VN Countdown to '07 Football!!

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4 days till NCAA Football 08'. For the guy asking about the PS3 version, I work at Blockbuster and we already got it in, so I'm pretty sure it will release on the 17th.

49 d 17 h 54 m
Hey guys, this is my first post but I've been keeping up with this site for almost a year now. I gotta say that I love it and it is by far the best vol site on the net. I decided to go ahead and register so i could put my 2 cents in to. Good job and can't wait till football season!
Hey guys, this is my first post but I've been keeping up with this site for almost a year now. I gotta say that I love it and it is by far the best vol site on the net. I decided to go ahead and register so i could put my 2 cents in to. Good job and can't wait till football season!

Welcome. Feel free to voice your opinion.:hi:
Thanks! I can't say to much about how well this site is set up though. I absolutely love it!:clap:

Ya its great. There is alot of very intelligent people on here. But theres also a few who don't have a clue what their talking about. But since you said you have been following this site for a year you probably already know that lol.
This site is set up very well, the best I've seen of any Vols site. You do have a wide range of intellects and walks of life...vocations and personalities. This sites' one weakness is it's own members abusing one another like a middle school posturing scene. It seems it not enough to be a Vols fan, you have to be correct all the time everyday or you draw criticisms like a snob fest in redneck city, like the above post. But since you said you've been following this site for a year you already know that lol.
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