'24 TX OT Bennett Warren (Tennessee)

Let’s see if great news…
Not sure yet about Crystal Ball picks for Bennett Warren and William Satterwhite. I was told today that it's a close race between Tennessee and Michigan — I've heard the Wolverines might have made another move and overtaken Texas A&M, at least for now — and he had a post in his Instagram story today that reflected that. We'll see what his timeline for a decision is, but I could still see that one going either way.
damn we really about to lose all 3 of these guys
Staff may need to figure out some new crootin tactics, ie if teams are negative recruiting against us? Too many good recruiters with elite facilities. It doesnt logically follow when you take what we offer in comparison to the nuts in Michigan and Clemson.

Tennessee iyam is about to round the bend back to National brand.

**** happens, bad luck does too. But when you have this many borderline 50/50 deals after killing the OV. It makes you wonder?

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