Unsportsmanlike Conduct Too Strict???

The NCAA is an extremely corrupt and money/power hungry organization that I have no respect for. I find it laughable that they, the NCAA, would enforce any rule concerning behavior.

The college coaches were the ones who asked for (and later insisted that) the pre-touchdown celebration rule to be passed...so there's that.
(On a side note, do you think Georgia's policies on celebratory chest bumps changed any this week?)

No more than Ohio State's did after Ted Ginn Jr. got hurt in that year's national championship game.

What happened was a freak means of injury, but it's not like it's unheard of.
I have no idea what this has to do with my post.

I thought you were still talking about the pre-touchdown celebration penalty that others in the thread were.

If I'm mistaken and you were not, my apologies then.
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College football is a game of emotions and there is nothing wrong with being excited after a score and running to the sideline to celebrate with your team

However the preconceived skits that draw attention to the player do not enhance the game at all. Act like you've been to the end zone before and hand the ball to the ref or lay it on the ground.

When I was an official, we would flag any of the acts you mentioned. Guess what? Flag it once and the trash talk diminishes greatly

It's celebrating. Who cares? A guy can talk bad about a team for the entire week, but on gameday, they can't have some fun when they score?

That is stu-....

Ohh, you were a ref? That explains it. Carry on.
I can't for the life of me figure out why a brief show of emotion after a great play is deserving of a penalty. Anyone who has ever played even backyard football has celebrated or tossed a ball after getting hit. It's football, not the Westminster Dog Show.
I like it, oh how I miss the old Miami teams they knew how to celebrate.

Remember the Miami WR, that caught the touchdown and kept running......he ran into the tunnel. That was great.

I like all of it even the taunting, its butt hurt people that are ruining this great game, like everything else in life.

I agree. I used to love watching those old Miami teams dancing around and talking trash after nearly every play.
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I like it, oh how I miss the old Miami teams they knew how to celebrate.

Remember the Miami WR, that caught the touchdown and kept running......he ran into the tunnel. That was great.

I like all of it even the taunting, its butt hurt people that are ruining this great game, like everything else in life.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Wow! If they left Hernandez in, then where are the O.J. celebrations? Maybe Hernandez chucked the football with O.J.'s signature on it into the stands. I wouldn't want to be the person that caught that. Enforce the rule. No more "evidence" in the general public. These guys don't need more motive.
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Big Dan tackles Johnny Football in the backfield, landing on top of him. Somehow Johnny doesnt die. Big Dan then precedes to use Johnny's head as a balance assist to stand up.

AWESOME, I've got no problem with that.

Switch the scenario to one of our guys getting hit, then I'm like, "Throw the flag, REF, WTF!!!!!"
...I don't want to live in a world where you can't do the Ickey Shuffle.

It's football not a dance off

Its also an emotional game played by human beings. Not being able to Celebrate (or in some cases Dive into the End zone apparently) after the play is just silly. I tend to agree with the Pre-Touchdown celebrations because you aren't there yet, but once you're there, let them have a little fun. Its a game for Christ's Sake.
I don't particularly like the dancing and obviously rehearsed routines. I think those are clownish. I do think the refs mess up the game by penalizing emotional outbursts of excitement though. I understand why taunting is penalized, but I think it is taken too far. Here's what I think about this video.

1 - Bad call, unless he cussed at the ref, which would be disrespectful.

2 - taunting, but shouldn't call back the TD, like it would in today's game

3 - terrible call; what are they gonna do next? Penalize pump fakes or reverses?

4 - tough one, for me; it was taunting, but very mild, I say no penalty

5 - terrible call

6 - no idea what happened here

7 - no penalty; he posed...big deal

8 - Probably the worst call; the mascot ran up to him; you shouldn't be able to call penalties on a mascot

9 - once again, very mild celebration; unnecessary penalty

10 - that kid is a clown; if any deserve a penalty, he does

11 - he's frustrated; don't penalize him for momentary frustration; know that emotions are part of the game

12 - it helped us get a TD, but shouldn't have been a penalty; mild celebration, no more

13 - terrible call; he was excited after an awesome play; don't ruin his moment over absolutely nothing

14 - another terrible call

15 - the 2nd worst call; inexcusable by the refs

16 - staring down an opponent shouldn't be a penalty, that's awful (maybe he said something too, i dunno)

17 - raw emotion/celebration; take it easy on the kid

18 - maybe deserving; I think he was taunting the opponent's bench

19 - I think it should be illegal to throw the ball in the stands intentionally; no problem with this call

20 - awful; it looks like he was just showing that he caught the ball

21 - terrible call, seems to be a huge double standard, based on the next clip

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