U.S. Has UFOs of 'Non-Human Origin', Ex-Intelligence Officer Claims

Does the .gov have Alien tech?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 31.4%
  • No

    Votes: 36 25.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • It's Trumps Fault

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • Yes, but also....Pie

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • No, but also... Pie

    Votes: 12 8.6%

  • Total voters
You bring up a good point that I've often wondered about. If you're traveling at incredibly high speeds, how do you avoid hitting a pebble or even a bit of dust?

It is a problem that most people never give a second thought to.

About the only exposure most people have to this problem is concept of space junk. They will occasionally hear about how blowing up satellites is a really bad idea due to the space junk in creates. If the space junk was to fall out of orbit, there is no harm/no foul due to incinerating upon reentry into the atmosphere. However, with the ISS and other satellites travelling at 17,500mph, that space debris becomes a big problem. Below is a famous photo demonstrating the destructive power of a 1/2 ounce object travelling at ~15,000mph on a solid aluminum block. Bare in mind that 15,000mph is ~45,000X slower than the speed of light.

as we understand it. I will continue to believe it is just something we don't understand yet. ftl through space time.

the energy requirements imo is more the practical material science nature of it. how much of our tech and inventions had insane power or manufacturing requirements, and it took years, decades to scale it appropriately for commercial consumption? computers went from the size of rooms and the memory in bytes, to handheld devices with memory in the terabytes. and that was in one human life time.

its still crazy to me how fast human tech has jumped. 66 years from our first flight to landing on the moon. we haven't even hit the next 66 years (not that that is a magical number), but look at what tech has done since then.

I will always be a believer in the science fiction of real life. like watching space X land a booster. getting to watch the impractical/impossible become an almost daily occurrence.

You are conflating physics with engineering.

To your point, the pace of technological progress has been breathtaking. A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Despite our technological advancements, the gulf between what is physically possible (via physics) and what is currently feasible from an engineering perspective is massive. In short, there is colossal room for improvement within engineering.

The only hope for FTL travel is the fact that spacetime is not fundamental. Spacetime is an emergent property of more fundamental physical realities. Unfortunately for engineering in spacetime, we must play by spacetime’s rules while operating within spacetime. Our satellites would quickly become completely useless if engineers ignored general and special relativity.
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I started watching this one other day and stop not long after he started talking about his first memories.

I forced myself to listen for about 2 hours while working. He talks for 3 hours straight with Joe only speaking for maybe 10mins total. There is not 1 sound scientific fact or mathematically correct conclusion in the entire 3hr word salad. It is absolutely insane. He is clearly mentally ill. He claims to disprove gravity exists, disprove Heisenberg uncertainty principle, claims to design a flying device that makes all others obsolete (it clearly does not even generate lift), swears up and down that 1x1=2 and will not budge, claims he invented a better periodic table, claims the Sun spits out all the planets using magnetism and each planet has humans when in our "goldilocks zone", claims that all planets get larger as they move alway from the Sun, doesnt understand square or cube roots, says magnetism and magnification are the same thing, etc etc. All this after he begins by saying he remembers waking up and doing stuff while still in the womb. Oh...and that he witnessed his own circumcision. Even though humans are nearly blind when born because our eyes arent done developing.

I made myself listen because it was truly astounding. To be able to rant for 3 hours straight and use computers and props...and still not manage to communicate even 1 solid theory, or 1 complete hypothesis. Just an endless stream of sentence fragments like a fever dream, tied together only by interjecting totally unrelated words or phrases from mathematics, other branches of science, random subjective experience, or words he doesnt understand etc.

What is really, really disappointing is the comments. How many folks claim that he is a genius, and they "understand" (its obvious to anyone who paid attention in jr high math and science that HE doesn't understand himself) most of the comments are actually praising him. This country is so screwed. To be an adult or even a teenager and not know that he is 100% full of crap is astounding. My 15yo daughter could refute 95% of what he says from memory, and the other 5% in seconds with a google search. He is either an alien doing a horrible job pretending to be a human...or a mentally ill man that desperately needs help but the folks around him won't tell him because he is their mealticket. I will let you decide which is true lmao...
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It is a problem that most people never give a second thought to.

About the only exposure most people have to this problem is concept of space junk. They will occasionally hear about how blowing up satellites is a really bad idea due to the space junk in creates. If the space junk was to fall out of orbit, there is no harm/no foul due to incinerating upon reentry into the atmosphere. However, with the ISS and other satellites travelling at 17,500mph, that space debris becomes a big problem. Below is a famous photo demonstrating the destructive power of a 1/2 ounce object travelling at ~15,000mph on a solid aluminum block. Bare in mind that 15,000mph is ~45,000X slower than the speed of light.

I'm just spit balling here, admittedly I only have a VERY crude grasp of the subject.

Would something traveling at great speed not affect the space or particles around it? Would there be no great energy created at the leading edge that may vaporize smaller particles?
I forced myself to listen for about 2 hours while working. He talks for 3 hours straight with Joe only speaking for maybe 10mins total. There is not 1 sound scientific fact or mathematically correct conclusion in the entire 3hr word salad. It is absolutely insane. He is clearly mentally ill. He claims to disprove gravity exists, disprove Heisenberg uncertainty principle, claims to design a flying device that makes all others obsolete (it clearly does not even generate lift), swears up and down that 1x1=2 and will not budge, claims he invented a better periodic table, claims the Sun spits out all the planets using magnetism and each planet has humans when in our "goldilocks zone", claims that all planets get larger as they move alway from the Sun, doesnt understand square or cube roots, says magnetism and magnification are the same thing, etc etc. All this after he begins by saying he remembers waking up and doing stuff while still in the womb. Oh...and that he witnessed his own circumcision. Even though humans are nearly blind when born because our eyes arent done developing.

I made myself listen because it was truly astounding. To be able to rant for 3 hours straight and use computers and props...and still not manage to communicate even 1 solid theory, or 1 complete hypothesis. Just an endless stream of sentence fragments like a fever dream, tied together only by interjecting totally unrelated words or phrases from mathematics, other branches of science, random subjective experience, or words he doesnt understand etc.

What is really, really disappointing is the comments. How many folks claim that he is a genius, and they "understand" (its obvious to anyone who paid attention in jr high math and science that HE doesn't understand himself) most of the comments are actually praising him. This country is so screwed. To be an adult or even a teenager and not know that he is 100% full of crap is astounding. My 15yo daughter could refute 95% of what he says from memory, and the other 5% in seconds with a google search. He is either an alien doing a horrible job pretending to be a human...or a mentally ill man that desperately needs help but the folks around him won't tell him because he is their mealticket. I will let you decide which is true lmao...

Joe has on a bunch of these quacks lately. And not just Mr. Howard (shout out to hustle and flow, great film), he's a layman despite his claims and is obviously nuts. Cant even get mad at that one because its so obvious how crazy he is. But Joe also has had a bunch of guys "adjacent" to the scientific community speaking from perceived authory and everything they are saying is complete nonsense (and I'm sure they know that they are being at least somewhat deceitful, unlike Mr. Howard). The Graham Hancock vs actual archaeologist (cant remember his name) debate was hard to listen to because Graham brought no evidence and whined about being oppressed by "big archeology" the whole time. I generally like Graham and find his episodes fun but recognize that he is more fantasy writer than field researcher. I may listen to 1/20 podcasts at this point because the quality of guests in my opinion have been extremely low, and it seemed like there has been an uptick in charlatans getting on.
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Joe has on a bunch of these quacks lately. And not just Mr. Howard (shout out to hustle and flow, great film), he's a layman despite his claims and is obviously nuts. Cant even get mad at that one because its so obvious how crazy he is. But Joe also has had a bunch of guys "adjacent" to the scientific community speaking from perceived authory and everything they are saying is complete nonsense (and I'm sure they know that they are being at least somewhat deceitful, unlike Mr. Howard). The Graham Hancock vs actual archaeologist (cant remember his name) debate was hard to listen to because Graham brought no evidence and whined about being oppressed by "big archeology" the whole time. I generally like Graham and find his episodes fun but recognize that he is more fantasy writer than field researcher. I may listen to 1/20 podcasts at this point because the quality of guests in my opinion have been extremely low, and it seemed like there has been an uptick in charlatans getting on.
my issue with Graham Hancock is that he clearly isn't a true believer, and is just selling snake oil. he has made MILLIONS selling his books, good for him.

but how much of that wealth has he turned around and invested into finding these lost civilizations? like actually hosting a dig. finding real evidence, using real science. he could turn his millions into billions if he did that. or at the very least prove his "theory".

he does a great job of latching onto real scientists or science and saying "this is part of theory", using their proofs as proof of his points. which isn't how science works.
my issue with Graham Hancock is that he clearly isn't a true believer, and is just selling snake oil. he has made MILLIONS selling his books, good for him.

but how much of that wealth has he turned around and invested into finding these lost civilizations? like actually hosting a dig. finding real evidence, using real science. he could turn his millions into billions if he did that. or at the very least prove his "theory".

he does a great job of latching onto real scientists or science and saying "this is part of theory", using their proofs as proof of his points. which isn't how science works.

Graham totally is in it for the hustle at this point. His victim complex and his refusal to honestly debate has soured him on me.

The thing is, Graham was right that people organized earlier than we thought. Had certain technologies before we thought. Even civilizations lost in the Amazon, all totally real. The problem is that he can't stop there, he has to insert his woo woo magical bs as an explanation for everything, and take it to the extreme.

News article: recent evidence suggests ancient culture in south america existed about a thousand years before we thought

Graham: it's actually 10,000 years and aliens gave the people space mushrooms and that's how they learned to sail to Africa and build the great pyramids
Graham totally is in it for the hustle at this point. His victim complex and his refusal to honestly debate has soured him on me.

The thing is, Graham was right that people organized earlier than we thought. Had certain technologies before we thought. Even civilizations lost in the Amazon, all totally real. The problem is that he can't stop there, he has to insert his woo woo magical bs as an explanation for everything, and take it to the extreme.

News article: recent evidence suggests ancient culture in south america existed about a thousand years before we thought

Graham: it's actually 10,000 years and aliens gave the people space mushrooms and that's how they learned to sail to Africa and build the great pyramids
I'd like to hear more about space mushrooms please.
I'd like to hear more about space mushrooms please.
ayahuasca. its apparently a hell of a ride.

Joe has had several people on talk about it. apparently it created modern man back before we understood anything. but now that we are modernized it just makes us high, or something. lets you talk to aliens/interdimensional beings and learn great truths.
ayahuasca. its apparently a hell of a ride.

Joe has had several people on talk about it. apparently it created modern man back before we understood anything. but now that we are modernized it just makes us high, or something. lets you talk to aliens/interdimensional beings and learn great truths.
Oh. Nancy Reagan said to just say no.
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Graham totally is in it for the hustle at this point. His victim complex and his refusal to honestly debate has soured him on me.

The thing is, Graham was right that people organized earlier than we thought. Had certain technologies before we thought. Even civilizations lost in the Amazon, all totally real. The problem is that he can't stop there, he has to insert his woo woo magical bs as an explanation for everything, and take it to the extreme.

News article: recent evidence suggests ancient culture in south america existed about a thousand years before we thought

Graham: it's actually 10,000 years and aliens gave the people space mushrooms and that's how they learned to sail to Africa and build the great pyramids
yeah the victimhood is the first thing that stood out to me.

the fundamental problem with his argument is of course timelines. The pyramid arguments make no sense. The oldest egyptian pyramids were built in like 2800 BC, the South American ones were built in like 1000 AD.

these lost civilization guys, from 12000 BC, hung out long enough to not only teach the Egyptians, but also the South Americans? But doesn't have any recorded interaction with anyone else over that 3800 year time period between?
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Joe has on a bunch of these quacks lately. And not just Mr. Howard (shout out to hustle and flow, great film), he's a layman despite his claims and is obviously nuts. Cant even get mad at that one because its so obvious how crazy he is. But Joe also has had a bunch of guys "adjacent" to the scientific community speaking from perceived authory and everything they are saying is complete nonsense (and I'm sure they know that they are being at least somewhat deceitful, unlike Mr. Howard). The Graham Hancock vs actual archaeologist (cant remember his name) debate was hard to listen to because Graham brought no evidence and whined about being oppressed by "big archeology" the whole time. I generally like Graham and find his episodes fun but recognize that he is more fantasy writer than field researcher. I may listen to 1/20 podcasts at this point because the quality of guests in my opinion have been extremely low, and it seemed like there has been an uptick in charlatans getting on.

my issue with Graham Hancock is that he clearly isn't a true believer, and is just selling snake oil. he has made MILLIONS selling his books, good for him.

but how much of that wealth has he turned around and invested into finding these lost civilizations? like actually hosting a dig. finding real evidence, using real science. he could turn his millions into billions if he did that. or at the very least prove his "theory".

he does a great job of latching onto real scientists or science and saying "this is part of theory", using their proofs as proof of his points. which isn't how science works.

I agree with both of you. About all of the above. I will say that he is probably right about the Sphinx though...the head is way too small and was likely carved down from whatever was there to begin with. Maybe just a much larger lion head?

That guy Graham debated Flint Dibble? Was a super Dbag though. While he was certainly able to back up his claims with better evidence and records etc...his demeanor and personality were so incredibly offputting that I doubt many people were swayed. People are clearly dumb as crap these days..and ignorant...you need to look no further than the hundred people calling Terrence a "genius" in the comments on the video that I linked. Who would have guessed that making the SAT easier, changing to a 10 point scale for A-F letter grades, "no child left behind", teaching only to EOG tests, and common core would have lead to widespread ignorance and the US falling further behind other Western countries every year academically? I am shocked. Bet keeping them out of school for most of 2 years with unnecessary Covid nonsense will really help our youth too. Its shameful for people in the US to be regressing in knowledge each generation. Especially when every kid over 12 and parent have most of the knowledge in recorded history in the palm of their hands every waking hour.
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I agree with both of you. About all of the above. I will say that he is probably right about the Sphinx though...the head is way too small and was likely carved down from whatever was there to begin with. Maybe just a much larger lion head?

That guy Graham debated Flint Dibble? Was a super Dbag though. While he was certainly able to back up his claims with better evidence and records etc...his demeanor and personality were so incredibly offputting that I doubt many people were swayed. People are clearly dumb as crap these days..and ignorant...you need to look no further than the hundred people calling Terrence a "genius" in the comments on the video that I linked. Who would have guessed that making the SAT easier, changing to a 10 point scale for A-F letter grades, "no child left behind", teaching only to EOG tests, and common core would have lead to widespread ignorance and the US falling further behind other Western countries every year academically? I am shocked. Bet keeping them out of school for most of 2 years with unnecessary Covid nonsense will really help our youth too. Its shameful for people in the US to be regressing in knowledge each generation. Especially when every kid over 12 and parent have most of the knowledge in recorded history in the palm of their hands every waking hour.
I definitely think we don't have everything figured out. Pyramids, Sphinx, or our history. but instead of just arguing what COULD be with some circumstantial evidence; he instead argues what DID happen, based on someone's else's circumstantial evidence.

I have a friend who has worked an archaeology job in Egypt, he has said multiple times that their system is completely broken and doesn't make sense. There are a couple good guys, but the rest are so political that nothing could get done.
I agree with both of you. About all of the above. I will say that he is probably right about the Sphinx though...the head is way too small and was likely carved down from whatever was there to begin with. Maybe just a much larger lion head?

That guy Graham debated Flint Dibble? Was a super Dbag though. While he was certainly able to back up his claims with better evidence and records etc...his demeanor and personality were so incredibly offputting that I doubt many people were swayed. People are clearly dumb as crap these days..and ignorant...you need to look no further than the hundred people calling Terrence a "genius" in the comments on the video that I linked. Who would have guessed that making the SAT easier, changing to a 10 point scale for A-F letter grades, "no child left behind", teaching only to EOG tests, and common core would have lead to widespread ignorance and the US falling further behind other Western countries every year academically? I am shocked. Bet keeping them out of school for most of 2 years with unnecessary Covid nonsense will really help our youth too. Its shameful for people in the US to be regressing in knowledge each generation. Especially when every kid over 12 and parent have most of the knowledge in recorded history in the palm of their hands every waking hour.

Flint Dibble! That was his name.

I agree the dude had zero personality but I don't think he was being a dbag. I think Graham started off being snarky and smarmy (in a way only brits can) and I thought Flint was doing well to try and keep things on the topic at hand. However I could definitely tell he was getting frustrated as it went on that Graham's entire presentation seemed to be about how Flint bullied Graham and his friend in a youtube video. Flint kept trying to steer the conversation back to the evidence and the theories and Graham kept digressing to irrelevant stuff. I could tell Flint was getting frustrated at that point and he jabbed back at Graham's quips a couple of times (though you will never win at quips vs an old posh British man).
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I definitely think we don't have everything figured out. Pyramids, Sphinx, or our history. but instead of just arguing what COULD be with some circumstantial evidence; he instead argues what DID happen, based on someone's else's circumstantial evidence.

I have a friend who has worked an archaeology job in Egypt, he has said multiple times that their system is completely broken and doesn't make sense. There are a couple good guys, but the rest are so political that nothing could get done.

We certainly don't have everything figured out but Graham writes a whole science fiction novel in his head to explain those things and then looks for "evidence" to prove his "theories" instead of just analyzing the actual evidence. By looking for evidence I mean he goes on vacation with his wife and takes pictures.

A good example is the "how did primitive man move such large boulders without advanced technology?" question he always likes to throw out. Anyone can go on youtube and see how huge stones can be shifted and moved with very simple lever systems. Does that mean that's exactly how the people who made Stonehenge or the pyramids did it? No, but it shows it can be done without needing alien help or 21st century technology.
I definitely think we don't have everything figured out. Pyramids, Sphinx, or our history. but instead of just arguing what COULD be with some circumstantial evidence; he instead argues what DID happen, based on someone's else's circumstantial evidence.

I have a friend who has worked an archaeology job in Egypt, he has said multiple times that their system is completely broken and doesn't make sense. There are a couple good guys, but the rest are so political that nothing could get done.

Yep. I think there are likely really old civilizations in some places on Earth...but if there are, they should be buried deep underground. I find it extremely interesting that people apparently buried Gobekli Tepe about 10,000 years ago to preserve it. What were they so afraid of, an ice age maybe?
ayahuasca. its apparently a hell of a ride.

Joe has had several people on talk about it. apparently it created modern man back before we understood anything. but now that we are modernized it just makes us high, or something. lets you talk to aliens/interdimensional beings and learn great truths.
Apparently @VolTull must have been hitting the "space mushrooms" hard. That explains a lot.
Yep. I think there are likely really old civilizations in some places on Earth...but if there are, they should be buried deep underground. I find it extremely interesting that people apparently buried Gobekli Tepe about 10,000 years ago to preserve it. What were they so afraid of, an ice age maybe?
a lot of stuff gets buried with no real reason as people develop in the same areas. You can go down to the 100 Block of Gay Street in Knoxville and see there are 2 stories buried as the road has been built up over time. most major cities are like this, Paris is another example of a HUGE underground city. Troy had several layers as the city built on top of itself.

it could have been to protect from a direct threat, or they just abandoned it and didn't want it scavenged. if it was a temple of some sort maybe their god ordered it. maybe they were conquered and the new powers didn't want them to have rally point and it was easier back then to fill it in rather than destroy it. without knowing a whole lot its just a fun guessing game.
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ayahuasca. its apparently a hell of a ride.

Joe has had several people on talk about it. apparently it created modern man back before we understood anything. but now that we are modernized it just makes us high, or something. lets you talk to aliens/interdimensional beings and learn great truths.
What about smoking toad venom? I hear it's totally mind altering.
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