US economic growth

It damn sure isn’t the dementia patient as claimed. He hasn’t added anything unique to Trumps plan that’s clear other than writing EOs to cancel anything positive he did just out of spite.

You sound like the Obama people after Trump took over. lmao
You sound like the Obama people after Trump took over. lmao
You sound like a TDS Trump hater trying to find SOMETHING good the dementia patient has done so they can claim some justification for voting for his idiot ass.

Thus far the record is $1.9T of pork added to the debt ledger and more separated children in cages at the border than under Trump with exponential increases in illegal border crossings. Yeah Joe is crushing it 🤡
Again, I doubt very seriously this was the first, second or even third thought in his mind. Also keep in mind that the Congress signed off on that also, so its not like they wanted to give Trump a victory with regards to GDP growth. Trying to just restore the economy and put money in people's hands was the main objective. You are one of the few people I've heard suggest it was a tactic to boost GDP. I'm not sure even his staunchest critics on the far left had even thought if that.


Restoring the economy? He increased spending during the "boom" part of his tenure, lol. A lot of his GDP growth was fakeass gov spending, from the start.

It's kinda ********, tho. GDP, employment, etc. was already growing before Trump and one reason it continued to grow was because of government spending increases. Look at 2019. The federal government's spending increase was equal to 1.95% of 2018 GDP. 2019 GDP growth was 2.2%. He's scamming us.
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