Vincent Yarbrough...

Has he called games before? I don’t recall ever seeing him call one...I was very impressed by him...seemed natural and not awkward at all just from a speaking stand point...and the knowledge he added about strategy and player development was top notch...again, I was very much impressed by him last night
Up until a couple of years ago, he was an assistant basketball coach at Marshall County HS in middle Tennessee. We played them twice a year and Vincent and I would always get together and talk Tennessee basketball.
His delivery takes a little getting used to, but an announcer has to be really bad for me to even take notice.

You Beth Mowins bad.
Her voice absolutely grates on my last nerve. I will watch a game on mute before I listen to her. She is by far the worst play by play announcer on TV
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He is a Cleveland Blue Raider and when he dies, on his deathbed, Vincent will receive total consciousness. So he has that goin' for him, which is nice.

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