Vandy WR coach responds to Butch Jones

"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

Have fun with this.

Hey James Franklin not many teams can go 30 years and win a total of 9 games. We went 10 years during that span and didn't lose 9 games total. So with wins per graduated student we still whip your ARSE!

Go Vols! Stupid Vandy people!!!


Maybe most Vandy fans actually matriculated at Vandy, or at least can find Vandy on a map.........afro boy.

I'm not sure I understand your arguing on Vandy's behalf. You realize Georgie's fan base is much, much more similar to UT's than Vandy's, right?

Vandy had one good season and they want to act like they are on the same level as UT. I don't mind the smack talk, it's good for the rivalry. But Vandy hasn't proven it on the field, they had an easy schedule this year and it helped that Auburn and UT were way down.

Franklin is a good recruiter but can he coach? If so, I imagine he'll find a better job. If not, it will be a lot of fun watching them lose after this big build up.
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I think it is obvious what their coaches are doing....

They are Tennessee's little brother and they know it

They have to stir something up if they want for this to change. The coaches from Vandy are going to take every shot at Tennessee they can. If they don't then they will always be second to every in state recruit.

By getting any reaction from Tennessee fans this helps them
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I think it is obvious what their coaches are doing....

They are Tennessee's little brother and they know it

They have to stir something up if they want for this to change. The coaches from Vandy are going to take every shot at Tennessee they can. If they don't then they will always be second to every in state recruit.

By getting any reaction from Tennessee fans this helps them

Agreed. That's why it's not surprising to me at all.
....I love how football coaches sit around and brag about graduation if fans are buying tickets and tuning into football games for the academics. That is great for the players, and wish them the best, but ESPN isn't airing live test taking events.... Nor would anyone want to watch. The NFL isn't drafting players based on their academics. It's like saying, "Tiger Woods may be the best golfer alive but how good of a linebacker is he?" who
cares?!... Vanderbilt had great graduation
rates well before Franklin and his self entitled crew showed up. This is college FOOTBALL... ESPN isn't showing replays of your test taking skills and the NFL doesn't give a f#%^.
Well said Chewie


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They're 1-1 in the Franklin era. From what I saw in the orange and white game it's probably going to be 2-1 after this year! Unless these freshman recievers the Vols have coming in can play like seniors......well u get the idea.

What were you doing at the O and W game? Was it too lonely being surrounded by empty seats at the B and G game?
I think it is obvious what their coaches are doing....

They are Tennessee's little brother and they know it

They have to stir something up if they want for this to change. The coaches from Vandy are going to take every shot at Tennessee they can. If they don't then they will always be second to every in state recruit.

By getting any reaction from Tennessee fans this helps them

I think this kind of childish pot shot has already been proven not to work. Vandy will always be second or worse in the state.
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No way in HELL there was 28000 at the penn state blue and white game.. no way!!!

Well, there weren't 61K at UT's game and there weren't as many people at Bama's game as was announced. Not sure of the point?
My point is they were wrong about penn state, now I cant tell you what bama had or what we had, didnt get to see the game, nor was I there..

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