johnson city, your fired too!

yappin about teams and u have no idea

if texas is playing UT, ill be a Texas fan. I like their font better any way. Its more masculine!

Really JC (lol)

talk football or about your team -

see this is the volnation board

not the free cheese forum of the federal government
not my team board(s)
not your mamma's boards

but a vol board - talk abut that loss
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Dec 5, 2004 12:29 AM
TT is probably good friends with Tommy Gallion. They would deserve each other. :pepper:

LOL :dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:
Originally posted by TruthTeller@Dec 5, 2004 1:33 AM
I like their font better any way. Its more masculine!

TT since you tend to mistype, I'm going to assume that you just said that you like their masculine fronts. :blink:
tough loss tonight guys, great support for the Vols though. Enjoy the idiot until decides to check out. I'm gone for tonite :snoring: :snoring: :snoring:
Originally posted by TruthTeller@Dec 5, 2004 1:33 AM
johnson city, your fired too!

yappin about teams and u have no idea

It's called sarcasm. Check into it.

if texas is playing UT, ill be a Texas fan.  I like their font better any way.  Its more masculine!

Really JC (lol)

talk football or about your team -

see this is the volnation board

not the free cheese forum of the federal government
not my team board(s)
not your mamma's boards

but a vol board - talk abut that loss

Looks like I struck a nerve...... ;)

Perhaps you should ask Tommy Gallion to sue the Alabama public educational system, as you definately did not get your tax dollars worth.

It's nice that you enjoy the more masculine fronts of the Texas team. I've always admired the Alabama helmet. It takes a lot of guts to put your IQ on the side of your helmet for all the world to see.
This guy is obviously from Bama and as such is known to be an inbred, low IQed, buck toothed sissyboy who obviously hasn't got a clue and can only run his mouth on a chatboard.
Fulmer's right there were cheap calls against UT and not called against Auburn, bad calls sux but a person can live with them if they go both ways and they did not tonight.

I'll have fun watching UT play in the SEC Championship next year while Auburn takes another 15 to get one.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Dec 5, 2004 3:28 AM
This guy is obviously from Bama

I'll have fun watching UT play in the SEC Championship next year while Auburn takes another 15 to get one.

spoken like a true scmuck!

You are the reason people hate the vols!


and I exposed ya for the orange thinker you are

very classy

and even though "bear" is the stupidest name I've ever heard of for a coach
i would bet you your little check from the sawmill that auburn gets back before your coach gets you back

you play myer, richt, and oh yea, hahahaha little stevie from tn

your days in the sec game may be V E R Y limited

Auburn sadly has to flip a coin with LSU every year

keep scmucking!!!
How much you want to bet loser, put your money where your overloaded mouth is! Oh and by the way my paychecj is bigger than your inbred state check is
TT, your posts are :snoring:

and BTW, the VN is about the Vols and anything Vol related. There is nothing wrong with posting about Tennessee, Tennessee's opponents, Tennessee's conference, the BCS, the bowl games, etc. You can thank the BCS boys for making all games between all teams for being intertwined such that every team and every game affects every team in one form or another.

If you find a college football forum that does not post the above mentioned items, please let me know.... I would be interesed in seeing what kind of folks post in it.... but I don't think you'll be able to find one.
Originally posted by cec711tennessee@Dec 6, 2004 5:19 PM
TruthTeller what in the world are you doing here?

The parasite is enjoying the anonymity of the internet where he can spew forth his jibberish without showing any allegience - no doubt because his team has been owned by the VOLS.

Someone with a sack would stand up for his program.

Think of him as entertainment, a tea cup puddle nipping at the heels of an oblivious Lab in a fit of hopeless insecurity. Or perhaps, a kid with ADD running around with a kick-me sign on his back - anything just to be noticed.


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