UAB - The Return

I'm curious about your take on what happened with the dismantling of the football team. What little I've read seems to be a lot of conjecture.

Short version:

Board and PBBJr in particular did not want UAB to have football.

The first sabotage was nixing the Jimbo Fisher hire and installing Calloway (who was never in the coaching search). Calloway nearly destroyed the program on his own. Calloway was connected to PBBJr.

The previous president had considerable momentum for an on campus stadium with commitments for all the corporate boxes. At the Board meeting where they were supposed to vote to move forward, the Board "tabled" the issue and never allowed it to come to a vote.

Somewhere in this mix the previous President was forced out (resignation a week or so into Fall semester). Ray Watts came in.

Clark was hired but immediately ran into resistance from the Board. One example - the practice field was a crappy, pot hole filled field. Clark and the AD raised money to get a proper practice field but the Board shut it down.

Watts decided to can football and hired a consulting firm to assess the "financial impact" of the program. Watts made the following claims:

1. He made no decision prior to receiving the results of the study - this was proven to be false through leaked documents showing the were planning the best time to announce the cancellation before the season even started.

2. He claimed the Board not only had no input into the decision but they weren't even aware of the consideration. Doesn't hold water given the level of micro-management on athletics from the board (see practice field, coaching search or any number of other examples).

3. He claimed the report showed football was not sustainable but once the report was made public it was clear the report was lopsided.

4. He claimed there was no support for UAB football but it came out that not only had he not solicited support but that he/UAB had refused some of the support that was offered.

Some boosters caught wind of the impending decision and organized both to seek financial support but also to out the behind the scenes decision making.

The end was also the beginning - when Watts told the team in was over he botched the job so badly and leaked video from the meeting went viral showing him to look like a heartless stooge of the Board.

UAB reacted with "No Confidence" votes from the UG students, Grad students, Faculty and Alumni Association. Of course the Board stood by him 100% completely ignoring these votes. More evidence this wasn't some surprise to them - if it were they'd have fired him for making such a decision and the PR disaster it became.

The community and the students organized and made their voices heard. The students in particular did it right - it wasn't demands; they kept it positive (and non-violent). The community ponied up and Watts changed his mind (though he looked pain to announce the return).

In the end UAB football is better off than it would have been without the cancellation but that doesn't excuse the shenanigans.

PBBJr. is finally off the Board (age limited out) but it is still dominated by UA people and a significant number are financially linked to PBBJr.

The performance of the team this year has been the absolute best think that could have happened.
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Well sucks they couldn't take it to the Gators today. Was really hoping they would
Well sucks they couldn't take it to the Gators today. Was really hoping they would

Fumbles absolutely killed UAB and was the difference in the game. Other than that UAB held their own and went toe to toe with UF.
Never would I think I would have to defend Gator football against UAB but times have changed....UAB had 3 yards rushing and 174 yards passing (74 of those on one play). UF had over 400yards of offense. While UAB has done a great job of returning to college football, I wouldn't really say they held their own.

UAB has invested in a new football practice facility
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Never would I think I would have to defend Gator football against UAB but times have changed....UAB had 3 yards rushing and 174 yards passing (74 of those on one play). UF had over 400yards of offense. While UAB has done a great job of returning to college football, I wouldn't really say they held their own.

A no star QB threw for more yds. than 5 Star Felipe :crazy: Obviously running on UF DL talent is tough for most schools.
Looking back on it, the UAB story was vastly under-covered by the media. That should have been a far more explosive story than it was, and on a national level. I remember it did briefly get national attention when the football program was officially disbanded, but it quickly got lost in the next news cycle.

I guess since it was a small-time program that was done under, and it was a power broker from the Golden Goose that played a role, it just didn't have broad appeal as a story. It certainly was a big deal in Birmingham and the State of Alabama, and given that Paul Bryant, Jr. and Alabama was involved, I thought it could/should have gotten more attention.

It is also interesting that Alabama has not played a non-conference team from Alabama (i.e., basically anybody other than Auburn) since the 1940s. In recent years, Alabama has played multiple Sun Belt (UAB's conference) teams, paying them each over $1m. Why are they paying that kind of money to rival schools of a school in their own system? To my knowledge, Tennessee hasn't played any SoCon schools other than UTC. Hmm...
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you hit the nail on the head. None of the media are going to run a story that smears Alabama.
you hit the nail on the head. None of the media are going to run a story that smears Alabama.

Probably not, but the media is much more likely to run a story that smears Alabama than they a school like Ohio State, Notre Dame, or Michigan.
only the fans, the dumb southern redncecks.

There's more money to be made making big stories out of the traditional upper Midwest/Big 10 powers than there is Alabama too. Who is the last Alabama player that a Manti Teo-type of story has been made out of? Sure, their players get covered and talked about, but not in that adoring, starry-eyed, falling over yourself type of way.

They loved Teo and his dead girlfriend story so much they didn't even bother looking into it despite red flags, yet Deadspin was able to debunk it with some LexisNexis searches.

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