UT Show Ponies Gone -- Shouldn't Matter

Hunter was a pretty average receiver last year. He dropped alot of passes and played like someone protecting their draft status.

CP is a freakish athlete but was never polished as a WR or even a "good" blocker.

Bray... chokes. There is a reason he wasn't drafted. It had nothing to do with Dooley or anyone but Bray. He's a headcase. As physically talented as he was, he lacked poise and leadership. His career is built on playing backyard ball against lesser opponents and in non-critical situations. Anytime a situation required disciplined play in pressure situations... he folded.

I say all that to say this... UT has been replacing great players with great players for a long time. The inexperienced guys who Jones has to work with didn't become less talented because the "show ponies" left.

If this staff can coach then WR won't be a fatal liability.

God, if ever there was a this! THIS is the this! Thank you for so eloquently putting it in a way I never could. I said from the very beginning, I am GLAD for the clean break! We will take our lumps for sure, but I would rather the CBJ era start this way rather than him having just one year dealing with Bray, Hunter, and Patterson.
I will say this for last years team thank god we had Bray last year because it could have gotten a lot worse than what we seen last year. No Bray last year we go 3-9 or 4-8.

Once you've solidified a losing season and no hope for a bowl appearance, I don't see much difference between 5-7 and 0-10 to be honest.
So... Hunter was "pretty average," yet had nearly 1100 receiving yards, while sharing the ball with a first round pick?

Sure. Let's go with that.

But I'll stick with things that aren't bias or hate on former guys. Numbers tell me Hunter was one of the best recievers in the SEC and the nation, and him having a 1st round grade and being drafted as high as he was means the NFL agrees too.

and outside of the W/L column (which any halfway smart person will tell you our defense did more to effect than our offense) Bray, again, numbers wise, was one of the better QBs in UT history. But hey, let's call the guy a choker for not rallying his defense or having an inept coaching group!

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