US views of Capitalism v Socialism



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Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
Rasmussen Reports: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

interesting poll I saw this morning. Could this just be a reaction to our current problems or is it something more?

Only 53% of American adults believe capitalism is better than socialism.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 20% disagree and say socialism is better. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure which is better.
Adults under 30 are essentially evenly divided: 37% prefer capitalism, 33% socialism, and 30% are undecided. Thirty-somethings are a bit more supportive of the free-enterprise approach with 49% for capitalism and 26% for socialism. Adults over 40 strongly favor capitalism, and just 13% of those older Americans believe socialism is better.
Frightening but believable. Have some conversations with the "average" worker sometime. They freak out and lose their chain of thought though when you explain to them that they are among the richest people in the world.
"It is interesting to compare the new results to an earlier survey in which 70% of Americans prefer a free-market economy."

Do people even know what capitalism means?
My God, is anybody teaching history correctly.

The average teacher in california (and in a lot of the rest of the country) is a far bigger socialist than even obama. my gf is a teacher. you wouldn't beleive the crap that comes out of her friends' mouths.
I just don't get it. Any American with a 1st grade education should realize that they are lucky as hell to be an American. There is a reason why the freedom to achieve what you aspire to is called the "American Dream." Now everybody wants to throw that away.
I just don't get it. Any American with a 1st grade education should realize that they are lucky as hell to be an American. There is a reason why the freedom to achieve what you aspire to is called the "American Dream." Now everybody wants to throw that away.

You don't understand. The fixed wealthers are sure the "American Dream" is being denied to the common man by the rich. Thus, we need fairness and equality - socialsim.
I just don't get it. Any American with a 1st grade education should realize that they are lucky as hell to be an American. There is a reason why the freedom to achieve what you aspire to is called the "American Dream." Now everybody wants to throw that away.

the average american is stupid and and lazy. they are jealous of those smart and hard working people capitalism helps the most (from their point of view). hence the backlash against wall street etc.
I think much of this has to do with the lack of emphasis on economics in public education. It is much easier to discard the positives of the "invisible hand" when one has no basic understanding of macroeconomics. You have to admit, a lot of economics is counterintuitive (i.e., the positives of free trade and the negatives of things like government subsidies, price controls and price ceilings).
the average american is stupid and and lazy. they are jealous of those smart and hard working people capitalism helps the most (from their point of view). hence the backlash against wall street etc.
"Ignorant" and lazy. I bet they could kick god of wars ass on PS3 though. Same people that believe the government is a self sustained entity. Same ones that think there is some magic pot of gold somewhere and there is plenty for everyone.
The average teacher in california (and in a lot of the rest of the country) is a far bigger socialist than even obama. my gf is a teacher. you wouldn't beleive the crap that comes out of her friends' mouths.

I don't know how you live out in LA droski. I visited my sister out there in December and enjoyed the visit, but to live there would be too much for me to handle.
I don't know how you live out in LA droski. I visited my sister out there in December and enjoyed the visit, but to live there would be too much for me to handle.

hot chicks, beaches, perfect weather

you can find good non wackjob people out here too. you just have to look a little harder. :)
the average american is stupid and and lazy. they are jealous of those smart and hard working people capitalism helps the most (from their point of view). hence the backlash against wall street etc.

What defines the "average american" to you? Income bracket? Education level?

I'm just curious.
people under 30 are real dumb.

I don't know if they're dumb or are buying into the pop-POTUS we have and the 10sec soundbites that they hear. I believe the average young person would think like this

I like Obama -> Obama says greedy Capitalists caused this current mess -> Right-wingers attack him as a Socialist -> don't know what Socialism really is but I like Obama -> Socialism must be better
I don't know if they're dumb or are buying into the pop-POTUS we have and the 10sec soundbites that they hear. I believe the average young person would think like this

I like Obama -> Obama says greedy Capitalists caused this current mess -> Right-wingers attack him as a Socialist -> don't know what Socialism really is but I like Obama -> Socialism must be better

I think you are on to something here. We are speaking about a demographic that have a very short attention span. Many get there views on the world from places like the Daily Show and U tube.
That and from a very leftwing media. Most people have just gotten lazy. To most, Socialism means they don't have to work as hard and everyone is paid the same, so prices fall. What they don't understand is when a government gets control of the small things, they start wanting more control and then they want more and eventually, noone has a say in anything and we will be led around by the hand waiting on Papa President to tell us when we can buy a car and what car e can buy.
That and from a very leftwing media. Most people have just gotten lazy. To most, Socialism means they don't have to work as hard and everyone is paid the same, so prices fall. What they don't understand is when a government gets control of the small things, they start wanting more control and then they want more and eventually, noone has a say in anything and we will be led around by the hand waiting on Papa President to tell us when we can buy a car and what car e can buy.
Sad part about what you just said is, those very same people see nothing wrong with that. Don't worry, the government and their magic pile of money will pay for it. Misinformed, short attention span, addicted to playstation whatever. People today believe in what they are told too much by the liberal media. If so and so says its this way then is must be this way. Follow the leader instead of forming their own opinions.
Too bad the average centralist will never get any air time to voice their opinions. America only wants to hear about stout opposition, not the reality of what works. But hey, one day we may actually get death race!!! If Obama keeps going the way he is, the entire country will be in such a freefall I am afraid we will never recover from it.

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