Tyler Bray

With all the expert recruiters on this site, I thought it would be fun to go back and take a look at what posters on this site were saying about Bray.

"I doubt this kid could lead us to championships..."

"Honestly, Unless this kid is going out for goal posts I don't think we need him...Eat a sandwich or something"

"Kid is just not that good. IMO."

"There is a reason there are no reports of us contacting this guy. You never know but he is not a Kiffin or Chaney type of QB."

"Let's not start driving this thread to 20k posts now. We're not getting this guy, nor does the staff want him. Leave the thread alone."

"Jake Heaps is the only player in this class who may be ready to play as a freshmen. This has always been the problem"

You're right, some naysayers did say that stuff, however, not all of us. I said he is, and probably will be, the next Peyton Manning. He's not today, but he has the skills and will develop much further. Since he beat every other QB at that Combine 11 (?) held in CA, that's where I first was impressed. He just needs to be developed further. It's early, time will tell, but his arm strength and accuracy is what I'm impressed with. He also (so far) doesn't seem to get rattled. We're getting the receivers and we just need a good line to block and keep the D off him. It's going to be fun in Big Orange Country again real soon.:good!:
Lmao remember sabannochio writing a love letter jesse scroggins? Guy will be irrelevant at usc. Gay4bray
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He's got some skills you can't teach. A very heady qb. Something terell pryor, brantley, Garcia, and others with arguably more "on paper talent" don't have. The scary thing is bray has a stronger arm than what we all thought. Really excited.
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No Bray if Kiffin didn't find him. Get over the hate. If you were at let's say Nebraska and UT offered you in the same situation you would decline? Yeah right!
OP starts this thread as if Bray has led us to the promised land or something. TBH, Bray really did not do anything spectacular this year, and he has a LONG way to go and a lot of maturing to do before he will be a great QB. He certainly has a lot of the tools to be great, but people acting like he is already some type of savior for the program because he helped us get to 6-7 are getting way too excited.
OP starts this thread as if Bray has led us to the promised land or something. TBH, Bray really did not do anything spectacular this year, and he has a LONG way to go and a lot of maturing to do before he will be a great QB. He certainly has a lot of the tools to be great, but people acting like he is already some type of savior for the program because he helped us get to 6-7 are getting way too excited.
he is the savior. This isn't noodle arm erik ainge. Bray's got the goods. Future NFL QB, mark it down boys.
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good arm is great.... except when the shoulder its attached to points exactly where you are throwing way early every single play. hes got a long way to go.
Bray had a Tom Savage (who I thought was as good a recruit as Barkley) type of FR year and did it in fewer games. He played like an elite FR QB. At this point he is a good SEC QB...he's got some work to do, but also has a TON of time. If you can't look at the kid and say, "WOW...18 year old QB with tremendous upside and immense talent"...then well, I'd have to question your understanding of how college football works.
good arm is great.... except when the shoulder its attached to points exactly where you are throwing way early every single play. hes got a long way to go.
exactly where you are throwing way early every single play? Exaggerate more.
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i wouldn't be so quick to give kiffin all this credit for bringing bray in...he never even considered (no offer) bray until he had struck out with six others QB's...it's not like he recognized the kids potential and pursued him heavily.
good arm is great.... except when the shoulder its attached to points exactly where you are throwing way early every single play. hes got a long way to go.

So you want his arm to point in a different direction than where he throws? Unless Bray is related to Stretch ArmStrong that ain't gonna happen.:crazy:

Some of you people need to get over yourself...Kid did nothing except make big plays, break records and ignite a team and fanbase, all as a true freshmen in the SEC. He looked off safeties better than alot of veteran QBs and more times than not, put the ball where only our receivers could catch it. Does he have some things to improve on? Yes...but not nearly as much as you imply. Kid's got serious future-hall-of-famer talent...Ray Charles can even see it. If you can't, then you are being obtuse just for the sake of sounding like you know alot.
I think the play he started the season with is the one he ended it with.....A costly pick from a guy he didn't think would be there. I played very little QB so there are some things I am unsure about, but I know that he needs some work at reading a defense. When he becomes proficient and comfortable doing that he WILL be a great one!!

Ha. That's true. Not funny for Bray I'm sure tho.

Dooley has him throwing deep like no UT team I've seen ever (remember Ainge 07'?). They must feel he has tremendous deep ball skill, but is shaky in throwing into disguised covers.
i wouldn't be so quick to give kiffin all this credit for bringing bray in...he never even considered (no offer) bray until he had struck out with six others QB's...it's not like he recognized the kids potential and pursued him heavily.

Who else do you want to give it to, Fulmer or Dooley? Those are the only other two final decision makers that we've had.

Yes, he struck out with Heaps and a couple others, but besides a couple of mids NOBODY else offered. Title by default goes to ...
He beat Memphis, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt, and Kentucky so he must good. Conversation over, First Team All SEC next year.

Similar post could be said about Peyton...or any QB we've had coming in for their first starts. Just sayin.

Yeah...they weren't the strongest of teams, but you could definitely see the 18 year old's talents starting to come out. Experience will begin to kick in, and he looks pretty solid...just hope he doesn't have the Ainge bug for the next year or so.
So you want his arm to point in a different direction than where he throws? Unless Bray is related to Stretch ArmStrong that ain't gonna happen.:crazy:

Some of you people need to get over yourself...Kid did nothing except make big plays, break records and ignite a team and fanbase, all as a true freshmen in the SEC. He looked off safeties better than alot of veteran QBs and more times than not, put the ball where only our receivers could catch it. Does he have some things to improve on? Yes...but not nearly as much as you imply. Kid's got serious future-hall-of-famer talent...Ray Charles can even see it. If you can't, then you are being obtuse just for the sake of sounding like you know alot.

ok genius. upon receiving the snap, if you look and turn your shoulder exactly where you plan to throw, dont you think defenders will pick up on it? You can tell exactly where its going way before it leaves his hand on a large amount of plays.

I find it funny that good wins over Ole Miss, Memphis, UK, and Vandy are enough to prove that this kid a "future hall of fame talent." you need to take off the orange shaded glasses and stop drinkin the kool-aid. Bray has a LOT to work on before he will even come close to being considered "future hall of fame talent."

i wasnt aware that our expectations as a fan base have sunk this low. good numbers against Vandy and UK and hes a future hall of famer. give me a break man.

exactly where you are throwing way early every single play? Exaggerate more.
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sorry, my mistake. he didnt point his shoulder like that on run plays.
Bray had a Tom Savage (who I thought was as good a recruit as Barkley) type of FR year and did it in fewer games. He played like an elite FR QB. At this point he is a good SEC QB...he's got some work to do, but also has a TON of time. If you can't look at the kid and say, "WOW...18 year old QB with tremendous upside and immense talent"...then well, I'd have to question your understanding of how college football works.

most people arent saying "WOW... 18 year old QB with tremendous upside and immense talent." they are saying "Huge numbers against the crap of the SEC... hes an elite QB. Does the kid have a great arm? yes. Does he make some big plays? yes. Is he probably going to be a successful QB at UT as he grows mentally and physically? yes. Is he an elite SEC QB after his great games at the end of the season? HELL NO. People need to see those games for what the really were, and realize that right now Bray is a pretty good QB with lots of talent and a LOT left to prove.
He's got some skills you can't teach. A very heady qb. Something terell pryor, brantley, Garcia, and others with arguably more "on paper talent" don't have. The scary thing is bray has a stronger arm than what we all thought. Really excited.
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How talented is Garcia? And were people expecting Bray to have a weak arm?

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