UFC 151 Cancelled

Has any other UFC champion been asked to take a fight with only 8 days notice? He gains nothing by going out and destroying a guy that really doesn't deserve the fight OR getting caught by that guy. Not to mention him spending all of his time focusing on Henderson
Even focusing on Henderson, still should have been well more than enough to destroy Sonnen. To top it off, Sonnen would be even worse-prepared.

And he DID call out Sonnen on Twitter. That happened, you can't deny it. Circumstances mean nothing; Jones called out Sonnen, Sonnen offered to fight, Jones turned it down.

Jones pussed out and was the reason the card was canceled. There's no other way to slice it.

Every possible objection he can come up with can be answered. It's not like he's taking on another serious contender, and in the less than one percent chance Chael catches him, you know without doubt that a rematch clause would be in place.

This is all I heard on talk radio, forums, etc. for the last 12 hours, and I agree with all of it. Jones is the reason the first UFC card got canceled and it's because he pussed out of a fight he could have easily won, and taken virtually no risk doing so.

Normally I wouldn't care, but there are other up and comers on the undercard who needed that paycheck just to pay rent or put food in the fridge, and they got screwed because Jones is being a puss and a doucher of the highest order.
Even focusing on Henderson, still should have been well more than enough to destroy Sonnen. To top it off, Sonnen would be even worse-prepared.

And he DID call out Sonnen on Twitter. That happened, you can't deny it. Circumstances mean nothing; Jones called out Sonnen, Sonnen offered to fight, Jones turned it down.

Jones pussed out and was the reason the card was canceled. There's no other way to slice it.

Every possible objection he can come up with can be answered. It's not like he's taking on another serious contender, and in the less than one percent chance Chael catches him, you know without doubt that a rematch clause would be in place.

This is all I heard on talk radio, forums, etc. for the last 12 hours, and I agree with all of it. Jones is the reason the first UFC card got canceled and it's because he pussed out of a fight he could have easily won, and taken virtually no risk doing so.

Normally I wouldn't care, but there are other up and comers on the undercard who needed that paycheck just to pay rent or put food in the fridge, and they got screwed because Jones is being a puss and a doucher of the highest order.

They aren't his concern. That's no reason to make the decision to fight. If he keeps beating people like he did Shogun then his fights aren't going to fetch him top-dollar. So what if he called out Sonnen. Chael said he would quit the UFC, and nobody is holding him to that word. Why are we holding Jones to a twitter beef?

I just don't understand the mentality? Why does Jones owe us? He just has to dance when we say "dance"?
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Forget all that for a moment, and definitely forget what Chael said about quitting

This time Sonnen did put his money where his mouth is.

Jones opened his mouth about Sonnen literally weeks ago, Sonnen offered to fight, and Jones became the first fighter in the history of UFC to turn down a fight.

Orangetanker had it right, love or hate Sonnen, guys like him are who built UFC, willing to fight on a week's notice

But you're right, Jones doesn't owe anybody anything, and it's his title to defend as he chooses. But he's still a puss for not taking the fight.
For the record, Sonnen challenged Silva to a fight on SUPER BOWL WEEKEND. The stakes were that he would leave the UFC forever if he lost to Silva. Silva did not accept that challenge. Thus, the stakes no longer applied.

Also, Chael Sonnen agreed to fight Michael Bisping on about 8 days notice after Munoz was injured. Charlie Brennaman and another fighter fought on just 24 hours notice.

When the company that sponsors you, that you are the champion of, comes to you to help them out in a tough situation, you answer the call. Jon Jones did not. Whether Jon Jones or Greg Jackson made the ultimate decision to not take the fight, it was the wrong move. Period.

Chael wouldn't have even had but maybe 1 or 2 days to get in the gym. The rest of the time leading up to the fight would have been weight cutting and promotion. Jon Jones has been in the gym for the past 3 months preparing. There is no doubt in my mind that Jones would be the winner of that fight, but he let down the fans, the fighters, the Mandalay Bay Event Center, the trainers, and the UFC for not accepting that fight.

Any explanation as to why he didn't take the fight is 100% selfish.
Belfort's claim to fame isn't losing 2x to Anderson Silva. Belfort would be another name in what's becoming a long list of former champs defeated by Bones.

It's true that Jones should easily wreck him, but it's an actual name with recognition. Sonnen hasn't done anything to be remembered yet, except run his mouth.
Belfort's claim to fame isn't losing 2x to Anderson Silva. Belfort would be another name in what's becoming a long list of former champs defeated by Bones.

It's true that Jones should easily wreck him, but it's an actual name with recognition. Sonnen hasn't done anything to be remembered yet, except run his mouth.

I don't need a history lesson. Vitor is an all-time great, no doubt. But as far as which fighter poses a bigger threat currently, it would be Sonnen hands down. And even that doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. It basically comes down to $$$$$, and Sonnen is a cash cow right now.
I don't need a history lesson. Vitor is an all-time great, no doubt. But as far as which fighter poses a bigger threat currently, it would be Sonnen hands down. And even that doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. It basically comes down to $$$$$, and Sonnen is a cash cow right now.

That doesn't matter to Jones, though, right? What Jones gets is dependent on how much the fans like Jones, and it's not based on a purse, or the demand for the particular matchup? As I recall, the UFC just sets up contracts with pay being based on a $X per-fight basis. Not sure if that's still right. I need a history lesson. :)
That doesn't matter to Jones, though, right? What Jones gets is dependent on how much the fans like Jones, and it's not based on a purse, or the demand for the particular matchup? As I recall, the UFC just sets up contracts with pay being based on a $X per-fight basis. Not sure if that's still right. I need a history lesson. :)

Other than fight night bonuses, I think a fighters pay is set when they sign the contract for a fight, but I could be wrong about that. I don't think any part of their pay is contingent on PPV buys, but the more popular they are with the fans, the more PPV revenue goes up. The more PPV revenue goes up, the more they get paid for future fights.
Other than fight night bonuses, I think a fighters pay is set when they sign the contract for a fight, but I could be wrong about that. I don't think any part of their pay is contingent on PPV buys, but the more popular they are with the fans, the more PPV revenue goes up. The more PPV revenue goes up, the more they get paid for future fights.

Some top-level fighters do get a cut of the PPV money.
I just remember Liddel getting a flat $750K per fight, and Couture leaving the UFC because they wouldn't give him the same.
All fighters get paid a certain amount just to step in the Octagon. Most get a win bonus, which usually doubles their payday. Then, the top fighters usually get a cut of the PPV money on top of everything else.

A UFC champion has NEVER done what Bones did. He was prepared to fight next Saturday. And, on top of that, he was running his mouth on twitter less than a week ago about how he would love to hurt Sonnen. Then he gets the oppurtunity to do exactly that and turns it down. Jones has some serious egg on his face over this, and it is well-deserved.

Right on. There will be plenty of time to whip Sonnen's ass later. LOL
I didnt fault Jones too much until I read in this thread that he was running his mouth to Sonnen then turned down the fight. What a puss.
Some top-level fighters do get a cut of the PPV money.

This is correct.

I'm not a Jones super fan, but I love watching him fight. This is just a disappointment. If he is as good as everyone thinks he is then he should have accepted anyone they put in front of him.
This is correct.

I'm not a Jones super fan, but I love watching him fight. This is just a disappointment. If he is as good as everyone thinks he is then he should have accepted anyone they put in front of him.

I don't think one has to do with the other, unless you think Bones didn't take the fight out of fear of losing.
He stated he didnt have enough time to prepare for how different Sonnen is than Henderson in 8 days. Sounds kinda scared to me. We're talking about freakin Sonnen. The guy that can't afflict any damage, and is no where near Jones' size.
He stated he didnt have enough time to prepare for how different Sonnen is than Henderson in 8 days. Sounds kinda scared to me. We're talking about freakin Sonnen. The guy that can't afflict any damage, and is no where near Jones' size.

To me Jones and the UFC are in a bad position. No viable challengers to the crown right now, now be the operative word. Only 4 guys in the division could possibly pose a threat. 2 guys, Machida and Shogun are not gonna take the fight too early, as it may very well be their last shot. 1 guy, Glover Teixeira is a relative unknown to casual fans. So, hard for ppv buys. Maybe after he beats Rampage his name will be big enough. Then there is Gustaffson sp? they don't wanna rush his development and build his name a little more. So Jones has to fight someone name worthy and not much of a threat, enter Vitor Belfort. Good for UFC's pockets and for Jones reign. Bad for us fans.
I totally agree. That's why I'm saying he should fight Steffan Struve at a catch weight. It's an interesting dynamic because not only is the guy longer than Bones, but he's good on the ground, as well.
That could be an intriguing match up, don't they have the same reach though. Jones seems a little like GSP in he worries about his legacy. So fighting Struve probably wouldn't make sense to him. If he won people would look at it similar to Silva beating Forrest, which is with not a lot of thought. Its crazy how in a year light heavy went from being the most wide open division, to a scramble to find a real challenger. Not a fan of Jones attitude, but the guy is a freak.
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It's not that Silva beat Forrest, it's how badly he beat him, but I agree. I think you could sell Bones on this fight. I think he wants challenges, and it's an interesting matchup.
True that may have been the most embarrassing loss in UFC history. He played with Forrest like he was a child. Agree it would be a very interesting fight, Struves all around game is very underrated IMO. He's a guy that would really benefit from a 205-235 weight class.
I think this makes Jones aka "the best pound for pound fighter in ufc" look like a puss, I already didnt like him, now I like him even less

He gains absolutely nothing by accepting the fight. I actually am glad he declined it

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