UPDATE: Urban Meyer's resignation is now a leave of absence

Someone needs to tell Meyer that the flip flop has already been invented and patented. By John Kerry.
How can a head coach take a LOA? Smells like damage control to me. LOA till all the LOI's are signed
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This is funny... What a joke. And Addazio as a head coach. That is even better.

I don't care how this actually plays out it is a bad situation for UF. They are basically putting their team on hold for a year or two or more. What smart recruit wants to sign on for that...

and who really knows if he does come back and if he does will he have the same passion or will the game have passed him by...

If I am a recruit recruited by Meyer there is no way I sign to play for a busted offense with Addazio running things hoping that Meyer will come back while I still have eligibility left.

OK so he's a douche drama queen but, how does this help on the football field? Urban is coming back. Same ole Urban = same ole Florida.
Press conference today at 4:30, but yep, it's indecisiveness at it's best!! [cough, cough]Favre, I mean Urban...[cough]
I wonder how many calls they got from recruits regarding yesterday and that this is the reason for this quick turnabout.
How is this better? He's coming back... That defeats the whole purpose of him leaving. Please tell me, seriously.

It is better because there WILL be speculation for years to come about Meyer, if he will stay of will he go... recruits will not know what to believe and the longer he hangs on as coach with someone else serving as interm the longer this stays a mess... Happy Days for Tennessee recruiting :yahoo:
There's definitely more to this story than what is being told. His "illness" is not life threatening, so if he was planning on resigning why wouldn't he wait to announce this until after NSD? Think about it... it defies all logic. Either way he was only going to coach one more game (the Sugar Bowl). This would allow them to keep the recruits as well as plan for a replacement. To announce it when he did just doesn't make sense. I'm guessing he and Foley were possibly having some discussions that weren't going well, or as previously stated, he has concerns that the next year or two are going to be difficult at UF and he's trying to avoid them.
OK so he's a douche drama queen but, how does this help on the football field? Urban is coming back. Same ole Urban = same ole Florida.

Easy to play him and UF on this in recruiting. He comes back? Big deal, we have a coach that will be happy to see him.
Urban can always re-evaluate. In a year or so he might still be gone, depending on his health at that time. The upside for them is it gives the illusion of more stability than there actually is. Should have done this in the first place if he wasn't sure.
I guess he re-evaluated faith and family and ego won out...Probably got good solid advice from Eddie Munster over at the basketball program...

Quit to see how much they miss you, then flip flop..
What is it with these Florida coaches making major decisions and then changing their minds..
Billy Donovan anyone
CBS is reporting he will take a LOA instead.

Urban Donavan changes his mind. Are Florida coaches on drugs? Anyway I am glad he is staying because I would like for us to beat his butt next year. I do hope his health turns out okay.

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