Hyams was on Big Orange Sunday (Doug Mathews show, you can find the podcast pretty easy). He said (paraphasing) some in the NCAA think Tennessee skated on the Pruitt things and wanted to use this for further punishment. He said he "hoped this wasn't the case, but there is much speculation this could be what precipitated it". And I can see how the NCAA might be thinking they did us a favor. We didn't have to pay a buyout to Pruitt, and that was huge for the university, but I also heard the monetary fine was the most ever levied (I can't verify that, just passing on stuff I've heard), so really instead of paying Pruitt, we paid them.
The part I wonder about is why did they leak the story? The response by Plowman and Tennessee (state of) indicates, that even before the leak, they knew it was coming. So what is the motive for leaking, and if we knew already, that hints of a prior leak. I guess having NCAA sniffing around for a year or so - it was easy to connect the dots, or perhaps one of those sniffers (accidently?) let the cat out of the bag. I'd sure like to know how this all precipitated.
It reeks of incompetence by the NCAA, but BVS says wait until the "fat lady sings" before declaring (with orange colored glasses) the opera over. I have a feeling that if there is any way they can bar Nico from playing next season, they might play that card, even if they know they will eventually lose. NCAA has the "guilty until proven" power and delaying tactics to draw this thing out. Yes. I know this post will be answered with "We got this, step off the ledge", and I think common sense says we no way they can keep Nico off the field. I just think they might be butthurt and exposed, and they don't like it one bit, and and whatever retaliation they can come up with to punish us, even if eventually it get's overturned. I think we are still in the crosshairs, but they don't have a sniper rifle anymore, maybe a shotgun with bird shot, but it's still aimed at us.