You have your facts wrong, I suggest you read a little more about his involvment in the whole NK affair. MacArthur and AL Senior wanted Nukes dropped along the border and it came close to happening.
While that may be true I maintian that was merely political posturing by Gore Sr who knew Truman wouldn't carry through on that and that Gore Sr was a commusnist asset throughout his political carreer.
Do you disagree??
MacArthur gave a comprehensive military plan to achieve victory not necessarily invoving nukes but it was rejected by Truman.
The guys I am talking about were Marines the Army on the other side of the Chosin Reservoir could not have chased tail any further than the front of their faces.
If given the reinforcements and resources Mac requested, they could have driven the Chinese right back into China.
For you to act like what the men of Fox Hill or anyone else in that conflict was considered a "wet noodle resistance" tells me all I need to know about you and your supposed superiority of knowledge around here.
You have me completely wrong there, I would never denegrate the men of Fox Hill or any other of our men at arms.
The 'wet noodle' comment was directed soley at Washington.
As a mattor of fact if Mac had not trusted what he was told from Washington, that the Chinese definately WOULD NOT enter Korea, there would never have been a Fox Hill scenario.
No crap, I just stated that.
Well then I misread you, I thought you were being sarcastic, at least we agree on one thing.
I don't recall his actual given name, although it is in an old movie script around here somewhere.
His stage name was "Ramblin Jack Elliot" and he passed away back in the '90s in Silver Springs, Florida.
Not to be confused with another more famous man who also went by the name; "Rambling Jack Elliot" and the subject of an award winning film shown at the Nashville Film Festival, made by his daughter titled "The Ballad of Rambling Jack." Actually Bob Dillon used a lot of this Jack's material in the early years of his rise to fame.
The lady who wrote the biography and movie script entertained with the USO and often toured with Bob Hope, Bob pinched her on the butt once and she slapped him out of his chair on to the floor. She was definately a spunky old gal.
Great story for some certain reason i am calling BS on this story.
He's my next door neighbor and I have known him for thirty years and have never known him to try to lie to me, although I am always hesitant to inquire about war experiences from veterans because of the emotions it nearly always brings forth, if you give me some specific questions as to unit etc, I will attempt to ask.
Otherwise pound sand, I don't give a damn about what you call BS!!
Why wouldn't I have any creditability with you? Now you can go tell me people on another blog how you know someone in the system now. and make up some cutesy little story that anyone actually in the system would know your full of ****e.
I don't have the first clue about what you are talking about.
Are you active duty now?
I would think it was a colossal waste of time.
But it would make a political statement no doubt.
Not that I think the weenies in Washington presently have the spine, guts or even the philosphy to do anything at all to portray America as a free nation willing to defend itself.
I never said they didn't, it just depends on the intel and how it was received.
Of interest on the topic:
Glitch Shows How Much US Military Relies on GPS -
Gsvol, if you see it that way, that's fine.
I see it as a slap in the face of the terrorists... It proves to them and the rest of our enemies that we value and cherish our rights... Freedom of religion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Glad I have your approval to have an opinion.
And the terrorist are rolling on the floor laughing at such stupid gulibility, ignorance and naivete.
The one proposing the mosque is connected with the muslim brotherhood which gave rise to al-Qaeda and several other terroists groups.
He also is connected with a rather radical group that is in the process of building a mosque in Chicago.
You speak of the same kind of tolerance of religious freedom we demonstated at Ruby Ridge and Waco???
What is your religion?? As if.
Islam isn't just a religion it is a paracitic cancer that infects and eventually kills any society that hosts it.
Islam is a fascistic political/economic/legal system that always seeks to dominate or destroy until it reches it's goal of world domination and control.
Look to what has happened in England, Holland and France for what you may expect with this sort of policy.
Those idiotic liberals who see this appeasement of islam as an expression meant to advance 'moderate' islam should listen to what Recep Tayyip Erdogan the PM of Turkey has said;
"The term 'moderate islam' is ugly and an insult, there is no moderate or immoderate islam, islam is islam." Not that he is at all alone when making such a statment.