Karzai is on record as saying Afghanistan will side
with Pakistan if war between America and
Pakistn ensues.
So much for moslem allies, they are merely enemies
with a smiling face as long as you are helping them
achieve their own goals which have nothing at all to
do with aiding America and everything to do with
bringing America to it's knees.
MILITARY: Marines train to win hearts, spot bombs
The relationships troops forge can mean the difference
between a bloody deployment and a relatively safe one,
said one of the trainers, Shafiq Mubarak, from the
Marine Corps Center for Advanced Operational Culture
Learning. . .
Mubarak taught the troops the proper way to sit during
a shura. He told them they should plan on at least 30
minutes for an initial meeting, and that they should
always finish their tea and eat any food presented.
If you dont, that means to them that you dont trust
them, or think what they are giving you is poison or is
unclean, he said.
Mubarak also said the Marines should never spit or
urinate to the west, the direction of Mecca that
Muslims in Afghanistan face when they pray.
Other sensitivity topics previously covered.
Do not fart in the presence of a moslem.
Do not eat or drink, even water, (American servicemen
cannot consume alcohol in Iraq and Afghanistan even
privately, at least in Korea, even though the enemy
was much stronger, the fighting fiercer and the tactics
not so cowardly as the Taliban and other moslems use,
at least our men were rationed a case of beer a week
and a fifth of whiskey each month,) or eat in public
during the moslem (un)holy month of ramadama.
Do not bring Bibles into the country, they will be
publicly burned.
That covers some of the sensitivity topics, in case you
havn't noticed, moslems are even more sensitive than
our own native progressives and are easily offended,
in which case they feel it is their duty to react violently
if offended in the least.