US State Department Stirring It Up With Iran...



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
I thought we were supposed to be draining the swamp? This is directly out of the Hillary/Victoria Nuland/John Kerry playbook. Pompeo cooking up some color revolution propaganda...

Pompeo Delivers Policy Speech on Iran

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed an audience in California, directed at members of the Iranian diaspora, to urge them to "support" protesters in Iran, as the Trump administration hints at a desire for regime change in Tehran after turning its back on the Iranian nuclear accord.

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I thought we were supposed to be draining the swamp? This is directly out of the Hillary/Victoria Nuland/John Kerry playbook. Pompeo cooking up some color revolution propaganda...

Pompeo Delivers Policy Speech on Iran


The good news is that it won't be long before Trump is along kissing Khamenei's a$$ and turning down the sheets for him in Lincolns bedroom.

Maybe Trump will volunteer Pompeo to go be interrogated by the Iranian secret police?
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The good news is that it won't be long before Trump is along kissing the Ayatolas a$$ and turning down the sheets for him in Lincolns bedroom.

Maybe Trump will volunteer Pompeo to go be interrogated by the Iranian secret police?

It is very confusing to me.

Of all of the things to criticize Trump over (and there are plenty of things out there), you have liberals and John Birch neocons criticizing him actually meeting with our adversaries. I thought liberals were about make love, not war?
It is very confusing to me.

Of all of the things to criticize Trump over (and there are plenty of things out there), you have liberals and John Birch neocons criticizing him actually meeting with our adversaries. I thought liberals were about make love, not war?

Meeting with and showing deference are very different scenarios. Of all the things to criticize him over, and there are lots, this may be the most egregious.
i thought we were supposed to be draining the swamp? This is directly out of the hillary/victoria nuland/john kerry playbook. Pompeo cooking up some color revolution propaganda...

pompeo delivers policy speech on iran

I certainly don’t see the correlation with the aforementioned swamp ‘playbook’ callers...


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I certainly don’t see the correlation with the aforementioned swamp ‘playbook’ callers...

Stirring up internal chaos with NGOs and people in exile for their color revolutions in the former Soviet States... that was the Hillary/Nuland playbook in the State Department. Now Pompeo is looking to do the same in Iran.
So how long is he supposed to stay on Helsinki before moving on?

As long as it takes for him to unequivocally blame Russia and Putin for election meddling. No "or it could have been other people" or "it's all a hoax" or "but he denies it."
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As long as it takes for him to unequivocally blame Russia and Putin for election meddling. No "or it could have been other people" or "it's all a hoax" or "but he denies it."

I'd rather just move on but, keep us updated on the Helsinki thing and his tax returns..
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Capping a week of drama, back tracking, a double negative and blistering statements from allies about his attitude toward Russian election interference, President Trump on Sunday was back to referring to "a big hoax."

Mr. Trump spent days trying to reassure the country that he accepts that the longtime foe interfered in the 2016 election after his public undermining of U.S. intelligence agencies in Helsinki while standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin. But Mr. Trump cast doubt once again in a Sunday tweet, diminishing at least the significance, if not the existence, of the interference and the U.S. investigation into Russia's actions.

After week of walkbacks, Trump points to "big hoax" in Russian interference - CBS News
Capping a week of drama, back tracking, a double negative and blistering statements from allies about his attitude toward Russian election interference, President Trump on Sunday was back to referring to "a big hoax."

Mr. Trump spent days trying to reassure the country that he accepts that the longtime foe interfered in the 2016 election after his public undermining of U.S. intelligence agencies in Helsinki while standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin. But Mr. Trump cast doubt once again in a Sunday tweet, diminishing at least the significance, if not the existence, of the interference and the U.S. investigation into Russia's actions.

After week of walkbacks, Trump points to "big hoax" in Russian interference - CBS News

I missed the part where CBS reported on these

Media blackout: Trump’s 60-point accomplishment list of ‘American Greatness’

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