Do you have any proof? The increase began while Germany was still under a Keynesian model. I seriously doubt a member of the SPD would have moved to a monetarist model as well. Also, are you saying Schroeder had a monetarist policy?
We must be looking at the same chart. In simple terms the blue goes up BEFORE Carter comes in office. Once Carter is in office the line goes down and begins to level off with Reagan.
Might want to get your ruler out on your computer monitor, methinks.
Clearly going steadily down during the Reagan years though.
Proof that the world switched from Keynesian to monetarist policy in the 1970s?
Uh, there is so much evidence, I'm not sure where a brief synopsis might be!
I suppose "The Commanding Heights" by Daniel Yergin would be as good a primer as any (with all my caveats given to MG). I believe PBS still keeps a website with all of the interviews he did for the book live.
Remember, Keynes - motivated by the market failures of the Great Depression - wanted to correct unemployment. Full employment was the key problem after WWII (and obviously the damn). It is worth referencing "Fordism" as well here - mass production could only be achieved from mass consumption. Hence, Ford and his $5 / day work force. Note the growth in real wages / home ownership during this period.
The move away from Keynesian policy of full employment to a monetarist policy. This ushered in the "Age of Hayekman"
Policy driven for full employment switched to monetarist policy. The real results can be seen in the two / three graphs I have provided.
Might want to get your ruler out on your computer monitor, methinks.
Clearly going steadily down during the Reagan years though.
it's well known the east germans were among the laziest workers on the planet by the time the wall fell down. West germans among the worlds hardest and most efficient workers. wonder why?
Again, it's these graphs which make clear the real mission of the "Age of Friedman / Hayek". Its mission has been the restoration of elite class power. It is difficult to call it "wealth creation" when the majority of people have seen no real increase in wealth.
Notice the precipitous decline under Reagan as well. Interesting.
I hate how it gets turned into Conservatives hate poor people and Liberals care for the poor people. The fact that makes America great is everyone has the shot at greatness. It's not the fact that every one achieves greatness. The Liberal model takes and penalizes achieving the American Dream. This only causes wealth to leave the country.
All you've proven is that 50 years of Keynes resulted in a debt load to GDP and GNP that has a REAL effect on REAL people. Reagan did not create ANY of the programs that continued to add debt on an exponential curve through his administration. The bill for years of Keynes began to come due in the economy in the 70's then the gov't in the 80's. It isn't difficult math or politics to figure that the avg citizen would bear the burden and not rich politicians or their benefactors.
utgibbs, you seem young and that usually involves a pretty good degree of naivety. It might be nice if some central authority had the ability and wisdom to make the economy both prosperous and "fair". However, the collective wisdom of the free market has proven to do a much, much better job of not only making the economy prosperous but also benefitting the lower end more.
In the liberal mind, it is terrible if a "poor" person earns $12 per hour (wages and benefits) while a "rich" person brings down $500K per year. Somehow it is "better" for that poor person if the rich person only gets to keep 40% of what they've earned. Conservatives actually don't have a problem with a guy keeps 70% while the poor guy actually makes $14.
Liberals talk enough about the wage gap that we can know they are fixated on it. But how exactly is it better for the "poor" to make the "rich" less rich?
Lower taxes on the rich = greater investment = economic expansion = hiring = qualified labor shortage = higher wages and better benefits. That isn't theory in some book... that is the real world.
Let me simplify this. You tell me for each of the nations we have been discussing when the Keynesian model was in effect and when the monetarist model was in effect. Give years for each country and when the switchover was. Because you still have not explained Germany.
You must have a bad ruler. The line goes up PRIOR TO Carter. Carter comes in Jan. '77. in '78 and following, the line goes down. From '78 to Jan '81 Carter was still in office. The sharp drop fades out once Reagan comes in. Notice it begins going up during the Bush years up through '93 as well.
Let me simplify this. You tell me for each of the nations we have been discussing when the Keynesian model was in effect and when the monetarist model was in effect. Give years for each country and when the switchover was. Because you still have not explained Germany.
Utbiggs = Fulmer is the greatest coach in the history of Tennessee football, but yet cannot over come Mike Hamilton.
Utbiggs = Gov't is the solution to every thing............. just need more of it!
No, he is the 2nd greatest coach.
No, but the notion government does nothing well (the current status quo) is equally wrong.
Attack of the JPGs will not deliver. And you are way behind on delivery. Free pizza.
1.) In short, you still believe the second greatest coach in Tennessee history could not over come an athletic director, really?
2.) Please name something the gov't does adequate on any level.
3.) What delivery, and with this I am being serious. I still have no idea what you are talking about.