UT to Honor King at UK game

I'm tryng to figure out who ticked BK off that kept him from returning there sooner.
I heard it was because Coach Mears benched him for an important game because BK broke team rules. Ya know the whole, "You can't bench the star of the team" thing. Don't know specifics, but I know BK hasn't spoken to Mears since leaving UT either.
How good was BK? No one ever more effective scoring from the wing.
Great Great video. I am still skeptical whether Bernard will show. :crossfingers:
I am really excited that the Univ. is finally honoring King at one of the games. This will be one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. I will be in attendance.:rock:
I am sure he will be there since the University is honoring him. I also would wager that Ernie G. will also be in attendance.
I read where coach Pearl mentioned Bernard King, Ernie Grunfield, and Allen Houston as 3 greats from UT, but what about Dale Ellis???
Check out King's stats

NBA.com: Bernard King Complete Stats

For his career in the NBA, he averaged 22.5 pts, 5.8 rebs, and 3.3 asts per game ... and that includes post-injury years. His best season (84-85), he averaged 32.9, 5.8, and 3.7 ... plus an additional 1.3 steals per game.

That's pretty freakin' good, right there! What's sad is, I'm 31 and really have no recollection of BK playing in the NBA. And it's not because I didn't watch, because I was a huge Celtics fan as a child. I think we can safely say that The King is one player who "doesn't get enough play."

I'm fired up that he's coming back to Knoxville, that we're going to honor him, and that I will be in attendance to see it. I hope the crowd gives it up BIG TIME for a true UT great!
I am sure he will be there since the University is honoring him. I also would wager that Ernie G. will also be in attendance.

Don't be so sure. He's never been back since he graduated as far as I know. They have tried to get him back here before but King had pretty much severed all ties with the program for whatever reason.
Don't be so sure. He's never been back since he graduated as far as I know. They have tried to get him back here before but King had pretty much severed all ties with the program for whatever reason.
Don't be so sure. He's never been back since he graduated as far as I know. They have tried to get him back here before but King had pretty much severed all ties with the program for whatever reason.
That's sad that he hasn't been back to UT. Did he just go "HOLLYWOOD" and thought he was to good for UT?
That's sad that he hasn't been back to UT. Did he just go "HOLLYWOOD" and thought he was to good for UT?
Don't quote me on this, because I am not sure (it is just what my dad has told me about the situation). Apparently when BK was here he decided that it would be a good idea if he stole some T.V.s from some of the athletic offices. When it was found out that he had stole them he thought that he wouldn't be punished because he was a star b-ball player. When he realized that he was going to be punished he was very unhappy and that is the reason that he has never returned.

I am probably missing some details, but I haven't talked to my dad about this is quite sometime. Hopefully we will get one of the posters on here that is old enough to remember this and tell us what happened.
Don't quote me on this, because I am not sure (it is just what my dad has told me about the situation). Apparently when BK was here he decided that it would be a good idea if he stole some T.V.s from some of the athletic offices. When it was found out that he had stole them he thought that he wouldn't be punished because he was a star b-ball player. When he realized that he was going to be punished he was very unhappy and that is the reason that he has never returned.

I am probably missing some details, but I haven't talked to my dad about this is quite sometime. Hopefully we will get one of the posters on here that is old enough to remember this and tell us what happened.

I heard that story too.

What did he think he was playing for Alabama?
Does anyone know, specifically Bernard King's link to streetball? I remember watching something on TV and Jay Z, the rapper, said he is the New York pioneer for streetballers.
Don't quote me on this, because I am not sure (it is just what my dad has told me about the situation). Apparently when BK was here he decided that it would be a good idea if he stole some T.V.s from some of the athletic offices. When it was found out that he had stole them he thought that he wouldn't be punished because he was a star b-ball player. When he realized that he was going to be punished he was very unhappy and that is the reason that he has never returned.

I am probably missing some details, but I haven't talked to my dad about this is quite sometime. Hopefully we will get one of the posters on here that is old enough to remember this and tell us what happened.

I think it's something like that but I have feeling there was more to it than that. From what I've been told they were constantly trying to keep him out of trouble.
Who gives a crap what he did. Let the guy have his night. We have all made mistakes. He is one of if not the best to ever wear orange. You all sound like a bunch of Kentucky fans trying to down the guy. This should have happened a long time ago.

Congrats BK!!! Welcome Home!!!
Who gives a crap what he did. Let the guy have his night. We have all made mistakes. He is one of if not the best to ever wear orange. You all sound like a bunch of Kentucky fans trying to down the guy. This should have happened a long time ago.

Congrats BK!!! Welcome Home!!!
We weren't trying to down the guy, we were just discussing why he has been back since he graduated. I agree that this should have happened a long time ago, but King wanted no part of it. However, he is the best to ever play at Tennessee and I am excited that he will be here on Tuesday. I will be in attendance giving him the standing ovation that he deserves.
I dont think people are trying to drag him down, I think that they are wondering why he severed his ties to the University. I have no idea why it happpened. Whatever it was, he is not remembered around here like Manning, Holdsclaw, Helton, etc.
The whatever reason was because of a missing T.V. from a certain players dorm. BK's run-ins w/ authority were well documented at UT. Some KPD charges against him were dropped pending his promise 'not to return to Knoxville'. I don't think there is much animosity between King and Mears aside from hardline coach vs. troublesome pupil.

He was the NBA's scoring leader in 84-85 and he was further legitamized as one of the greatest ever in Kurtis Blow's 'Basketball' towards the end of the song.

"Yall seen my man Bernard King....yeah, he's still doin' it!"

Don't be so sure. He's never been back since he graduated as far as I know. They have tried to get him back here before but King had pretty much severed all ties with the program for whatever reason.

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