I forced myself to listen for about 2 hours while working. He talks for 3 hours straight with Joe only speaking for maybe 10mins total. There is not 1 sound scientific fact or mathematically correct conclusion in the entire 3hr word salad. It is absolutely insane. He is clearly mentally ill. He claims to disprove gravity exists, disprove Heisenberg uncertainty principle, claims to design a flying device that makes all others obsolete (it clearly does not even generate lift), swears up and down that 1x1=2 and will not budge, claims he invented a better periodic table, claims the Sun spits out all the planets using magnetism and each planet has humans when in our "goldilocks zone", claims that all planets get larger as they move alway from the Sun, doesnt understand square or cube roots, says magnetism and magnification are the same thing, etc etc. All this after he begins by saying he remembers waking up and doing stuff while still in the womb. Oh...and that he witnessed his own circumcision. Even though humans are nearly blind when born because our eyes arent done developing.
I made myself listen because it was truly astounding. To be able to rant for 3 hours straight and use computers and props...and still not manage to communicate even 1 solid theory, or 1 complete hypothesis. Just an endless stream of sentence fragments like a fever dream, tied together only by interjecting totally unrelated words or phrases from mathematics, other branches of science, random subjective experience, or words he doesnt understand etc.
What is really, really disappointing is the comments. How many folks claim that he is a genius, and they "understand" (its obvious to anyone who paid attention in jr high math and science that HE doesn't understand himself) most of the comments are actually praising him. This country is so screwed. To be an adult or even a teenager and not know that he is 100% full of crap is astounding. My 15yo daughter could refute 95% of what he says from memory, and the other 5% in seconds with a google search. He is either an alien doing a horrible job pretending to be a human...or a mentally ill man that desperately needs help but the folks around him won't tell him because he is their mealticket. I will let you decide which is true lmao...