So exactly what are those differences, especially with tax policy? I'm all ears. This isn't a talking point, it is what it is.
-McCain plans to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and add more cuts for the upper income bracket including capital gains and corporate profit tax cuts. No billionaire left behind policy continued.
There isn't a snowballs chance in hell that any tax cuts for the wealthy are getting approved by this congress, period. If they do, our employment rates are better when our wealthy aren't shipping bid cash to Uncle Sam. Forget all of the other. Rich people investing is the lone way that we generate jobs as an economy. There is absolutely no other way to done. None, nada, zip, zilch. OBTW, said investment also fuels R&D and maintains our general technological competitive advantage around the world. There is no other way to view it, unless, like most heart bleeders, you think that's a government function.
-McCain plans to maintain the Bush energy policy with continued benefits for the oil industry while at the same time allowing alternative energy programs to expire by failing to show up to vote for the program ... multiple times. No oil executive left behind continued.
this silly red herring has been blasted forever ago. Did you see what he failed to vote for? You're pretending is something of merit. Plus, apparently you're advocating making life tough for the oil companies, as if our current policy of fixed margins for them isn't enough. Pretending that we're going to suddenly become less dependent on oil is a fantasy island concept. Further, pretending that there isn't a huge pile of smart money chasing a solution is just absurd.
-War on terror. McCain plans to continue Bush policies.
As he should, with the caveat that he be more aggressive.
-Foreign affairs. McCain plans to continue Bush policies.
which ones and what's the problem?
-Health Care. Bush plan revised.
any stance that doesn't publicize medicine is the right one.
-Social Security. Bush plan, revised
and we should absolutely move toward privatization for several reasons, the main one being that the gov't gets less money to piss away and it represents more of the big I in the GDP equation.
Read all about it: - McCain-Palin 2008
When you actually go to his campaign site and read his plans, they are basically updated versions of the '00 and '04 Bush plans. We're involved in extremely expensive conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the war on terror. We have alienated our closest friends and allies. We have massive corruption in our government, a $4.4 trillion increase in our debt, record annual deficits, increased inflation and unemployment, and, now, $816 Billion in bail-outs socializing much of the U.S. banking system.