It's funny how some were saying he was a punk a while back but everyone wanted to only focus on Dooley. This kid is a participation trophy punk. Whether he comes back next yr or not he still will be a punk. That's on his parents not Dooley. Unfortunatly cdd only had him to ride and it was what got him fired. I can care less if he had record #s. he didn't win and that's what"he gets paid to do". Some on here have mentioned in the past about brays demeanor around school, and so many just overlooked it cause he threw a bunch of yards.
So many on here say that this staff can't coach but it's tough when they don't want to be. It was easy to tell which players last night wanted to win and which didn't. Unfortunatly the supposed leader just doesn't care. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it with some malice. We have to remember bray and cdd didn't have a recruiting relationship.
I'd be ashamed as a parent if I saw my child act the way he does with his taunting of the sideline and sitting on the sidelines laughing while losing. Pathetic parenting.