a two thirds majority. The vote was 123-21 to impeach. I have no idea who this guy is but damn sure isn’t an indicator of the situation here.
It’s a Republican majority and it wasn’t even close. Vote was 121-23 or something like that. Probably will face a bit stiffer resistance in the Senate but this was a steam roller.

LIVE: Texas House votes to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. The GOP-held House needs a simple majority to send it to the Senate for a trial.

Ken Paxton impeachment hearings: Updates and how to watch live | wfaa.com
Ken Paxton's wife, Angela, just happens to be a member of the Texas State Senate. Will she recuse herself from the Senate trial?

Why, hell no.
Sounds like a typical politician that got caught. Nothing anything different here. I don't expect the State Senate to take this to trial.
In a political climate where just about everything is party line, for this to happen in Texas, is unusual.

If the session ends and the Senate has not started a trial, Gov. Greg Abbott has 10 days to call a trial in the chamber. Abbott hasn't weighed in on the matter.
It's really quite a list :

Here are the 20 articles of impeachment filed against Ken Paxton

... but because he did this ...

AG Paxton Sues Battleground States for Unconstitutional Changes to 2020 Election Laws

... we get this ...

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

^^^^ From the sub-heading of the article ^^^^

"Trump made clear that he will politically target any Texas House Republican who lets the impeachment move forward."

That appears to be what most of the Texas House Republicans did.
Trump is really good at making friends.
There are around 150 seats in the state house and Republicans hold around a two thirds majority. The vote was 123-21 to impeach. I have no idea who this guy is but damn sure isn’t an indicator of the situation here.
The guy is a Democrat who was arguing there was no due process in the impeachment. Which party holds the majority does not matter if there was no due process.

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