Unrealistic Expectations (long)

I just cannot understand what some of you expected going in to the Oregon game. I have read thread after thread about how horrible we are, how dumb Coach Jones is, how our play calling is vanilla, Worley sucks, just the most negative, naive, ignorant mess I have ever witnessed on here and that says a lot.

Going into Oregon I knew one thing for sure and that was we were going to lose and lose big. Oregon is the number 2, maybe 1 team in the nation. For those of you saying they would get smoked in the SEC please stop. If inserted into the SEC they would be an immediate contender for the SEC title. This isn't the Oregon team most of us grew up watching, they are an explosive, fast, talented football team who is playing the one style of play that we absolutely cannot contend with which leads into my next point.

We have absolutely zero depth right now due to many reasons but mainly having to do with having only a FEW of Kiffins signings left. To put it perspective it was as if the NCAA banned us from an entire signing class, that doesn't happen and you not suffer emensly for it. There is no team that could just not have a class and expect to maintain depth. We have a much better chance against the traditional offenses in the SEC bc of our depth issues. We simply cannot line up and run with teams for 4 quarters

The main issue I have is some of you actually expect us to contend right now and guys we simply can't. The General his self could not have a successful season with our current talent and schedule. I know losing sucks, getting blown out is worse and to top all off we have been in mediocrity for years and we all feel like we have been bad long enough. That said guys we are 2-3 seasons away from contending again and to expect anything else is just crazy. If Coach Jones had walked into a roster that even had any kind of depth I could see the *****ing and griping but come on what do you expect with this team, we are simply not close to being a mid level SEC team.

Lastly to those *****ing about play calling and Worley. We will see our other QB's play but it will be in a game that we have more than a snow balls chance in hell at winning. You do not throw a fresh in to get his brains beat in to completely ruin his confidence before it even gets built up. We did the same thing with Simms/Bray. It's not fair but Worley took the beating and now we will sometime see a new arm to attempt to save the day. As for the play calling you do not show your best offense on film before you open up SEC play. Especially in a game we had no freaking chance of winning.

My advice: step back from the damn ledge. First off how did you get there? This is going to be a long, very long season and we will be lucky to win 6, very very lucky to win 7 games. That isn't this staffs fault, it's due to kiffin/Dooley both being morons. We will get better, and have an amazing class coming in. Our future is bright but the present is hard guys so keep your expectations realistic and don't bash our kids, and coaches bc we are not winning a national title. We have completely started over again and you have to realize its going to take time! Be patient!

Great post!!! I absolutely agree. Trust me everybody, I got just as upset as anybody this past Saturday. So upset in fact, I ended up putting a hole through my bedroom door (stupid.. I know). I do realize though, that it will take time and it is a process that all Vol fans need to be patient with. I just wish that all Vol fans would realize it too. The last thing we need to do, is run off another coach and anybody who implies that's what we need to do, just needs to stfu. Give Butch time and I believe he will get us back to glory.
Great post!!! I absolutely agree. Trust me everybody, I got just as upset as anybody this past Saturday. So upset in fact, I ended up putting a hole through my bedroom door (stupid.. I know). I do realize though, that it will take time and it is a process that all Vol fans need to be patient with. I just wish that all Vol fans would realize it too. The last thing we need to do, is run off another coach and anybody who implies that's what we need to do, just needs to stfu. Give Butch time and I believe he will get us back to glory.

You may want to watch the Florida game outside among the trees.....oh and wear brass knuckles
All you guys calling for a youth movement, think about that for a minute. You're Butch Jones. You've got three years to make some kind of improvements. You've got kids redshirting that might help the team now but will definitely help the team when it matters.....in year 2 and 3. Are you going to seriously sacrifice future depth for a slightly-less-uglier loss to Oregon? A moral victory? A dang-we-were-close loss to Florida? Or are you going to develop a plan for bringing talent along in the years that matter to your long-term success at UT?

That yellow buzzsaw the Vols ran into last Saturday is now in its eleventh year of construction. Former HC Bellotti was beaten by Urban Meyer's newfangled Utah spread-option in 2003. Oregon adopted the spread/op and dropped the pro set in 2005. You guys first saw our offense in 2010, when it was about 2/3rds the play call speed that it is now and it didn't score all of our points in Knoxville.

Who knows how good we are going to get now that we are a west coast "destination" program?

If you thought Butch was worth hiring, you have to give him more than three games. If he's articulated a vision of what he wants UT football to become, you have to let him bring in at least three recruiting classes to see what really unfolds.

We were very uneven for the first two years of our newly adopted offense in 2005-06.

Then we hired Chip Kelly. . .but we wouldn't have ever "discovered" him without the courageous program wide change to a new offense two years before that.

Continuity pays dividends if you have the right guy. Our right guy, Bellotti, found us an even more righteous potential future HC than himself and wasn't afraid to give him the reins.
"Continuity pays dividends if you have the right guy. Our right guy, Bellotti, found us an even more righteous potential future HC than himself and wasn't afraid to give him the reins." Canard

So your coach who was the right guy found another coach who was even more right and got himself hired out of his job? That ain't natural.
"Continuity pays dividends if you have the right guy. Our right guy, Bellotti, found us an even more righteous potential future HC than himself and wasn't afraid to give him the reins." Canard

So your coach who was the right guy found another coach who was even more right and got himself hired out of his job? That ain't natural.

When you are near the end of your career, you can't be afraid of hiring the future when you see it.

There are two ways to hire at the CEO level: bring on people who aren't as talented as you and be the undisputed master of the inferiors you've surrounded yourself with, or;

Hire people as talented, or even more so, than yourself and keep on your game. Then, groom one to succeed you.

The OC position at Oregon is the "try out" to become HC. Since 1996, two years at the helm of the offense shows you either have the right stuff to stay and be considered, even down the road, or that you should seek other opportunities.

Scott Frost is in his OC tryout right now. He's on the short list for Nebraska fans right now should Pellini be fired, but if he succeeds this year he'll likely be on ours if Helfrich doesn't work out for whatever reason.
What I find completely incredible?

The OP puts out a well thought out and sincere post, gets blasted by some of our so called "fans," and then fans of the other teams come in to say he's right. Sad day in UT football when our own fans turn on each other and have such limited comprehension of how the college game actually works.

I wonder if some of you even understand the strategic, long term planning CBJ is doing right now.

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