Unrealistic Expectations (long)



Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
I just cannot understand what some of you expected going in to the Oregon game. I have read thread after thread about how horrible we are, how dumb Coach Jones is, how our play calling is vanilla, Worley sucks, just the most negative, naive, ignorant mess I have ever witnessed on here and that says a lot.

Going into Oregon I knew one thing for sure and that was we were going to lose and lose big. Oregon is the number 2, maybe 1 team in the nation. For those of you saying they would get smoked in the SEC please stop. If inserted into the SEC they would be an immediate contender for the SEC title. This isn't the Oregon team most of us grew up watching, they are an explosive, fast, talented football team who is playing the one style of play that we absolutely cannot contend with which leads into my next point.

We have absolutely zero depth right now due to many reasons but mainly having to do with having only a FEW of Kiffins signings left. To put it perspective it was as if the NCAA banned us from an entire signing class, that doesn't happen and you not suffer emensly for it. There is no team that could just not have a class and expect to maintain depth. We have a much better chance against the traditional offenses in the SEC bc of our depth issues. We simply cannot line up and run with teams for 4 quarters

The main issue I have is some of you actually expect us to contend right now and guys we simply can't. The General his self could not have a successful season with our current talent and schedule. I know losing sucks, getting blown out is worse and to top all off we have been in mediocrity for years and we all feel like we have been bad long enough. That said guys we are 2-3 seasons away from contending again and to expect anything else is just crazy. If Coach Jones had walked into a roster that even had any kind of depth I could see the *****ing and griping but come on what do you expect with this team, we are simply not close to being a mid level SEC team.

Lastly to those *****ing about play calling and Worley. We will see our other QB's play but it will be in a game that we have more than a snow balls chance in hell at winning. You do not throw a fresh in to get his brains beat in to completely ruin his confidence before it even gets built up. We did the same thing with Simms/Bray. It's not fair but Worley took the beating and now we will sometime see a new arm to attempt to save the day. As for the play calling you do not show your best offense on film before you open up SEC play. Especially in a game we had no freaking chance of winning.

My advice: step back from the damn ledge. First off how did you get there? This is going to be a long, very long season and we will be lucky to win 6, very very lucky to win 7 games. That isn't this staffs fault, it's due to kiffin/Dooley both being morons. We will get better, and have an amazing class coming in. Our future is bright but the present is hard guys so keep your expectations realistic and don't bash our kids, and coaches bc we are not winning a national title. We have completely started over again and you have to realize its going to take time! Be patient!
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Rational fans already realize this. Irrational fans won't accept it.

Regardless of whether this thread was necessary, I sincerely hope you feel better now.
You forgot the part about running it up the middle with our awesome offensive line (that has never been a good group of run blockers EVER) and ball control being the key to winning the game. You know....like the national champion Auburn team that had Cam Newton or the Stanford team that Jim freakin' Harbaugh built. Cause you know, we really have a lot in common with those teams.

Seriously though, nice post.
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The thirst for competitive football has out weighed the realism of what this team is. We live in a fast food, hurry up offense world. We want positive results now and this team isn't capable of competing at that level...yet.
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Where were you last week when a number of posters were talking up our chances?
Didn't have to open it, or read it. Just looking to converse on a message board with fellow fans. I've heard nothing but *****ing since sat and I stated my opinion like everyone else does.

Then why not use the threads already stating the same points? and of course people will be complaining, we got crushed.
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Then why not use the threads already stating the same points? and of course people will be complaining, we got crushed.

It's not the complaining I understand that. What I don't get is exactly what I wrote in my above post. It's the unrealistic expectations I've seen over and over again. I would love to be able to compete with them but right now and for the near future we can't. People don't realize just how bad of shape our program was in when CBJ was hired. I truly think we are headed in the right direction based off what he has shown me thus far but it's going to be a hard long road getting there.
Butch speaks of taking someone's soul in playing football, Now, does anyone think Oregon took the Vols souls? If Oregon did take our souls, how do we get our souls back? Are the Vols now without souls and the walking dead or zombies? Butch may indeed have the Vols do some soul searching this week, no?
Butch speaks of taking someone's soul in playing football, Now, does anyone think Oregon took the Vols souls? If Oregon did take our souls, how do we get our souls back? Are the Vols now without souls and the walking dead or zombies? Butch may indeed have the Vols do some soul searching this week, no?

We must exercise the demons.
As for the OP, I read somewhere that if you don't expect to win every game then you're not a true fan.
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I agree 100% with the OP.

I am a VFL fan who knew what I was going to see when I flew in for Butch's first game vs Austin Peay. And I also knew what I was going to see when I flew out to see our Vols vs Oregon.

But guess what? I flew to both games all the way from Dallas. And I will be there next month for Georgia. And then...

I will be able to hold my head high & know I was an honest VFL through the tough times. That is going to make the good times ahead so much sweeter when I am flying in for the big wins.
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Is it wrong to think as fans That we will do what the Coach said ? Play to this teams strengths. Is it wrong to think the best staff in america can stay with in 50 points of Oregon? Make half time adjustments ? Scheme to cover a TE ? Slow down and run the ball to give our defense a break ? Go for it on 4th down while we are getting spanked? Replace a struggling QB? Doesn't seem to me we are setting unrealistic expectations . Looks to me like we have a fan base that is tired of coach speak and wants to see results. They Took coach Jones and His staff to the wood shed and Made the great University of Tennessee Look like a High school team with Rookie coaches and No answers. They started pulling there starters by mid 3rd quarter and could have easily hung 75 points on Us . It sure would be nice to at least see halftime adjustments and on the depth issue why on gods green earth would any team without depth try to go fast?
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Is it wrong to think as fans That we will do what the Coach said ? Play to this teams strengths. Is it wrong to think the best staff in america can stay with in 50 points of Oregon? Make half time adjustments ? Scheme to cover a TE ? Slow down and run the ball to give our defense a break ? Go for it on 4th down while we are getting spanked? Replace a struggling QB? Doesn't seem to me we are setting unrealistic expectations . Looks to me like we have a fan base that is tired of coach speak and wants to see results. They Took coach Jones and His staff to the wood shed and Made the great University of Tennessee Look like a High school team with Rookie coaches and No answers. They started pulling there starters by mid 3rd quarter and could have easily hung 75 points on Us . It sure would be nice to at least see halftime adjustments and on the depth issue why on gods green earth would any team without depth try to go fast?

Uh-oh. Somebody "gets it". You will be severely beaten for being so negative.

Totally agree and have said the same things. But if you are truthful and realistic you are "negative".

the UTAD forked out $3.5 mill a year for this guy plus more mills for his staff along with the millions in buy outs for this? This is the "best staff in America". Wow. Somebody forget to tell Oregon, and probably UF this week.

If Butch is serious about rebuilding this mess, start with the QB. Bite the bullet and pick one of the young 3 that is the most accurate and mobile to build on. Then pick your best 4 receivers and play them until their tongues hang out every game. Then forget that Neal is listed as an RB and stick him in the slot where he belongs. Then stop calling plays that require big, slow footed O-linemen to trap and counter faster D-lineman and LB's such that it takes an eternity for the RB to get to a semi-crease, when he doesn't fall down on his own from a arm shove or the turf monster.

Then go to the defense and use your brain. Umbrella the opponent so that every play is made in front of your guys. Your guys stink at penetration and blitzing. Be ugly and play nothing but contain. Give up all the FGs they want to kick. That means Randolph stays back and covers for the mistakes. That may mean that you only have one LB in the game. Play this way until your guys learn how to play winning defense again. Then you can begin to play as an SEC team should.

Whatever. Another losing season in unhappy valley.
The thirst for competitive football has out weighed the realism of what this team is. We live in a fast food, hurry up offense world. We want positive results now and this team isn't capable of competing at that level...yet.

This is all true.

But mixed in with all that was a sentiment that built up all off season that.....

Butch gets it.
They were working harder during the summer than any team in the history of sport.
We are going to surprise some damn people.
They have a fire in the belly.
There is a lot of talent, it just wasn't coached.

Etc, etc, etc.

A lot of people convinced themselves of a lot of nonsense without honestly taking stock in what the situation was.

Then, on top of that, people took wins over Austin peay and western Kentucky and ran with it
Is it wrong to think as fans That we will do what the Coach said ? Play to this teams strengths. Is it wrong to think the best staff in america can stay with in 50 points of Oregon? Make half time adjustments ? Scheme to cover a TE ? Slow down and run the ball to give our defense a break ? Go for it on 4th down while we are getting spanked? Replace a struggling QB? Doesn't seem to me we are setting unrealistic expectations . Looks to me like we have a fan base that is tired of coach speak and wants to see results. They Took coach Jones and His staff to the wood shed and Made the great University of Tennessee Look like a High school team with Rookie coaches and No answers. They started pulling there starters by mid 3rd quarter and could have easily hung 75 points on Us . It sure would be nice to at least see halftime adjustments and on the depth issue why on gods green earth would any team without depth try to go fast?

I am of the train of thought that Jones' number one goal this Saturday was to keep everyone healthy and not do anything to jeopardize the rest of the season just to make a 50 point blowout a 30 point blowout. I am not saying it's completely wrong to be mad at that kind of attitude at all, but really we had next to no chance in this game so why risk ruining what season you can have on saving a small amount of pride in one?

Everyone and their brothers uncle saw just how bad of a passer Worley is in the first two games. Defenses are going to stack the box and make us pass flat out. Especially since our Oline struggles with run blocking. I'm sorry if the blowout is already on, why in the world would I risk injury to go for it on 4th and 1? I know you hate it and that is fine, but I'd make the same call too. Remember when Bray broke his hand? Yeah it sucked, and I honestly believe that is exactly what Jones was trying to avoid this weekend.

Oh and the best staff in America is a bunch of bunk in my opinion. While I am encouraged by what I've seen going on in the background (recruiting mainly), my memory is not short. Not only was Jones not the first pick, he wasn't the second or third either....
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Realistic? We have a lot of very good players on this team. We have good coaches to coach them. We have another game to play this Saturday. I expect the team to bounce back and beat Florida! That is college football realism. It's not a pity party.
All you guys calling for a youth movement, think about that for a minute. You're Butch Jones. You've got three years to make some kind of improvements. You've got kids redshirting that might help the team now but will definitely help the team when it matters.....in year 2 and 3. Are you going to seriously sacrifice future depth for a slightly-less-uglier loss to Oregon? A moral victory? A dang-we-were-close loss to Florida? Or are you going to develop a plan for bringing talent along in the years that matter to your long-term success at UT?
I just cannot understand what some of you expected going in to the Oregon game. I have read thread after thread about how horrible we are, how dumb Coach Jones is, how our play calling is vanilla, Worley sucks, just the most negative, naive, ignorant mess I have ever witnessed on here and that says a lot.

Going into Oregon I knew one thing for sure and that was we were going to lose and lose big. Oregon is the number 2, maybe 1 team in the nation. For those of you saying they would get smoked in the SEC please stop. If inserted into the SEC they would be an immediate contender for the SEC title. This isn't the Oregon team most of us grew up watching, they are an explosive, fast, talented football team who is playing the one style of play that we absolutely cannot contend with which leads into my next point.

We have absolutely zero depth right now due to many reasons but mainly having to do with having only a FEW of Kiffins signings left. To put it perspective it was as if the NCAA banned us from an entire signing class, that doesn't happen and you not suffer emensly for it. There is no team that could just not have a class and expect to maintain depth. We have a much better chance against the traditional offenses in the SEC bc of our depth issues. We simply cannot line up and run with teams for 4 quarters

The main issue I have is some of you actually expect us to contend right now and guys we simply can't. The General his self could not have a successful season with our current talent and schedule. I know losing sucks, getting blown out is worse and to top all off we have been in mediocrity for years and we all feel like we have been bad long enough. That said guys we are 2-3 seasons away from contending again and to expect anything else is just crazy. If Coach Jones had walked into a roster that even had any kind of depth I could see the *****ing and griping but come on what do you expect with this team, we are simply not close to being a mid level SEC team.

Lastly to those *****ing about play calling and Worley. We will see our other QB's play but it will be in a game that we have more than a snow balls chance in hell at winning. You do not throw a fresh in to get his brains beat in to completely ruin his confidence before it even gets built up. We did the same thing with Simms/Bray. It's not fair but Worley took the beating and now we will sometime see a new arm to attempt to save the day. As for the play calling you do not show your best offense on film before you open up SEC play. Especially in a game we had no freaking chance of winning.

My advice: step back from the damn ledge. First off how did you get there? This is going to be a long, very long season and we will be lucky to win 6, very very lucky to win 7 games. That isn't this staffs fault, it's due to kiffin/Dooley both being morons. We will get better, and have an amazing class coming in. Our future is bright but the present is hard guys so keep your expectations realistic and don't bash our kids, and coaches bc we are not winning a national title. We have completely started over again and you have to realize its going to take time! Be patient!

No need for a history lesson here, but when Majors came to U.T. it took him close to 10 seasons before we were consistant winners.

It may take bUTch ten seasons before we can be consistant winners again.

2013 (1) New q.b. (2) new receivers (3) new system under, new head coach. (4) no depth (5) hard schedule

2014 (1) Will replace the entire starting offensive line (2) will replace the entire starting defensive line (3) lacking in depth (4) hard schedule.

2015 " We finally post our first winning record since 2009, when Kiffin was here." (1) bUTch now has 3 recruiting classes under his belt (2) We have more depth (3) There will not be an entire section that needs to be replaced, d.l., d.b., o-line, receivers, etc. The graduation of 2014 players will be minimal and so our 2015 starting rotation will be the same rotation as our 2014 one.

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