USC is gonna lose!

kiffin losing directly resulted in me winning my college football pick'em group this week and $40... I'd still rather have seen the Vols win today.

great quote from a buddy today:
It was the happiness of finding a million dollars only to hear 30 seconds later that you couldn't keep it, it belonged to your third least favorite person in the world.
Washington hadnt won in la in 14 years and they win in kiffins first year. Classic
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DUDE I DIDN'T KNOW LAME LOST YESTERDAY, OUTSTANDING!! I love it even more because the kiffin slurppers on here still think he was the one for UT!!
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2 game losing streak against Washington. :)
that's the first time Washington won in LA since mid 90's I believe.
First home loss to Washington since 96 and first time losing two in a row to them since 96-97.
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How about that monte kiffin? Playing a pro defense in a spread conference is gonna get usc murdered
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