With all the expert recruiters on this site, I thought it would be fun to go back and take a look at what posters on this site were saying about Bray.
"I doubt this kid could lead us to championships..."
"Honestly, Unless this kid is going out for goal posts I don't think we need him...Eat a sandwich or something"
"Kid is just not that good. IMO."
"There is a reason there are no reports of us contacting this guy. You never know but he is not a Kiffin or Chaney type of QB."
"Let's not start driving this thread to 20k posts now. We're not getting this guy, nor does the staff want him. Leave the thread alone."
"Jake Heaps is the only player in this class who may be ready to play as a freshmen. This has always been the problem"
You're right, some naysayers did say that stuff, however, not all of us. I said he is, and probably will be, the next Peyton Manning. He's not today, but he has the skills and will develop much further. Since he beat every other QB at that Combine 11 (?) held in CA, that's where I first was impressed. He just needs to be developed further. It's early, time will tell, but his arm strength and accuracy is what I'm impressed with. He also (so far) doesn't seem to get rattled. We're getting the receivers and we just need a good line to block and keep the D off him. It's going to be fun in Big Orange Country again real soon.:good!: