Wins on the field should translate into recruiting success. There is obviously more to it, but Moo State has never recruited well under Mullen.
relatively speaking, he did elevate MSU's recruiting. back during the search, i went back and checked out MSU's recruiting rankings. and i don't recall right off hand, so going from memory, they were a top 40-50 type program in recruiting the 3 years prior to Mullen, and they immediately moved in to the top 30, and i think wound up over the course of his tenure in the high 20's/low 30's....
nothing that should make anyone stand up and say "wow", but i do think it's a bit erroneous to say "never". i think he he broke in to the top 20 a couple times as well.
now why he never got's all theory. could be he didn't like recruiting all that much, and he didn't really have to excel at it so long has he could go to bowl games and keep the natives happy. could be that it's just hard to sell Starkville over Baton Route, Tuscaloosa, Auburn etc....
either way, he's in another spot, where he really won't have to spend a lot of effort recruiting, b/c intrinsically will be able to get better athletes overall than he could at MSU.
the ? is will that be enough to keep the new natives happy? the expectations are wholly different.
i think Mullen goes from being a 7 win coach at MSU to a 9 win coach at UF. and i think it may have more to do with him being at UF, than UF getting him. i don't know how much Mullen 'elevates' UF. didn't know how much he'd elevate UT had he come here.
i think he's probably better than Mac and Butch. don't know how much better, and if it means all that much to the end result. i think in the end, he's in a better situation personally b/c of familiarity, in state recruiting and aside from GA, being in the East vs. the West.