Very interesting ideas by Lincoln Davis

All for it. However, divorce is not an option for me anyway. I would have to be granted an annulment from the bishopric.
The comment about child abuse is spot on. The rest of his comments are indicative of why that district should have its congressional seat taken away. First, they elect a mental deficient like Van Hilleary. Now, they've followed him up with this clueless rube. As someone who grew up in that district, it's embarassing to admit that Jim Cooper's first stint in the House was the best representative that district has sent to the Hill in 20+ years.
I would love to see all US governing bodies do away with marriage completely. Leave it up to religious institutions to marry people and to disavow marriages as they see fit.
(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
I would love to see all US governing bodies do away with marriage completely. Leave it up to religious institutions to marry people and to disavow marriages as they see fit.
I've finally found something you and I agree on completely.
(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
I would love to see all US governing bodies do away with marriage completely. Leave it up to religious institutions to marry people and to disavow marriages as they see fit.
Word up.
(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
I would love to see all US governing bodies do away with marriage completely. Leave it up to religious institutions to marry people and to disavow marriages as they see fit.

Ahhh, but the rub is this...if the govt did such, they'd have a very tough time with our taxes. You know, the law that states unmarrieds will pay more than the marrieds.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 20 said:
The comment about child abuse is spot on. The rest of his comments are indicative of why that district should have its congressional seat taken away. First, they elect a mental deficient like Van Hilleary. Now, they've followed him up with this clueless rube. As someone who grew up in that district, it's embarassing to admit that Jim Cooper's first stint in the House was the best representative that district has sent to the Hill in 20+ years.

In general these days, the folks who would make really solid community leaders rarely run for anything higher than president of the Kiwanis Club.
It no longer makes sense for the successful, and the truly forward thinking, to subject themselves to the level of scrutiny that exists today.
What is worse for our society?? Legalizing gay marriage divorce between a man and a woman. Gays are just unatural. Not to say that divorce and abuse are, but come on.
Please tell me that the fact that child and spousal abuse are more detrimental to society than the private conduct of consenting adults isn't open for serious debate.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 20 said:
Please tell me that the fact that child and spousal abuse are more detrimental to society than the private conduct of consenting adults isn't open for serious debate.

I am definitely with you on this one, Hat.
(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
Well, the government should probably get rid of the Federal Income Tax too.

NOW you are speaking my language!
(hatvol96 @ Jul 20 said:
Please tell me that the fact that child and spousal abuse are more detrimental to society than the private conduct of consenting adults isn't open for serious debate.

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
Well, you must be from Boston.

You should read through most of my posts, Smoke Em. It would not be a stretch to say that I am one of the most conservative members that posts in this forum. Physically abusing other people is and always will be more detrimental to society than for two consenting persons to do whatever they want with each other.

You should also note, that I am not in any way an advocate of Gay Marriage. Of course, I am not an advocate of the government recognizing any marriages.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
Have you ever heard of a man named Jesus???

I never knew Jesus advocated child abuse and divorce...The Jesus you worship must be wholly different than the one I worship.
Nothing good has ever come from Fentress County other than Alvin C. York, please disregard everything Lincoln Davis says.

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