UT players say they embrace Butch Jones' process-driven approach

Honestly,what do you expect them to say? Annually buying into this mutual admiration/lovefest between whichever player and whichever coach has got to stop. Results have got to be demanded.

Welcome to the Rites of August. It's like January 1st at the gym.
Didn't the same players say the same about Dooley and staff? What do you expect the players to say?
CBJ has done a great job at rallying the base to circle the wagons and become re-energized. I like the excitement he has created. Now back it up coach. Go VOLS.
Since everyone is so level-headed today, it's interesting to recall that Coach Jones and his Cincy team were all talk leading up to the game with us and then essentially got steam-rolled (I realize there was a gap in talent, but still).

Here's to hoping that doesn't happen at Oregon and FLA...or at any point this season.

BTW, I get it and so does Butch.
The gator is bringing some truth up in here. When people talk about the "process" they usually lose me when they tell us not to focus on the results. Results get coaches fired or given extensions. Results get you to bowl games and championships. A process is only as good as the results.

Results are the result of process, preparation and performance. You really didn't understand that as the intent of the quotes?

Edit: A little help"

“That’s when you have to just focus on the process,” said offensive lineman James Stone. “Coach Jones and the staff, they’ve laid out a proven process on how you go about becoming a winning football team. You can’t really worry about last season. Just focus on the process of what develops winning teams. If you do it every day, you’re going to get better every day.”

May God have mercy on this fanbase's soul...
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this +1000 the problem with Volnation is they love to talk about he gets it.. but refuse to demand results they prefer the he loves tn approach so give him time..

if he really gets it 8 wins should be expected this year because tn cant afford another 6 n 6 n then 7 wins in year 2. thats not results or progress.

So wait... That's what you base results on? You form expectations based on what is beneficial to the program as opposed to talent, scheme, schedule, learning curve, etc?

I understand now. :good!:

You know, a National Championship this year would be even better for the program. Why not expect that, based on your illogic? Just go all in.
Of course he is going to need some time. I'd give him 3 years, and probably 4. Seems to be the real deal.

I'm just distinguishing that from the notion that some players in a press conference saying that CBJ is doing a good job = points on the scoreboard.

You go look at pre-camp comments from any program in the country. They all say these things. Means nada.

I'll reread the thread to see what I missed, but please help me by quoting the post that posited this supposed notion.

On a team that notoriously quit on its staff, it's encouraging to know that they are buying in to the process. On a team that under-performed so spectacularly, it's nice to know that they are being pushed to get better every day.

Again, who's saying that this equates to points of the board? (Or did you mean, agreement with the idea that steady drive for improvement with bring improvement?)
Honestly,what do you expect them to say? Annually buying into this mutual admiration/lovefest between whichever player and whichever coach has got to stop. Results have got to be demanded.

Since I'm going through the thread again, I'll do this for you too.

“That’s when you have to just focus on the process,” said offensive lineman James Stone. “Coach Jones and the staff, they’ve laid out a proven process on how you go about becoming a winning football team. You can’t really worry about last season. Just focus on the process of what develops winning teams. If you do it every day, you’re going to get better every day.”

You actually think that results aren't the goal?
The gator is bringing some truth up in here. When people talk about the "process" they usually lose me when they tell us not to focus on the results. Results get coaches fired or given extensions. Results get you to bowl games and championships. A process is only as good as the results.

People with common sense understand that the proven process CBJ has in place will reap wins. The process is the foundation of this program that players have bought in to with everyone being on the same page. Results don't come on your time they come over time.
After seeing cbj talk to his cinci players and how he fired them up and they would run through a wall for him. Now, our team gave up in every game . How would those games have ended if the team didn't fold up shop and had decent play calling etc?

We should have only lost to Alabama last year. But this year out offensive firepower is gone.

None of us know what this team will do. Never know how the players will play under butch . They may give twice the effort for him, and that could win you some games.

Ill just sit back and watch. I ain't expecting anything , just fight for the entire game. That's the first step.
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Results are the result of process, preparation and performance. You really didn't understand that as the intent of the quotes?

Edit: A little help"

May God have mercy on this fanbase's soul...

I think you missed my point. It's really pretty simple. A good process will yield good results. A bad process will yield bad results. The measure of value for any process is the results. I don't see how anyone can ignore that. The content of my post was a little more broad than what you used to correct my thinking but thanks for setting everyone straight on the matter.
The gator is bringing some truth up in here. When people talk about the "process" they usually lose me when they tell us not to focus on the results. Results get coaches fired or given extensions. Results get you to bowl games and championships. A process is only as good as the results.

I think you missed my point. It's really pretty simple. A good process will yield good results. A bad process will yield bad results. The measure of value for any process is the results. I don't see how anyone can ignore that. The content of my post was a little more broad than what you used to correct my thinking but thanks for setting everyone straight on the matter.

I got your point. Your point was a red herring to the discussion. Which post, referencing quotes that are results-oriented, told you to ignore results?
People with common sense understand that the proven process CBJ has in place will reap wins. The process is the foundation of this program that players have bought in to with everyone being on the same page. Results don't come on your time they come over time.

I got your point. Your point was a red herring to the discussion. Which post, referencing quotes that are results-oriented, told you to ignore results?

I guess I was just thinking about the Dooley "process" and his version of it. I remember hearing from him in a press conference about not focusing on the results (can't remember which one). I think that's why the word "process" sparks a lot of emotion. Many of us are still in the "process" of erasing that 3 year train wreck from our memory. Here's to better times ahead. :toast:
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I guess I was just thinking about the Dooley "process" and his version of it. I remember hearing from him in a press conference about not focusing on the results (can't remember which one). I think that's why the word "process" sparks a lot of emotion. Many of us are still in the "process" of erasing that 3 year train wreck from our memory. Here's to better times ahead. :toast:

I can understand that. There is indeed a lot of scar tissue around here. To better days, a better process, and better results... :toast:
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