Unsportsmanlike Conduct Too Strict???



Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2010
I was watching the video below, and couldn't help but think there is far too great an emphasis on unsportsmanlike conduct (especially TD celebrations).

Personally, I don't have a problem with excessive celebration (hugging the mascot, Lambeau leap, slam dunking on the goal post, jumping up and down, etc.) The only time I have a problem is when these acts are directed at an opposing player or fan base (ie. taunting).

One of my biggest pet peeves is when players take forever to get off an opponent they have tackled. They stay on top of them, push off of them when they stand up, and then stand over them for a long time (complete disrespect). How is that not worse than celebrating a TD???

Also, the language used on the field is full of curse words, slurs, and demeaning remarks. I've heard players say, "I'm going to eat your F***ING family!" right in front of a ref, without a flag. Yet you get a flag when you celebrate???

There are times when excessive celebration should be called, but if we really want to clean up the game, attention needs to be focussed elsewhere.

I'll hang up and listen.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct 2010 - YouTube
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College football is a game of emotions and there is nothing wrong with being excited after a score and running to the sideline to celebrate with your team

However the preconceived skits that draw attention to the player do not enhance the game at all. Act like you've been to the end zone before and hand the ball to the ref or lay it on the ground.

When I was an official, we would flag any of the acts you mentioned. Guess what? Flag it once and the trash talk diminishes greatly
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I was watching the video below, and couldn't help but think there is far too great an emphasis on unsportsmanlike conduct (especially TD celebrations).

Personally, I don't have a problem with excessive celebration (hugging the mascot, Lambeau leap, slam dunking on the goal post, jumping up and down, etc.) The only time I have a problem is when these acts are directed at an opposing player or fan base (ie. taunting).

One of my biggest pet peeves is when players take forever to get off an opponent they have tackled. They stay on top of them, push off of them when they stand up, and then stand over them for a long time (complete disrespect). How is that not worse than celebrating a TD???

Also, the language used on the field is full of curse words, slurs, and demeaning remarks. I've heard players say, "I'm going to eat your F***ING family!" right in front of a ref, without a flag. Yet you get a flag when you celebrate???

There are times when excessive celebration should be called, but if we really want to clean up the game, attention needs to be focussed elsewhere.

I'll hang up and listen.


Everyone is pro-active to avoid future law suits. So, the NCAA makes a visible effort to curb it, before someone gets hurt and ends up sueing the NCAA.....
The Wussification of College Football (& America) continues...
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I agree. It drives me crazy to see TDs get vacated for silly reasons: high stepping (like CP did last year) front flips, dancing, dunking on the goal post like you said.

I just don't see how you can take away the TD when the celebration has no relationship with the play. You don't see umpires taking away home runs after the whole team comes out and jumps around and celebrates.

To me, a celebration has nothing to do with the play itself so why should it vacate the end result?
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College football is a game of emotions and there is nothing wrong with being excited after a score and running to the sideline to celebrate with your team

However the preconceived skits that draw attention to the player do not enhance the game at all. Act like you've been to the end zone before and hand the ball to the ref or lay it on the ground.

When I was an official, we would flag any of the acts you mentioned. Guess what? Flag it once and the trash talk diminishes greatly

Act like a man, make the play and return to the huddle.

I have a bad feeling that a lot of kids are going to get ejected this season with this new rule. I think it's a good thing that the NCAA is trying to protect kids but the question is how bad will the refs take advantage of the rule? I think the 1st week had 5 ejections, that's a lot. As for celebrations, do it on the sidelines not in the endzone. Some refs might let it go but others won't and there would be nothing worse then being in a nail bitter and having a TD called back for celebrating too much.
Not strict enough IMO

Offenders should have their ****s chopped off with a miniature guillotine JMO
Things will only get worse.

I believe in 2014 along with the rollout of the new championship series that they are going to implement a 10 minute time out for aggressiveness, selfishness and egotism.

Happy! Happy! Happy!
I like it, oh how I miss the old Miami teams they knew how to celebrate.

Remember the Miami WR, that caught the touchdown and kept running......he ran into the tunnel. That was great.

I like all of it even the taunting, its butt hurt people that are ruining this great game, like everything else in life.
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The Wussification of College Football (& America) continues...

This isn't contributing to the wussification of America. This is getting penalized for acting like a dumbass.

I don't have a problem with the ones in the video being penalized. As an official (not football, but I do other sports), there are some that I would have handled differently.

I have no problem getting thug behavior and dumbass antics out of sports.
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Until officials can tell the difference between a fumble or a man down, an interference or not, etc., they need to lay off the BS calls like this. This is a BS rule based on how the official interprets it. Most don't have a clue, as usual.
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The NCAA is an extremely corrupt and money/power hungry organization that I have no respect for. I find it laughable that they, the NCAA, would enforce any rule concerning behavior.
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The NCAA is an extremely corrupt and money/power hungry organization that I have no respect for. I find it laughable that they, the NCAA, would enforce any rule concerning behavior.

I second this emotion. Hard to believe they have been busted up by now.
the TD they took away from CP last season was the biggest farce

I do agree that should have never happened and was ridiculous to do, but he had been penalized for the same high stepping into the end zone earlier in the game. At least they warned him.
This whole thing is getting out of hand. When games are decided over kids celebrating it has gone too far.

(On a side note, do you think Georgia's policies on celebratory chest bumps changed any this week?)
There's nothing wrong with this kind of celebration.

The No Fun Police have spoiled the game.

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