Ultimate bandwagon fan base?

I was born in Baltimore- I don't like the ravens.

I was raised Catholic- I don't like ND- Well, Joe Montana.

I am retired Army- I like Air Force women.

I have lived in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

I have lived in TN since 1995, and will always be a VFL.

I've noticed among millions of VOL fans, good years and not so good years, we are VOLS forever.

Just keep an eye on all these bandwagon fans you see every now and then, and once the VOLS start competing again for SEC championships, when they switch hats, call them out.

Sorry so long.

Or,you could let people be a fan of whatever team they choose,however superficial it may be.That would be another way to go.
Or,you could let people be a fan of whatever team they choose,however superficial it may be.That would be another way to go.

Oh please Nitro, I called you out for being a bama troll, now your stalking me. Get a life dude.

This is VOL NATION, whether anybody else on this site agrees with me or not, I'm just showing my luv for the VOLS. Please Nitro, just go back to your rolltide bama board. Thanks for playing.
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Oh please Nitro, I called you out for being a bama troll, now your stalking me. Get a life dude.

This is VOL NATION, whether anybody else on this site agrees with me or not, I'm just showing my luv for the VOLS. Please Nitro, just go back to your rolltide bama board. Thanks for playing.

I didn't know I had responded to you before.I haven't been here enough to know who is who.I'll try to remember you're the one I'm stalking.
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The reason Nashville has so many Bammers is because many left that Third World she-ithole because of lack of jobs. They came to Tennessee to save their skin, but they brought their Rawl Tahd she-it with them. Kind of like these illegal immigrants who fly the Mexican flag at their crap restaurants.
If you don't bleed orange, get the f*** out, you beeooches!!
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Been a Vol fan since I was 13.I'm 41 now.Once your a Vol fan, it's just part of your life! I've always been proud to sport my orange! Win or lose! That being said, biggest bandwagon fans by far are Bama fans! Never seen many Bama tags and rags being sported until Saban got there. Hope to God we beat their ass tomorrow! Go mother****in VOLS!!!
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Alabama obvisiously has the biggest bandwagon fanbase in all of college football. I'd put Ohio St. and Oregon fans behind them.
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Alabama fanbase's bandwagonedness is only matched around here by Kentucky basketball.

In fact you know for sure you're dealing with a bandwagon fan if you see a person with Alabama and Kentucky decals on their car.
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In this area, lots of Clemson football fans are also UNC basketball fans. I don't get it.

Lots of Michigan BBall fans out there, too...though their numbers have seemed to dwindle.
In this area, lots of Clemson football fans are also UNC basketball fans. I don't get it.

Lots of Michigan BBall fans out there, too...though their numbers have seemed to dwindle.

Back in the 80s/90s I knew a few Tennessee football/Kentucky basketball fans, and I made it know every chance I got they were no Vol fan to me.

I can almost get having different teams to root for in football and basketball if they are in different conferences, but when they are in the same conference.....no way.
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The reason Nashville has so many Bammers is because many left that Third World she-ithole because of lack of jobs. They came to Tennessee to save their skin, but they brought their Rawl Tahd she-it with them. Kind of like these illegal immigrants who fly the Mexican flag at their crap restaurants.
If you don't bleed orange, get the f*** out, you beeooches!!

Tn has a higher unemployment rate than Bama and is the most dangerous state in the entire country.Sorry to destroy your delusions.
Alabama has without question the most bandwagon fans of any fanbase in the south. Don't get me wrong, they've got lots of true, hardcore fans- saying otherwise would be just plain ignorant. I'm not sure what it's like in other regions, but in the south the bammers have the biggest bandwagon. I also happen to think we have the biggest fanbase in the south in terms of numbers. In terms of waistline, it's between the Bubba's and the Gators.

You are wrong about the size of the fan bases, at least from an article I read a couple of years ago. ND #1, USCw #2, Bama #3
Alabama obvisiously has the biggest bandwagon fanbase in all of college football. I'd put Ohio St. and Oregon behind fans behind them.

Yeah, your right. Pro too. In no particular order:

2.Ohio state
3. The Saints a few years ago, luckily I was overseas, when all I saw on the internet was "Who dat, who dat!!
5. UF under Meyers
Tn has a higher unemployment rate than Bama and is the most dangerous state in the entire country.Sorry to destroy your delusions.

Now that's just sad. If you're ready to talk about Memphis vs Montgomery, let me help you out: the racist a$$ authorities in Montgomery don't give two terds about who dies on the west side and now you want to brag about numbers? I guess numbers that don't show up, don't count. Another dumb, blind, racist, bandwagon bammer.
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You are wrong about the size of the fan bases, at least from an article I read a couple of years ago. ND #1, USCw #2, Bama #3

I should have been more clear. We have the biggest actual fan base when you adjust due to bandwagon fans. Plus, I specified 'in the south.' :)
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Tn has a higher unemployment rate than Bama and is the most dangerous state in the entire country.Sorry to destroy your delusions.

What delusions? Compare the unemployment rate of Williamson, Davidson, and Rutherford counties to the rest of Tennessee. Why is it considerably lower? Because of - ta-DAAAHHH....more jobs. And whose sucking them up? Bammers!! Those unemployed illiterates made their state look better by infesting my state with their universal stench!
Wanna tell me more ways Bama is better than God's Most Holy and Righteous State of Tennessee, punk? Can't wait to see.
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Now that's just sad. If you're ready to talk about Memphis vs Montgomery, let me help you out: the racist a$$ authorities in Montgomery don't give two terds about who dies on the west side and now you want to brag about numbers? I guess numbers that don't show up, don't count. Another dumb, blind, racist, bandwagon bammer.

I wasn't bragging.

I would say the one who is blind is the one posting some conspiracy about Montgomery because he can't accept fact.
Now that's just sad. If you're ready to talk about Memphis vs Montgomery, let me help you out: the racist a$$ authorities in Montgomery don't give two terds about who dies on the west side and now you want to brag about numbers? I guess numbers that don't show up, don't count. Another dumb, blind, racist, bandwagon bammer.

We're probably more dangerous because when we shoot we don't aim at our foot.
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I wasn't bragging.

I would say the one who is blind is the one posting some conspiracy about Montgomery because he can't accept fact.

The one who is pathetic is the bammer hanging out on a Volunteer message board all week. Has your mom been bringing you your Cap'n Crunch?
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