(utfantilidie @ May 23 said:You can't steal that from S/S. He has a patent on it. :biggrin2: Kind of like Steve Martin with "Excuse Me".
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 23 said:Florida fans need something knew. They have been using that same quote for years now. It's not even that funny, neither is Spurrier. It got old a few years ago..
(lawgator1 @ May 23 said:Are you kidding me? That line was hilarious!!
I do wish we had something new, though. I agree with you on that. But seems like Meyer hardly the type to give us a good one liner. Oh, well, guess we'll have to count on someone from UT saying something foolish and having it blow up in his face.
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 23 said:Maybe the first time, but when it gets repeated a million times....not so funny, just old.
Here's one for ya. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Still funny?
(rexvol @ May 22 said:Anyone have any ideas on how to convert a GA girl to the Bog Orange? She doesnt know it yet but items are in transit from Volmall, but will it be enough.
(rexvol @ May 22 said:Anyone have any ideas on how to convert a GA girl to the Bog Orange? She doesnt know it yet but items are in transit from Volmall, but will it be enough.
I'd have to get a look at her before I provide any advice. How much aggravation I will endure is directly proportional with how beautiful a woman happens to be. You should live by the same equation.(rexvol @ May 22 said:Anyone have any ideas on how to convert a GA girl to the Bog Orange? She doesnt know it yet but items are in transit from Volmall, but will it be enough.
I married a Michigan gal.She lived there for 14 years.I catch grief from the inlaws.Very happy we beat Michigan a few years ago.My wife is a UT fan.(VolInsider @ May 23 said:Well, I had a somewhat simlilar situation...
My girlfriend is originally from Michigan and grew up 20 minutes from Ann Arbor; her family later moved to Indiana where they took up with IU and Ball State basketball.
She had never watched an SEC Football game, and her top three sports were basketball, hockey, and volleyball(????) :huh: .
I invited her over to watch "some movies" and sprung a back-to-back-to-back marathon of Decade of Dominance, This Is Tennessee, and John Ward highlights DVD's on her. :biggrin2:
Last week was our two-year anniversary. She can now break down the finer points of the zone defense and complains about our offense as much as I do. :thumbsup:
Vol Insider :ninja: