Very interesting ideas by Lincoln Davis

(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
Unfortunately, it is so-called Christians like you that make some people lump all Christians into one extremist sect. You should move to Topeka.

And join this Church.
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates their sin. I am certainly not for divorce and abuse, but gay marriage is just plain immoral. I guess you guys would be willing to legalize beastiality and couples from UTAH. You know about poligamy don't you?? Its people like you that are supporting the moral decline of our country.
How does gay marriage impose a moral decline on the country? How? No one ever says how. Do a bunch of gays gather everynight, and.... well, nevermind.
(tidwell @ Jul 20 said:
How does gay marriage impose a moral decline on the country? How? No one ever says how. Do a bunch of gays gather everynight, and.... well, nevermind.
Are you serious?? If you open the door for gay marriage, then you open the door for evrything else. Maybe you should for a democratic seat.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates their sin. I am certainly not for divorce and abuse, but gay marriage is just plain immoral. I guess you guys would be willing to legalize beastiality and couples from UTAH. You know about poligamy don't you?? Its people like you that are supporting the moral decline of our country.

I'm in complete agreement that God hates all sin, but carrying that logic further, there can be no "but" to your statement. There are no degrees of immorality.
Seriously, who am I or you or anyone else to decide who wants to get married? Is it really that big of a deal to you if two people (yes, draw the line at people) want to be together?

I'm with whoever (hatvol and therealUT, I believe) said that spousal and child abuse is a much bigger deal than gay marriage.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
Are you serious?? If you open the door for gay marriage, then you open the door for evrything else. Maybe you should for a democratic seat.
Isn't that the same logic people used to perpetuate slavery and the denial of voting rights to women and blacks? If we had kept all the doors closed, we wouldn't have become the beacon of freedom we are.
(tidwell @ Jul 20 said:
Nothing good has ever come from Fentress County other than Alvin C. York, please disregard everything Lincoln Davis says.
Easy now brother...our own Oklavol is from that area, he's a good un.
(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
You should read through most of my posts, Smoke Em. It would not be a stretch to say that I am one of the most conservative members that posts in this forum. Physically abusing other people is and always will be more detrimental to society than for two consenting persons to do whatever they want with each other.

You should also note, that I am not in any way an advocate of Gay Marriage. Of course, I am not an advocate of the government recognizing any marriages.

Here's the deal. Our senators and representatives are debating gay marriage under the auspices of protecting marriage. If that is in fact their goal, then the divorce, adultery and abuse issues are certainly a much more serious threat against marriage than gays. If on the other hand the issue is to abolish gay marriage because in fact, these men and women just don't agree with gay marriage, then they don't have the freaking guts to just be honest about it. they are pandering to a part of their voters that are strongly anti-gay. Personally I could care less if someone is gay as long as they don't try to force their gay philosophies down my throat. Consequently I could care less if someone is a snake handling fundamentalist Christian as long as they don't try to shove their personal religious beliefs down my throat either. I think both groups are wrong as I have been given the right by our constitution to believe they are wrong. But this debate in Congress is so much crap at the moment because we have a TON of larger fish to fry.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates their sin. I am certainly not for divorce and abuse, but gay marriage is just plain immoral. I guess you guys would be willing to legalize beastiality and couples from UTAH. You know about poligamy don't you?? Its people like you that are supporting the moral decline of our country.

Polygamy is not spelled with an "i".. If you're going to preach about it, at least spell it right. My theory is, if you can't spell it, you most likely don't know much about it in the first place.

You also might want to get that hate problem looked at, it's not very Christian like.....or maybe it is..
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 20 said:
Polygamy is not spelled with an "i".. If you're going to preach about it, at least spell it right. My theory is, if you can't spell it, you most likely don't know much about it in the first place.

You also might want to get that hate problem looked at, it's not very Christian like.....or maybe it is..
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 20 said:
Polygamy is not spelled with an "i".. If you're going to preach about it, at least spell it right. My theory is, if you can't spell it, you most likely don't know much about it in the first place.

You also might want to get that hate problem looked at, it's not very Christian like.....or maybe it is..
How long did it take you to find that in the dictionary? Sorry, I'm not perfect. Anyway, this is getting out of control. You have your opinion and I have mine. I respect that. I don't want enemies.
While I found some interesting stuff in there, I read some of it differently. The last paragraph showed his true colors.

As a Dem would he not consider a felony for adultery to be legislating morality?

Cut gas prices in half but no mention of lowering the $.50 tax on it to help.

How do we pay for his veiled reference to socialized healthcare?

And won't 11 million "new" citizens making $7.25 an hour create a few small problems w/ the economy?

That's why the Dems are struggling so bad. They claim to have all these great ideas for reform but never actually lay out a plan. If it's a good one maybe someone will listen. They are just banking on the GOP to implode. Kinda like becoming VP just on the hope the Pres gets offed. Not a solid plan.

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates their sin. I am certainly not for divorce and abuse, but gay marriage is just plain immoral. I guess you guys would be willing to legalize beastiality and couples from UTAH. You know about poligamy don't you?? Its people like you that are supporting the moral decline of our country.

Yet, you have less of a problem with someone physically harming another person or with someone breaking a covenant they make with God? You should really examine your beliefs and you will most likely find that they are less Christian than you believe and more so taken from verses that preachers throughout your life have taken out of context to advance their agenda.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
Well, you must be from Boston.
Because he thinks that child abuse might possibly worse than gay marriage... Where the hell am I? Midland, Texas?

(therealUT @ Jul 20 said:
Unfortunately, it is so-called Christians like you that make some people lump all Christians into one extremist sect. You should move to Topeka.

And join this Church.

(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
God doesn't hate gay people. He hates their sin. I am certainly not for divorce and abuse, but gay marriage is just plain immoral. I guess you guys would be willing to legalize beastiality and couples from UTAH. You know about poligamy don't you?? Its people like you that are supporting the moral decline of our country.
My opinion on gay marriage in general... As far as actual marriage goes, it's an institution of the church and the church's business is its own and none of any governments' within the US. If somebody wants to marry two gays, then its their own deal. Take it up with the church, don't expect the US government to rule in an area they're not even supposed to govern to begin with. I know it does raise the question "What about taxes?" If a man and a woman can get tax breaks for being married, then why not any two people? It's discrimination based on sexual preference, period. A gay man will never be able to get the same marriage tax breaks because of his sexual preference. I think that's wrong.

Then again, I also agree with TheRealUT and whoever else said we need to do away with income taxes altogether. But I just would like to see a level playing field here if those taxes are going to be incorporated.

I have other opinions on the issue, but none that I will bring up... Gay marriage is just one of those topics, when somebody makes up their mind 99.99999% of the time that opinion is cast in stone.
All I've seen on this topic is bad-mouthing between conservatives and liberals. I am neither democrat nor republican, and in my opinion, the fact that our government has political parties in the first place is the problem. Not only that, but the views of each group have flip-flopped so many times, I have a difficult time distinguishing between the two. It seems that when candidates running for office claim to be running under either democrat or republican, they also gradually change their opinions on important issues to mimic the opinions of their constituency, thereby gaining a seat in the capitol. With this gradual shift comes the flip-flopping that I mentioned earlier.

Our government should be concerned with providing and protecting America's liberties and freedoms, not with how many more votes they need to keep their job for the next six years.

(dan4vols @ Jul 20 said:
Easy now brother...our own Oklavol is from that area, he's a good un.

I stand corrected. Two good things come from Fentress County.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 20 said:
How long did it take you to find that in the dictionary? Sorry, I'm not perfect. Anyway, this is getting out of control. You have your opinion and I have mine. I respect that. I don't want enemies.

I didn't need a dictionary to spell polygamy, I have HBO.
(milohimself @ Jul 20 said:

Most disturbing television programming ever.

Are you serious? Almost everything they do is genius, plus you don't have to watch commercials.. :rock:
(CrystalEHS07 @ Jul 20 said:
I am neither democrat nor republican

Give it time. Typically the conversion to the GOP occurs the first time you write a check to the IRS.
(GAVol @ Jul 20 said:
Give it time. Typically the conversion to the GOP occurs the first time you write a check to the IRS.

Only if you're dumb enough to write them a check at all... :matrix:
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 20 said:
Are you serious? Almost everything they do is genius, plus you don't have to watch commercials.. :rock:
I meant the late night stuff.

(GAVol @ Jul 20 said:
Give it time. Typically the conversion to the GOP occurs the first time you write a check to the IRS.
Not always. I still disagree on a majority of points with the Republican platform, and I've payed taxes.

(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 20 said:
Only if you're dumb enough to write them a check at all... :matrix:
You might want to go in hiding, I'm pretty sure you're now wanted by the federal government.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 20 said:
Only if you're dumb enough to write them a check at all... :matrix:

If you're not writing a check . . . you're not doing it right.

Unless you can convince somebody to pay cash for your Operatic services. :D

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