Vanderbilt is an Elite 8 Team

Vandy could make the elite 8.

They could also be back in Nashville for the weekend as well.

They are due to win a tourney game, that may be it tho.
I doubt it. No excuse for making it an issue and no you probably are not older than I.

You again need not troll because your effort is very lame and you are just a stirrer of Crap. Hidden agenda.

as far as the post, it is a lame excuse of your stupidity. I am not concerned on a Tennessee site about Vanderbilt.

You are like the typical Vandy fan all talk and no walk, craving to be a Tennessee Vol but knowing that you will never get there.

Hence, you will try to fool yourself calling yourself a Wise Ole Vol when the it should be A Vandy Fan waiting on Glory or A Vandy Fan wanting the approval of Big Brother.

It ain't going to happen. Vandy maybe an Elite 8 team but they need to do it on the court an not on Rivals Forums. No purpose....Plus quit hiding behind a screen name. LOL...A wise vol would just STFU and talk about it after it happen as a Vandy Fan and not as a pretending Vol Fan.

Be careful with Harvard Vandy has a good team...Its their sorry ass fans like that makes any discussion about this team not worth discussing.

Wise -- NO Old ---- Doubt it VoL --- No not at all.

I doubt you have ever bleed orange.

Troll --- highly likely---Intelligent---not likely---Fly in the ointment ---Absolutely.

Bold Statement before Seeding turned to less likely now that it is out....

Ha! You take yourself pretty seriously.

All pretty dumb stuff. And wrong across the board.

Ask John Calipari if Vandy is an Elite 8 team.

I think you are probably smart enough to understand the point of the thread last week, but too stubborn or too myopic to see the relevance to UT bball, thus all your inane ranting about my credibility and sincerity and the proper parameters of the several Fora here (who made you the AD?).

The subject related to (i) UT's recent accomplishment of beating them, thus improving UT's chances of being mentioned by the talking heads and bracketologits all week as a possible at-large...which is exactly what happened for the first time all year, and (ii) to bolster our chances of actually being an at-large lock if indeed we beat them on this past Saturday, which of course didn't happen, but my effort was there.

Apparently you are one of the knee-jerk Vol fans who can't give credit to other teams, including rivals, when credit is due. In the end yesterday, Vandy's experienced players (I showed you their classes and average MPG) were cooler and more confident under pressure than UK's.

Regarding Vandy's draw in the NCAA, if they can beat UK, who's a lock to beat them from among their first 3 opponents? No one.

Ha! You take yourself pretty seriously.

All pretty dumb stuff. And wrong across the board.

Ask John Calipari if Vandy is an Elite 8 team.

I think you are probably smart enough to understand the point of the thread last week, but too stubborn or too myopic to see the relevance to UT bball, thus all your inane ranting about my credibility and sincerity and the proper parameters of the several Fora here (who made you the AD?).

The subject related to (i) UT's recent accomplishment of beating them, thus improving UT's chances of being mentioned by the talking heads and bracketologits all week as a possible at-large...which is exactly what happened for the first time all year, and (ii) to bolster our chances of actually being an at-large lock if indeed we beat them on this past Saturday, which of course didn't happen, but my effort was there.

Apparently you are one of the knee-jerk Vol fans who can't give credit to other teams, including rivals, when credit is due. In the end yesterday, Vandy's experienced players (I showed you their classes and average MPG) were cooler and more confident under pressure than UK's.

Regarding Vandy's draw in the NCAA, if they can beat UK, who's a lock to beat them from among their first 3 opponents? No one.

You are really full of yourself aren't you. LOL.

Never stated that Vandy is not capable of being an elite 8 team. The seeding is always a factor. Coaching another. History and mentality plays into this also. For the reasons listed above there are plenty of Elite 8 teams. Right now you think Vandy is there. I don't think so. Let the dice fall.

John Calipari stated Tennessee was a tournament team but did not hear him state that Vandy was an elite 8. Drinking that Vandy aide again. You carry the typical Vandy Fan approach that most fans of them do ---- Win the big game and your world champs.

Their KY win was good well played and not to be taken lightly but not a validation as an elite 8 squad. Time will tell and just got tired of your obnoxious behavior for posting this thread twice in the VOLS Basketball Forum and NOT here where it belongs. I could care less about Vandy and the NCAA tournament or status.

I did not question your creditability. However, I did question your judgment, loyalty, and intelligence to the Vols because you chose to post twice the same thread in the wrong Forum. When you knew better and a true fan would not do that. It was just for harrassment and immature. Something I would expect of a Vanderbilt Fan but not a Vol Fan.

So yes I did call you a troll, A Vandy Fan, a disloyal Vol Fan, a crap stirrer and a dumb A$$ for doing it. I think it was immature trying to pick a fight, uncalled for, and stupid. You did it anyway. A little self promotion the 2nd time. Uncalled for. So what you made the same statement twice in one week and we don't even know if it will happen.

Although Vandy did beat KY you have not proven that they are Elite 8. History states otherwise gone first round last three years in a row.

Hey KY is a final 4 team. Not a jelly. Vandy beat KY. I don't need the stats to know that. Do you want a pat on the back for recognizing that they have good experience players. We don't need to know this, especially in the the Vols Basketball forum. Are You trying to prove a point you know about basketball teams or just Vandy.

You opened up with this thread 2nd time taunting by stating told you so....It has not been proven yet.
Nobody made me the AD. Just quit being childish by posting threads in forums they do not belong. You did it for attention and nothing else. Grow up.

I don't like Vandy a bunch of Arrogant fans. Coaches are worse. They have an attitude that they are better than anybody else when they don't have the ability to back it up. Talking down to people. They all have short men complexes or maybe it just little brother mentality.

You act like a Vandy Fan....shoe fits and you are not a wiseolvol even if Vandy does make it to the elite 8.
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Vandy lives and dies by the 3 pointers of Jenkins - he better make 65% of them or they will lose.

Jenkins will score his points. Taylor is the x factor. If he plays aggressive like he did Sunday they are tough. He reminds me so much of Hopson. Festus also played Davis like he killed his dog. Vandy played their best game of the year aginst KY.
This is what I like about Vol Nation. The Mods are wise. You have now been regulated to Forum of little significance when posting about UT Vols Athletics. It is a place where threads like these can die or just fade away.

It is a place that is kinda of like a kill zone for wayward Vols and topics that have no significance. It is a place I and others have to want to come see what a troll or opposing fan has to say about his team without looking or seeing it come up in any UT Forum Search or Anything related to the Volunteers.

It's where you can feel comfortable about posting your trash talk and boosting about your ability and your team. By moving to this forum it did not fill the purposeful forums of Volnation with crap and used any space in the important Vol forums with self righteous statements and self promotion.

It is great from the aspect that as a Vol Fan I can peer into this forum if I want to and see posters that have no clue like you make unproven statements and make A$$es of themselves. I don't have to see it where in the purposeful forums of this site. Now I look into this Forum and see thread like these and say WiseOLVol is tooting his horn again about Vandy and laugh.

Upon a closer review of this Forum, I can easily see the meaning threads posted and read those verses the threads that may or may not have a positve spin or affect on Vol Athletics.

Welcome to the Forum of irrelevance when it comes to Volunteer Football, Basketball, Baseball, the Lady Vols and all other things Volunteer.

It is a "No spin" zone and a "kill zone". This thread is now in the "Dead Zone" where it belongs. As a choice it gives me and others a chance to taunt you as the opportunities arise by our choice. Mission Accomplished. The thread is where it needs to be so talk all you want. But not in the Main House of Forums that are All Volunteer.

Have fun dwelling in the gutter.
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Jenkins will score his points. Taylor is the x factor. If he plays aggressive like he did Sunday they are tough. He reminds me so much of Hopson. Festus also played Davis like he killed his dog. Vandy played their best game of the year aginst KY.

Taylor, one of the best defensive players in the country, reminds you of Hopson?
Just filled out my brackets and picked Harvard to beat Vandy
They shoulda gone to the NIT. Might have made the Elite 8 there
These threads always come back to bite. Not too wise counting on Baldie for some good coaching.

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