Verbal Abuse In Sports-j.j. Redick



Senior Member
Jan 22, 2005
I'm watching a special on ESPN right now thats talking about how the fan abuse this guy...whether your a Dukie or not the kids got class and those idiotic ACC fans chant God awful things at theres ALOT of players I dont like but I would never verbally abuse ones the way the ACC schools do J.J. one of the signs a maryland fan held up was how they had sex with his 12 year old sister and during a free throw last year at maryland they chanted "F U J.J." What is yall's opinion on this? Does this go on in football too? I know I hate alabama and florida horribly but I would never abuse one of their players id chant something like you stink but i dont think I would ever cuss a player out just for playing football for a team I didnt like.
Yeah there has to be rules about the extent people can say about the players on the court. They should start removing people from the games when this stuff happens.
I agree. You can certainly go too far.

We all spend so much time talking about how atheletes are supposed to be role models. Their actions are scrutinized in the paper, on the news, and on campus. We blame them for making childish mistakes or poor decisions, citing their influence on children and the reputation of the university.

But, look how we act! (Using "we" as fans in general). We cuss each other and the players, hold up (and post) tasteless signs, throw things onto the field or onto the opposing fans, start fights. . . . .the list could go on forever. Look at the infamous NBA fiasco, for example. This was an extreme case, but small-scale incidents happen every week, at every game.

My point -- just as players have to be accountable, we should, too. When we put on our school colors, remember that we are a part of the team, as well.
I think it is really awful when fans treat a player in the manner you described. Of course I think J J just has to rationalize and remember that he is being treated that way because of his level of play. No excuse for that reflects on the individual and the university. Leaves a very bad impression in one's mind and because we do not know the individual, viewers come away with thoughts and opinions about the school.
Another note....about J. J. He comes from Roanoke, Virginia and coincidentally I was just talking to a guy who coached against Reddick...he said the kid really came into his own at age age 11, 13, and 13 he looked just like an average kid...reports that he is a class guy who is bright intellectually as well as talented....guess those Maryland fans are neither of those!!!
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 12, 2005 11:48 AM
I'm watching a special on ESPN right now thats talking about how the fan abuse this guy...whether your a Dukie or not the kids got class and those idiotic ACC fans chant God awful things at theres ALOT of players I dont like but I would never verbally abuse ones the way the ACC schools do J.J. one of the signs a maryland fan held up was how they had sex with his 12 year old sister and during a free throw last year at maryland they chanted "F U J.J." What is yall's opinion on this? Does this go on in football too? I know I hate alabama and florida horribly but I would never abuse one of their players id chant something like you stink but i dont think I would ever cuss a player out just for playing football for a team I didnt like.

Have you heard the things the Cameron Crazies say to the opposing team?

This is getting back what his fans dish out, if people have a problem with it then they should tell their own Duke fans to stop with the assaults as well.
oh yeah i was just fixin to post that.....I watch nearly every duke game that comes on TV the Crazies are pretty bad......I like Duke but thats still no reason for some of the stuff they do......apparently from what im hearing Maryland is by far the worst....the Crazies do alot of funny and annoying stuff......but when you cuss a player out or start talking sexually about his 12 year old sister thats the line.......ive seen Duke do some bad things too but they toned it down a bit over the years....the funniest ive seen this year was "Sean May eat my 6- year old" and the other was after McCants made his comments when he compared playing b-ball at N.Carolina to being in prison.....alot of Crazies came in with soap on a rope........Im right there with the Crazies in terms of rooting for my Vols its ok if it doesnt cross that line......I have no problem with fans being annoying or funny but picking on a kid that works hard (J.J. ran all offseason so he could lose weight and his legs would hold up in March) as much as I hate someone like Chris Leak or Spurrier......ive never and will never say something about a member of their family (outside of that terrible QB C.J. lol).....Theres a line we as fans cross way too often and alot of players get grief for being a good player but we should at least respect the fact that they are human beings that just happen to play in front of anywhere from 10,000 to 108,000 crazy americans
Its part of the game....and always will be....when you have two teams competing at high levels and they goto one place to play or another you are going to have that.....Its just I say do it when the game is going know that when Florida comes to Knoxville we give them hell....but leave it in the stadium or court.....when it leaves either place is when it becomes a problem.....just my two cents....
A lot of the time when a particular fan is really on a player it is because of jealousy or a resentment of the player's ability. I've always thought that the best way to really razz a player is to be very creative with your statements and signs and show some humor and poise with your razzing. The wrong way to go about it is to be crude, distasteful, vulgar, or classless.
I believe that the best thing I seen in college football this year that was classy and humorous was at the Peach Bowl when the Miami fan was holding up the sign that said "Hey Florida, your one national championship is cute!!!!" but chanting #(&$(&(#$& you J.J. is a little uncalled for.....That is classless....Course then again.....Does anyone remember a couple of years ago when the Dukies was chanting things towards the Maryland players such as "NOT A RIVAL!!!!!" and things much worse than that? Some of it is instigated but that still don't make it right
The stuff said about the sister is bad, but I don't feel sorry J.J. All of the good players have a target on them. If they can't handle it then maybe they shouldn't be out there playing. There are always going to be fans saying certain things that shouldn't's just part of the game.
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Feb 12, 2005 4:13 PM
I believe that the best thing I seen in college football this year that was classy and humorous was at the Peach Bowl when the Miami fan was holding up the sign that said "Hey Florida, your one national championship is cute!!!!" but chanting #(&$(&(#$& you J.J. is a little uncalled for.....That is classless....Course then again.....Does anyone remember a couple of years ago when the Dukies was chanting things towards the Maryland players such as "NOT A RIVAL!!!!!" and things much worse than that? Some of it is instigated but that still don't make it right

Last year when they hosted UNC, after the game the crazies started the "rock chalk Jayhawk" chants for Roy Williams. Some of the stuff they do is pretty neat, like what you said with Maryland chanting "NOT A RIVAL!" I just like it cause I'm a UNC fan and was sick of people saying that Duke-Maryland is now the big rivalry(we had a few bad years, tht's it.)

As for Maryland fans, someone mentioned it and I think it's right. Watch tonight at 9 PM, they host Duke and it's gonna be insane. They used to wear "f*** Duke" T-shirts to the games even, I believe that was banned now but they still go all out.

SEC football, and ACC basketball...can't beat the atmosphere.
Roy Williams was on PTI the other day and Kornheiser asked him if he hates the crazies, Roy says "I don't mind them except this one time about 15 years ago. We were walking to the locker room at halftime and I got hit with a grapefruit that one of the fans threw. It upset me a bit that it ruined my suit that I had on, but I was mostly upset because I knew they were aiming for Dean Smith and was just a bad shot."
Let's be a little objective here.....UT fans dont exactly say the nicest things to opposing football teams/players.
I know we get loud and all, but I haven't seen or heard a whole lot of really bad stuff for awhile.

I usually brag to my friends up here in Virginia that U.T. fans are pretty decent when it comes to this type of thing.
I am not bashing our school but lord have I heard some things said....and even thrown during the UF game several years back
The best was last Saturday, OSU-Michigan basketball game in Columbus. Ohio State was up 70-46 with less than a minute to go, and the fans started chanting "JUST LIKE FOOTBALL!!!"

I loved it just for the rivalry between the 2 schools, great moment(especially cause I cant stand Michigan.)
Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@Feb 13, 2005 2:19 PM
I loved it just for the rivalry between the 2 schools, great moment(especially cause I cant stand Michigan.)

*high five* I can't stand them either. I cheer every time Michigan loses. It's the one school I can't stand.
Originally posted by milohimself+Feb 13, 2005 5:25 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (milohimself @ Feb 13, 2005 5:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-GoVolsDogg@Feb 13, 2005 2:19 PM
I loved it just for the rivalry between the 2 schools, great moment(especially cause I cant stand Michigan.)

*high five* I can&#39;t stand them either. I cheer every time Michigan loses. It&#39;s the one school I can&#39;t stand. [/quote]
I hear that, I have a lot of schools that I don&#39;t like, but Michigan is way up high on the list.
Well I didn&#39;t like them as a Buckeye fan, but after that Affirmative Action crap a few years ago, they rocketed themselves way ahead any other universities. I really don&#39;t have that many universities I dislike...

Texas Tech, Alabama, Michigan and Florida and Miami to a lesser extent. Some of my good friends are Cane fans.
talking and heckling is never gonna go away.... lets talk all we want, but we try to throw things and get into the game, like what happened in detroit. we are asking for it. these guys are finely tuned athletes and we are punks compared to them. but we do pay for all the **** they have so talk,talk, yell, heckle. all that stuff is cool. racism is pushing it though.
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 13, 2005 7:54 PM
Well I didn&#39;t like them as a Buckeye fan, but after that Affirmative Action crap a few years ago, they rocketed themselves way ahead any other universities. I really don&#39;t have that many universities I dislike...

Texas Tech, Alabama, Michigan and Florida and Miami to a lesser extent. Some of my good friends are Cane fans.

I have quite a few schools up there. Other than Michigan, Florida, Alabama, Wisconsin, Purdue, USC, the entire Big 12, Miami, NC State, I would hate Duke but their football team sucks, theres probably more up there also.
Hm, can&#39;t agree with you on the Purdue thing. My sister was a Boilermaker, not to mention West Lafayette is the only place in Indiana other than Indianapolis I can stand.

But you gotta let some things go, dude. Too much hate there. Love the Big Orange, hate Bammers and Gators and let everybody else be.
I don&#39;t really hate any team. I just root aginst all the teams ahead of Tennessee, which is really no one.
Originally posted by vols2345@Feb 13, 2005 6:21 PM
I don&#39;t really hate any team. I just root aginst all the teams ahead of Tennessee, which is really no one.

I&#39;m guessing you&#39;ll be begging a Pac-10 team to pull USC out of the number one spot?

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