VN Countdown to '07 Football!!

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im debating whether i should set my alarm clock for 10 oclock and watch Gameday and also catch some of the earlier games or just wake up naturally around 1 or 2 that way it wont seem like that long of a day... any suggestions?
I'm stoked cant wait until tomorrow, gettin up early to clean my house then my kids will have to deal with a mamma thats all about college football (they already know that)
im debating whether i should set my alarm clock for 10 oclock and watch Gameday and also catch some of the earlier games or just wake up naturally around 1 or 2 that way it wont seem like that long of a day... any suggestions?

get up early, watch gameday, grab a shower then out the door to wherever your watchin the game.
get up early, watch gameday, grab a shower then out the door to wherever your watchin the game.

yea but we're having some people over to our house to watch the game so im gonna be at home.. i think im gonna watch gameday, watch an early game or two, go hang out with a girl for a couple hours and then come back and take a shower.. it should be close to gametime then.. Go Vols
I teach 8th grade and I've held two mini pep rallies in the hall and the gym. I've also been reading the "I am Tennessee" post from the board to each class. I can't wait, but I am nervous too!
I teach 8th grade and I've held two mini pep rallies in the hall and the gym. I've also been reading the "I am Tennessee" post from the board to each class. I can't wait, but I am nervous too!

Oh how you remind me of my 7th grade teacher back in the day!!!! I love it! :)
I'll be up at 10:30am tomorrow morning, cracking open my first beer, ready to watch the circus that is Gameday!
Doesn't it just feel great to say that TOMMOROW is gameday. It's hard to believe we've made it through the summer.
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