If Owenby can throw strikes on a consistent basis he could very well develop into a quality friday night starter, I really do like his stuff. In extended appearances he has been tough to hit, his walk rate has just been too high. We'll also have Kidd back next year, Andy Cox provided some starts that showed promise early in the year if he can get past 4 innings next year he could be an option in the rotation, similar to Cox Q has had some good outings for 3 or 4 innings, and then Nick Williams could be another quality option if he becomes more consistent (i.e. his performance against Florida). As I've said for awhile though my expectations for this team are going to remain fairly low and I will remain fairly nonjudgmental about the direction of this program until this current group of pitchers are Juniors. To be successful in this league you you need 3 consistent starters that will give you 6.0+ innings on a fairly consistent basis which often does not really start to happen until junior year. For example look at Ziomek's first year in the starting rotation as a sophomore last year with his 5-6 record and 5.22 ERA, and now look at him in his juniour year he is 8-3 with 3 CG, 84 Ks, and a 2.12 ERA. Now I don't think we have a Ziomek type prospect on the roster currently, but I also don't think this program is at a point where we can reasonably expect to be an elite program in the foreseeable future. This program was in the cellar of the SEC when Serrano took over and we are going to have to atleast become a middle of the road SEC team before we even think about becoming elite. That being said the progression of Ziomek tends to be mirrored by all pitchers just with a lower starting point and not as high of a ceiling. For example look at Ole Miss's rotation. Bobby Wahl was 0-2 with a 4.80 era averaging 1.5 inning an appearance mostly out of the bullpen. His sophomore year he was inserted as a starter and went 7-4 with a 2.55 era averaging 5.8 innings per appearance. This year he is 8-0 down to a 1.22 era, and averaging nearly seven innings per outing. Mike Mayers worked his freshman year mostly out of the pen with a 5.10 era, and just over an inning per appearance on average. His sophomore year he started 15 games going 6-3 with a 3.50 era and averaging 5.1 innings per outing. This year his era is down to 2.98 averaging 5.8 innings per outing. The third spot in the rotation has changed quite a bit this year, but recently it has been Sam Smith. His freshman year in 9 starts he had an era of 5.80 and pitched an average of 2.7 innings. This year his era is down to 3.49 while averaging about 4.5 innings per appearance.