Penn State has very little competition for recruiting in Pennsylvania, NJ, Maryland, Delaware etc. The have their own high school all star game called the Big 33 where the top players from Pennsylvania compete against the top players from Ohio. The cream of those groups go to the big state school first. So it wasn't too hard for PSU to recover from the sanctions. I'm still curious if Jimmy Frank and crew are the real deal or just the benefactors of previous coaches. I give him all the credit in the world for winning the B10 and his success at Vandy, but I'm curious if he can run a program long term.
Same with USC. If you ever set foot on that campus you would realize how easy it would be to recruit there. When I went there I just wanted to lay in the grass and day dream. It is really this small bit of heaven in the middle of East LA. But again, do they have the staff to take advantage of the talent the attract? That is to be determined, probably as early as tomorrow.