U.S. Has UFOs of 'Non-Human Origin', Ex-Intelligence Officer Claims

Does the .gov have Alien tech?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 31.4%
  • No

    Votes: 36 25.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • It's Trumps Fault

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • Yes, but also....Pie

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • No, but also... Pie

    Votes: 12 8.6%

  • Total voters
Me and my wife saw something amazing at around (July 5, 2024) 3:30 AM in the night sky during a trip to Joshua Tree National Park.

US Government and many private companies here in California have been doing a lot of rocket tests the last few years. They always leave contrails and you can even hear the faint sound from the propulsion.

What we saw last night, were dozens of craft
that moved perhaps even faster than some of these rockets, and made no sound or leave any chemical trail…

Unfortunately, I think me and the wife are the only souls that saw it last night.
No reports of unknown aircraft so far today.
Me and my wife saw something amazing at around (July 5, 2024) 3:30 AM in the night sky during a trip to Joshua Tree National Park.

US Government and many private companies here in California have been doing a lot of rocket tests the last few years. They always leave contrails and you can even hear the faint sound from the propulsion.

What we saw last night, were dozens of craft
that moved perhaps even faster than some of these rockets, and made no sound or leave any chemical trail…

Unfortunately, I think me and the wife are the only souls that saw it last night.
No reports of unknown aircraft so far today.
Did it look like this...
How come with all the cameras and cellphone video no one has captured a good picture of any of this?

There ain't anything at Roswell other than a bunch of scrub cactus.
S.4638 — National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025
Sponsor:Sen. Rounds, Mike [R-SD] (Submitted 07/11/2024)

some serious writing in this for disclosure to the public, here just one of many in the amendment

(2) All Federal Government records concerning unidentified
anomalous phenomena should carry a presumption of immediate
disclosure and all records should be eventually disclosed to
enable the public to become fully informed about the history
of the Federal Government's knowledge and involvement
surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena.
So I'm driving down the road earlier today and I swear I saw a UFO. I thought, finally, my chance to get abducted and go to outer space, hopefully no anal probe involved. But as it got closer, I realized, that's one of them damn Tesla trucks. :(

Elon Musk is an ass hole.
I saw a UFO of nonhuman origin recently. I could not identify it as either a bird or a bat. There is no life outside of Earth unless you consider the ISS.

The Drake equation = 0.
Did it look like this...
View attachment 656737
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What is this?

Apologies for the super late reply

They weren’t that close together, and they seemed to be appearing out of thin air before moving at high speed. Like very high speed.

Not a shooting star or anything like that, but very fast
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What is this?

Apologies for the super late reply

They weren’t that close together, and they seemed to be appearing out of thin air before moving at high speed. Like very high speed.

Not a shooting star or anything like that, but very fast
Starlink satellites, that's a pic from not long after they are released they get further and further apart as their orbit gets higher until they really can't be seen.
Starlink satellites, that's a pic from not long after they are released they get further and further apart as their orbit gets higher until they really can't be seen.

You know I’ve been watching the skies my whole life. When I was little I sat in my front yard at watched commercial jets way up in the sky, slowly fly past. Because they were so far up there.

These “vehicles” were moving faster than any plane I’ve ever seen

It drives me nuts thinking about what I saw exactly. Because nothing on earth should be able to move that fast

You know I’ve been watching the skies my whole life. When I was little I sat in my front yard at watched commercial jets way up in the sky, slowly fly past. Because they were so far up there.

These “vehicles” were moving faster than any plane I’ve ever seen

It drives me nuts thinking about what I saw exactly. Because nothing on earth should be able to move that fast
Yeah the satellites are in orbit so they are traveling much faster than an airliner.

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Man I hope this is true.

I hope the US gov is using UFOs for cover because we actually have craft that are using either magnetism or gravity/antigravity like the ones in the Navy videos. Also have advanced so far in materials science that we have craft that can go from flying in the air at 300 or 400 knots directly into the ocean and not immediately disintegrate. No military on Earth openly uses any materials this amazing though. There are no mainstream scientists/universities/humans of any kind that I have ever seen claim to have any of the things mentioned above...but we have spent likely trillions of dollars in "black budget" programs over the last few decades, so I guess anything is possible.

The big question in my mind regarding the craft in these videos is whether they are occupied or drones being flown remotely. If there is an organic, living being inside even remotely similar to creatures on Earth, then these craft almost HAVE to operate inside a "bubble" of antigravity or some other force which protects them. Several of the videos and accounts from pilots describe these craft pulling far more G's than a man could ever survive, but 1 of the Navy videos in particular shows a craft accelerate from barely moving to ~20,000mph in less than a second...another does the same thing except vertically towards space. Directly opposed to our planets gravity. Any human or animal from Earth would be a pink puddle of goop in the floor of a craft from acceleration like that. So in order for the crafts to be "piloted" they would have to be unaffected by gravity the way that we are currently. Perhaps we developed this technology on our own but have not seen the need to flex on our enemies by revealing our advances. Perhaps the accounts spoken about in the previous Congressional hearings are true...and we have recovered several UFOs and reverse engineered them. Many people see or hear "UFO" and automatically think "aliens from other planets" but Grusch made a point repeatedly in his testimony to NOT imply that nor make assumptions...if these craft are not made by our government they could be from a different time, rather than a different place. They could also be from the depths of our oceans right here on Earth, since we know so little about them and have studied/mapped such a small % of the oceans floor and recesses. In the Navy video with Cmdr. Fravor , both pilots and their crew said that the small craft was interacting with a HUGE round object barely submerged in the ocean...such that it was making the waves "whitecap" or break above it and it could be clearly seen from like 10,000 feet altitude. He said when the smaller craft began to mimic the planes movements and gain altitude, that the huge craft disappeared beneath the ocean surface and could not be seen anymore.

So many questions and so few answers. I am glad that the videos are starting to come out though, and that people are having real discussion about UFOs. The government spent about 100 years trying to make anyone who spoke of them look crazy. Finally interest has become mainstream. I saw a large poll that showed more than half of Americans believe in UFOs of some kind. Given that there is video and pilot accounts of them, I think thats great.

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