Urban Meyer Predicts

I can respect that, but guess I am way too logical in my life lol.

When I was growing up, my family business was hotels and restaurants. While the businesses were always on the up and up, whenever there was an inspection coming-there was a routine. Leave something small and obvious for the inspector to find. Why? There's never been a perfect health inspection done, they are gonna find something out of pride. Do you really want them digging around TRYING to find something wrong, or is it just easier to leave something laying around that is obvious so you get a 1 or 2 point deduction? Inspector is in and out of there in 15 minutes satisfied that he has done his job and you are free to resume your life/business

Same basic principle involved here. We're not gonna get through 2024 without a loss. If we're gonna lose, I would prefer to do it in a way that doesn't kill what else could be.

Guess I'm just getting old and I'm not that much of a fighter anymore. Had to learn to pick my battles a little bit. No such thing as perfect.

Still think my idea about the "playoffs" being expanded to 16 with the P4 championships essentially being the first round games would have been the winner. Both for pride of the individual programs and logistics.

The big difference between those two scenarios is this: in the hotel/restaurant inspection, you know beforehand that the inspector just has to find something. And so you give him a little something.

In football, we never know we're going to lose a game. Until we've lost a game.

So before each game, we're like, WIN THIS ONE. Over and over. All season long.

Then, after we've lost one, particularly if it knocks us out of a trip to Atlanta, we say "oh that's probably better anyway, now we get the #5 spot in the playoffs."

But that's just rationalizing the loss. We still would've preferred to win it. Win them all. Win everything.

Go Vols!
From a balance perspective that’d be pretty rough. A couple of those P4 conferences are A LOT weaker than the others. Seems really unfair to have a potential 1/2 or 1/3 matchup in the first round for the SEC and a 12/16 matchup for the PAC2

Pac2 doesn't qualify anymore do they? At least at this point? I know they are trying to grab some teams to allow them to continue business, but the conference is going to essentially be a G5 type of deal going forward.

Your points are valid. Just saying the championship games are gonna happen regardless. Eventually you're gonna have a team that gets shut out of the playoffs due to a loss in the conference championship game and my BVS is telling me exactly who that team will be lol.
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Might just be me but with the current playoff setup I think it’s harder to win an SEC championship than a national championship, at least if you get a good draw in the playoff bracket.
Pac2 doesn't qualify anymore do they? At least at this point? I know they are trying to grab some teams to allow them to continue business, but the conference is going to essentially be a G5 type of deal going forward.

Your points are valid. Just saying the championship games are gonna happen regardless. Eventually you're gonna have a team that gets shut out of the playoffs due to a loss in the conference championship game and my BVS is telling me exactly who that team will be lol.
Totally agree on the PAC. Not sure if they qualify anymore or not, but you could make a similar point about how weak the ACC or Big12 are now. It’s pretty much the SEC and the B1G and then everyone else.

Definitely true that you have to beat the best to be the best. I’d just hate for some lesser team to back their way into a championship (or even a second round appearance because you know we’re going to start tracking those too) because the SEC teams beat each other up in an earlier round than they should have.

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