Video: Peyton Manning with the coaching staff

Has anyone else heard that Peyton Manning is a d!ck to fans? I've never met him, but I heard that from a fan recently and it was upsetting to say the least. Hope this isn't true.

Well, tell you something I read a few years ago that might help you out here. I read that when with Colts,Peyton and some buddies went to a bar and was just talking casually to fans. Three fans came up for autographs and one guy mentioned how he'd love Peyton to sign a jersey. Peyton told him Kmart had Colts jerseys and to go buy one and he would sign it. The guys did that, came back, and Peyton was waiting for them to return before he left.

If True one of the greatest stories I've heard.
Has anyone else heard that Peyton Manning is a d!ck to fans? I've never met him, but I heard that from a fan recently and it was upsetting to say the least. Hope this isn't true.

Well, tell you something I read a few years ago that might help you out here. I read that when with Colts,Peyton and some buddies went to a bar and was just talking casually to fans. Three fans came up for autographs and one guy mentioned how he'd love Peyton to sign a jersey. Peyton told him Kmart had Colts jerseys and to go buy one and he would sign it. The guys did that, came back, and Peyton was waiting for them to return before he left.

I'm confused......did you just reply to your own question?
Not sure what Peyton is thinking for after football. Maybe he'll do TV or coaching or neither but if he decides to get into coaching I think he'd be a helluva coach. He knows the game inside & out.
I met Peyton and his father at the Birmingham TD club after Peyton's Senior year. He could not have been more gracious. He signed an autograph and took a picture with me. He wanted to know where I was from etc. Couldn't have been a more sincere genuine person. Met Steve S the same night he was jerk then and is a jerk now! Go vols! Thanks Peyton for everything! We're proud of him, not let's make him proud of us!
Has anyone else heard that Peyton Manning is a d!ck to fans? I've never met him, but I heard that from a fan recently and it was upsetting to say the least. Hope this isn't true.

Not true. Met him for the first time before a Jacksonville vs Indy game on Monday night. I was wearing a Tennessee hat and jacket that day. He got off of the team bus and came over to talk about the Vols without me going nuts. He was very nice, humble and would not accept one of my road beers from the tailgate. I know. Shocking.
I had a science class with him the summer he came to UT. He was meeting people at the door and greeting them like he had been there for years. This guy knows how to be in the spot light and carry himself. If he has been rude, I am sure it was on only a few occasions, and who knows the fan could have had it coming.
Has anyone else heard that Peyton Manning is a d!ck to fans? I've never met him, but I heard that from a fan recently and it was upsetting to say the least. Hope this isn't true.

Maybe it was a Gator fan. I might have been more upset if PM had been nice to him...
no reason we should not have a massive upset this season now... butch has peyton helping his coaches... no excuses now. it might be hard to beat florida, but peyton should easily be able to help us game plan and beat bama and georgia.

How in the world do you think Florida is anywhere near as good as Bama and UGA?
How in the world do you think Florida is anywhere near as good as Bama and UGA?

:lolabove: this guy. Peyton, Florida; put it together man.

And as for meeting Peyton, I never have; however, I went to New Orleans my senior year of high school, and we found our way to the Manning house, and were taking pictures in the front yard when Archie rolls up (we didn't think it was REALLY his house - we got our intel from a homeless guy wandering around Canal Street). He was definitely perterbed that we were there, but was gracious enough to humor us a little bit. If Archie can tolerate us bouncing around in his front yard, I'm sure Peyton knows how to be cordial to even the most obnoxious fans.

Pics or it didn't happen, right? We're talking 2001 here, so pictures still had to be developed, and there really is no telling where those pictures might be nowadays.

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